The first talk

Through Hardships

I woke up the next morning all grouchy because it was early and I had to go to school. What always gets me going is that I will be able to see Kyungie Noona and Jinhyun hyung. We all went to high school together and decided that we would all go to the same university since we all sort of want to go into the same field or arts. The only class we had together was our dance class because that’s one thing all three of us would have in common. Although we would never pay attention much in class because we are too busy cracking jokes at each other, but when it came time to show the class what we got, us three always looked good together and we demolished the dance floor. We were the best on the whole class.

            The bell for class rang and we met Yoonkyung noona outside our class. She also went to our high school. She was more of the quiet one, but when it came to us being to loud or me and Jinhyun making ual jokes, she becomes our mother and smacks the out of us. We love her to death though. Yoonkyung takes more of the camera man and directing classes. So at least when we all come together, we can make a bomb video. Me with costumes, Jinhyun with choreo, Kyungie with editing and Yoonkyung with filming, we make a good dam team. And people wonder why we ace our projects.

            During lunch, we all sat together. I sat next to Jinhyun hyung while Kyungie and Yoonkyung Noona sat next to each other. This was our normal seating arrangement. Half way through the meal my phone goes off. It was a message from that Kim Taehyung guy who added me yesterday. I opened it and it said “Hi…it took me a while to figure out what to say to you. But first off, thank you for adding me ^.^” I replied back with a “You’re Welcome.” From there I thought the conversation was over, but he kept on talking. It sounded like he was flirting with me. Yoonkyung Noona finally realized why I was quiet and then she stood up and thwacked me in the head with her chopstick. “ OWWWW” I said. “Would you put your phone away, we are eating. You have enough time to do that after school.” I gave her a sad look and said okay. I put my phone away and we went on with our conversation on our summer plans with our performance coming up.

            Through out the whole day I just couldn’t stop talking to him. There was something about him that just made me feel special. I didn’t want to flat out tell him “I think you’re cute” because I don’t know what he will do or what he will say. So I kept it on the down low. I never even told Jinhyun them yet, and they are my best friends. It was really hard to keep it a secret. I just have to act normal and play it cool. Let’s hope that happens.

*Conversation with Kim Taehyun*

“Hi…it took me a while to figure out what to say to you. But first off, thank you for adding me ^.^”

“You’re welcome.”

“How is your day going? What are you doin?”

“My day is going alright, just finishing up lunch then having to go back to class.”

“Oh alright ;) I hope that you can message me back soon.”

“I’m sure I will ….. but wait, why did it take you a while to figure out what to say to me?”

“I was just nervous….because well….well….that’s not important right now. The important thing is that you messaged back and now I am smiling like crazy.”

“Awww that’s so sweet. I’ll make sure to message you after school ok?”

“Alright. Can’t wait ^.^ Don’t get too bored now”

“Hahahaha, I won’t. Ttyl”


I just don’t know what to do.

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