
Through Hardships

It has been about a week since me and Taehyung have been together and i have noticed some things about him. He has been up everyday really really late. I found out he gets himself drunk to the bone and smokes a lot. My first thought was that he was an alcoholic, but it came to my mind that he was probably hiding something and uses the alcohol and cigarettes to suppress his feelings. There was something wrong with him, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.  I tried not to let it bother me but it was hard because I knew that what he was doing to himself wasn’t healthy and I was wondering if I could do anything to stop it.

I went on with my day at school trying to focus but I just couldn’t. Jinhyun and Kyungie insisted that something was bothering me, which was true, but I told them it was nothing, just trying to make sure I learn this dance properly. I stayed quiet the whole class and I felt bad because I was sort of shutting them out all day. I just couldn’t help it, the facts of Taehyung were just bothering to the bone. What’s even worse was that during class I was called upon but I didn’t realize it for two minutes. I sort of blanked out. I finally came back to my senses when Kyungie Noona kicked me in the shin and I screamed out in pain only noticing that the whole class was staring at me. “Oh what are you all looking at?” I exclaimed. “It’s your turn to do you dance,” said our teacher as she gave me that “are you ok?” look. I let out a small giggle with a side smile and got up in front of the class to do my piece. Since it was an emotional song, I had no problem letting out all my feelings of what was going through my head. The whole class was astonished. Even Jinhyun and Kyungie were surprised because I never danced like that before. I eventually got an A on it, so that was good.

When school was coming to a close, Jinhyun came up to me to talk. “ Dongho, are you sure you’re ok?” he asked.

“no worries hyung, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“Well because you were quiet the whole day and during class you looked like you poured your soul out like you were feeling emotional about something.”

 took a look at my phone and saw no notifications and let out a sigh. “I just thought I would give it my all today and that’s all.” Jinhyun gave me a look like I was trying to hide something but ended up believing me.

“Well okay then I guess.”

I looked at my phone again and saw no message, so I began to worry because Taehyung always wasn’t busy when I got out of school. “Why do you keep checking your phone every two minutes?” Jinhyun asked.

“Just waiting for an email that’s all…” He gave me this weird look but I ignored it. “Hey hyung?”

“Yes Dongho?”

“Can you walk with me to work? I kind of don’t want to be walking alone today.”

“Uhh, yea sure.”

He walked with me the rest of the way to my job. When we arrived we said our goodbyes. “Dongho, I know something is up and right now it’s not my place to in. But you know I am here for you if you need anyone to talk to.” He said.

“Yes hyung, I know that. Thank you.” We hugged and then he went home.

            It was a very slow day at the store and I was getting extra worried because it had been two hours and still no reply from Taehyung. I messaged him “Oppa~ are you okay?” but I got nothing back. I went on with my selling duties after that. As I was closing up getting ready to leave I heard my phone go off. I whipped out my phone and looked at it, It was from Taehyung. I opened the message, but it didn’t sound like Taehyung oppa. It wasn’t him at all. It was from one of his group members. They call him Jin. He messaged me on Taehyungs profile, but it wasn’t a good thing at all.

*The message*

“Hi, my name is Jin. I am in the group Taehyung is in. I just wanted to message you to inform you that Taehyung had gotten into a car accident an hour ago and is now at the hospital recovering. The doctors said there was no major damages, it is all minor. He should but up and functioning tomorrow. I just thought I would let you know.” – Jin

“Oh my gosh! I hope he is okay. Thank you for telling me this~ Can you keep me updated if anything gets worse?”

“Will do buddy~”

I swear that just made me panic the whole night and I couldn’t sleep one bit. I lost a lot of sleep that night. I think I had a total of 3 hours of sleep that night, maybe less. Hearing about that accident just kept bothering me all night and all day at school. I couldn’t focus on anything. It got up to the point where I called in sick at the store just so I can go home to get my mind straight. So much was going on that I didn’t know what to do.

            Two days have passes and I still heard nothing from Jin or Taehyung. All I could do was wait for a response. I couldn’t help but be worried. Then all of a sudden my phone dinged. I looked at it and it was from Jin,

“I just wanted to inform you that Taehyung hasn’t woken up in two days. The doctors say he is still alive but he is in a small comma. We are all worried here but something told me to tell you and let you know. I will message you if anything gets worse or better.”

I just dropped my phone in shock and didn’t reply. The worriness went from 20 to 1,000 real quick. I didn’t know what to do. Help.

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