Finding the source

Through Hardships

It has been two days since i got the message about the accident Taehyung was in. I couldn't help but to just worry and hope that he is okay. I was getting ready for school when i heard my phone ring.
"Hi Pooh bear~" that's what he calls me. So i knew it was him. My first initial action was a huge sigh and me messaging back "Oh my gosh. You scared me!! Are you okay!?" He told me everything was fine and not to worry. He was alive and able to function and that's all that mattered. His back and leg hurt from the accident but he claimed to be okay. No matter what he said i knew he wasn't okay and he was just putting on that tough guy act.

He told me that he couldn't participate in the events and practices for the time being until the pain was gone. He insisted on doing everything but they forced him not to. All s left to do their daily things and Taehyung was left alone at home. He told me he brought a friend over and that they were going to drink again. I was trying to tell him that him drinking his what got him into this crash in the first place but what really got me off was finding out that the friend he is bringing over was the driver of that car.

Me and Taehyung got into a small little argument about all that but then eventually knocked out from being too drunk.  I Found out that his friend had copied his house key while he was in the hospital so he pretty much always broke in to Taehyungs dorm in the middle of the night just to with him. Could it get any worse? Of course. Since he never locks his phone, his friend decided to message me and that did not end that well.

*Conversation with his friend*

“I just came over tonight to apologize”

“And you have Taehyungs phone because?”

“Because I’m taking care of him. Poor little piece of is so sick. I’m helping a bro out. So scurry off on into your bed. Mind your own ing business. Okay? Do you understand?”

“No I don’t think I will do that.”

“ you are annoying. Are you as weak as your little boyfriend? Watch when we go hiking tomorrow, I’m going to his up.”

“I swear to god you better not ing hurt my boyfriend.”

“He use to be close with me. I’m getting tired of you people.”

“Well that’s life. Friends come and go.”

“I ing really hope he ing dies. Drops dead. I’m sick of him entirely. I’m tired of being his shadow.”

“So why are you there? Why are you always there?  Being a little baby when he locks you out.”

“He can do this. He can do that. You really think that accident was a mistake? Hahaha. Switched pain pills with allergy pills. Pour little alcohol in them.”

“Why would you do that? What the is wrong with you?”

“Because I don’t want some asian ruining things. I’m tired that everyone thinks he’s a god. I’m tired of it.”

And that conversation went on and on. I found out that his friend was trying to kill him and get rid of him because he never got the attention he use to have. He was being really selfish and wanting Taehyung gone so that he can gain the praise that Taehyung possesses.

            Me and his friend spent two hours arguing and fighting over what he is doing to Taehyung. He seems to be torturing him and trying his best to kill him. He would hit his back and crush his legs because he knew that those were the injured parts of his body. Eventually I ended up just being a little prick and shooting out smart remarks to irritate him and gross him out. This is what he said to me at the end. “ I got rid of his last ex, and I’m going to get rid of you. Give me two weeks and you will be gone.” Guarantee that conversation, that statement wasn’t true.

            When Taehyung woke up, I told him everything. He didn’t believe me at first but lucky for me I took screenshots of the conversation his friend and I had. Taehyung couldn’t believe that his friend would do something like that. Eventually Taehyung sent him home, but that didn’t stop him from doing everything he does. Taehyung still stayed up late and drank alcohol and smoked with his friend. He was just more aware. I started to realize that his friends he has outside his group was the reason why he is being like this. They were the source of all this nonsense Taehyung is doing. I really wanted to hit him, but after what his friend told me I wouldn’t have.

*Part of the conversation*

“I don’t know why you are doing this to him and to him.”

“God you’re so annoying. I just want to stab you right now. Stab you so much and make sure you’re dead. Then I’ll have my friend back.”

I didn’t know what to say, but that got Taehyung mad when I told him that. I just can’t believe that this friend was the first source of all the problems.

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