A few weeks in

Through Hardships

The next day at the university, I couldn’t focus on anything. I didn’t even hang with Jinhyun them either. I kind of ignored them the whole day. I just wanted to be alone and not be bothered. All I could think about was Taehyungs friend and what he was doing to him. What made it even worse was that Taehyun had told me that when he woke up, he smelt like fish and his dog was dead. He asked me “Who would do this cruel thing?” and I told him only one person was in his place that could have done all that. I felt bad for him because that dog was his best friend and she kept him company. He had his own funeral for her and he cried for a while. I understood how he felt because I once had a dog I was close with pass away. Taehyung and his friend were just on my mind all day.

            I realized that every time he and I talk, he would be drunk or something. I knew he had a drinking problem but it still brought me into a bad mood. I have noticed that every time he is drunk he just shuns me and acts like I am no one. He becomes this jerk that I have never seen before but at the same time, he gets so emotional that he vents out all his feelings and breaks down to me. I had learned more about him. I realized why he always drank and did all of this. One night he told me something big. He said that a year ago his mother who he loved dearly had passed away, and that took a huge toll on him. He ed up on everything, was always getting drunk and always finding someone new to have with every night. He did all these things to cover up his heartbreak of his mother passing. I knew from the start that he became like this because of something that had happened.

            That evening when I had gotten home from work I received a message from Taehyung, but it actually wasn’t him. It was someone else messaging me on his account.

“Hello,” said the person “You’re Taehyungs boyfriend right?"

“Yes I am. And who are you?” I responded

“It’s me, Jin. The one who messaged you about the car accident.”

“Oh yes I remember you. Is anything wrong?”

“Yes there is. Taehyung was fine, then all of a sudden I came back to the dorm to get something and he became pail and he collapsed on the floor. He is crying for some reason.”

I had no words to say, I spend a few minutes trying to process on what was happening. “Do you know what may have caused it?” I asked.

‘’No, but I will stay here to take care of him. I really hate when he does this.”

“I am guessing he does this sort of thing all the time?”

“yes he does. It gets kind of old and sometimes we just want to give up on him.”

“Even if you do want to give up, we always have to try.”

“”I suppose you’re right. And I am guessing you know about his past right?”

“yes I do. About his mother”

“I always give him a hard time because he became someone he promised his mother he wouldn’t become. Taehyung was never like this. He was a good boy, always smiling. Never drank never did drugs. But like when his mother passed away, he just became this person we don’t even know anymore. He became a jerk and he treats all of us like crap. I miss the Taehyung I trained with and had gotten to know.”

“Well maybe…maybe I can help you guys. I mean I really do love him, with all my heart. I will do all I can for him, I promise.”

“Thank you Dongho. He is up now and wants to talk to you.”

After that conversation with Jin, it sort of went down hill with Taehyung. Me and him had gotten into a huge fight and we were cussing out each other and I cried so much. But the one thing that hurt the most is when he was telling me he wanted to kill himself. He said god is cruel for taking away his mother and leaving him with this heart break and that no one cares about him. He didn’t realize that he had me or all his other members to support him.

            After two hours or arguing and talking, I calmed him down and he apologized for the way he is. He told me that he has a temper problem and that it can go off anytime. A lot of people had left him after seeing that, but I said I will never leave no matter how much times I get hurt or how much times I am yelled at. For nights and days it was like this. Fight after fight, crying to each other, loving each other. There was this bond we had created and no matter, what nothing would break that bond because we couldn’t seem to have the heart to leave each other.

            All was going well until, I found out something else.

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