All goes wrong

Through Hardships

Each day I found myself being more flirtatious with Kookie, I just couldn’t help myself. He was so nice and sweet and always cared for me and made sure I was happy, unlike Taehyung who doesn’t really realize a lot of the stuff he does and how it hurts my heart. Kookie knew I had Taehyung as my boyfriend so he would always tell me “Oppa, I will wait for you because I know one day you two will break up and I will be here waiting.” My heart got filled with butterflies after being told that and I just couldn’t help but slowly fall for him. It was hard keeping things from Taehyung and I was hoping that he wouldn’t find out, until it all came into play.

                It all started one night when I was talking with Kookie and Taehyung (separately). Kookie was telling me that Taehyung and some others were getting the house together for a party but he never told me what kind of party. So me and him talked naturally until Taehyung messaged me with the most angriest tone ever. I was so lost in why he started acting like that all of a sudden.

“What’s wrong oppa?” I had asked him

“You think I am dumb? You think I wouldn’t find out?” He said back angrily.

What are you talking about?” Of course I had an idea of what he was talking about but I played dumb.

“YOU know EXACTLY what I am talking about Dongho.” I automatically knew he was furious because he only uses my name when he really is pissed off.

“Maybe I don’t. Why don’t you explain.” I said

“You two thought I was dumb huh? Thought I wouldn’t find out about you two talking and ?”

“No of course not..”

“So why? What does he have that I don’t?”

“Nothing, he just makes me feel better when ever you become a like this.”

“After tonight, he will learn to never touch something that is not his.”

“What are you going to do?”

“We are just going to teach him a little leason.”

After that Taehyung had went offline and then Jungkook had texted me saying he was scared because they were drinking and telling him to come out to fight. I just told him follow what they say or else worse can happen. This thing lasted almost two hours and then Taehyung came back telling me he wouldn’t bother me anymore. Jungkook had been knocked out.


                The next day it was back to normal with Taehyung. Acted like nothing has happened. I texted Jungkook to make sure he was ok, he was more than ok….because I finally got to see the real Jeon Jungkook.



“Why can’t you leave Taehyung for me? I mean I treat you a lot better and I would show you more love then he ever has?”

“I simply can’t just leave someone I am in love with.”

“So what, you never loved me?”

“I never sad I ever did. I just said I liked you.”

“Fine if you want to play it that way, then I will make sure you’re mine.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s time for payback, for everything he has done to me. Everyone praises him and I just watch him become king to them.”

“What exactly are you going to do?”

“Oh just hurt him. I mean, remember when he went to jail? Yeah that was my doing. I got him into trouble and I sent him away. But when that didn’t work I simply put something in his drink one night to make him sick and knock out. And you know how he woke up to his dog dead? Yeah that was me too. I wanted to show him the pain of having something taken from him and show him the sadness I went though. I use to have a huge crush on him, but he went to you. So what am I gonna do? I will take someone he loves away from him.”

“What is wrong with you!?! I thought you were nice and sweet and innocent.”

“I am, but I guess I have this hidden demon inside. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you’re boyfriend. But first, I want you to leave him and stop talking to him.”

“No! I can never do that…I will never go to you. You…You’re different. You lied.”

“Tough luck. I will get you and I will make sure he suffers. Now you have a good day Oppa. I have things to plan.”

And then he left. I was so scared, so I messaged Taehyung and I told him about it. Taehyung said that Jungkook had been in his room, but I warned him to just keep a look out. Taehyung had told me that he was going to go apologize to Junkook for what he did the night before but I had a bad feeling about this.

                It had been three hours and I heard from non of them. I have messaged Jin asking what was up and he just told me they have been in the room together, but before that Taehyung wasn’t looking too good. I had Jin go check up on them but what he told me scared me. He said the room looked like a hurricane went through it and there was blood all over the floor, but Taehyung was no where to be found.  I spammed Jungkooks phone and he messaged back crying. He said he didn’t know why he did it but he was filled with rage a jealousy. He had pulled out a knife and try to stab Taehyung but he dogged and it got his side. Jungkook said he didn’t want anyone to know so he put him in the closet knocked out for three hours while he sat there doing nothing. I told Jin to go into the closet and they found him. They quickly catered and waited until he woke up.

                When he woke up Taehyung told me he was alright but I knew he wasn’t. I told him I knew everything and he didn’t know what to say. I told him he needed to tell jungkook off and he said “Okay.” After 30 mintues he came back and said he couldn’t do it. He said Jungkook gave him that innocent look and then started rubbing his crotch. He had given him a and Taehyung just gave into him not able to do anything. I was so furious. He said everything was fine now but jungkook started laughing out of no where, then I never heard from Taehyung after that.

                Jin had told me that they had got into another fight and this time it was bad. Jungkook had grabbed a gun and pointed it at one of the members (J—Hope). Taehyung had stepped in front of the run and said “If you want to kill someone, kill me. I know you want to. Do us a favor and put me out of this misery. I would be happy either way.” Jungkook was about to pull the trigger when J-Hope jumped in front and the bullet had nipped his shoulder, saving Taehyungs life. As Taehyung was distracted, Jungkook had knocked him out and locked him into the bathroom. Soon Police had surrounded the building  but their door was locked. Jungkook had texted me he didn’t know what to do and it was his fault. He said he would just live up to it. He knew he was a monster hidden inside an innocent body. So he grabbed J-Hope and walked outside covered in his blood. The cops had talked to him and soon arrested him. Jin had ran back inside to find Taehyung covered in blood knocked out in the bathroom. Jin told me not to worry because he would take care of Taehyung until he is up and running again.

                He told me not to worry? How could I not worry? My boyfriend had almost died. I couldn’t sleep that night from all that drama that had happened these past two days. I was so over whelmed. It all went wrong. No one was suppose to get hurt. Although I was damn happy Jungkook got arrest for what he has done to Taehyung now and in the past. He was a demon trapped inside a young body. Apparently Jungkook was abused growing up by his father and he holds in all his anger. So he ended up taking it out on Taehyung. All I could do was hope for the best. I knew Taehyung would be strong, he always pushes through. It was myself I was most worried about because I didn’t know how to handle it. All I could do was sleep and just go on with my day.

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