Friends for Life

Through Hardships

There is always something i forget to do haha. And telling you about my friends are one of those things. I mean, i know them more than you do and that's an obvious fact. Lemme start off with my self. My name is Choi Dongho. Im 19 years old, going 20 at the end of the year. I go to Korea Nation University of Arts. I graduated High School 2 years ago and now working my way up to be an actor or singer. I live by myself here in Seoul. I work two jobs as well as being a full time student. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays i work as a sales associate at a store here in korea. On Wednesdays and all day on the weekends i work as a server at a restaurant. I almost never have time for friends or even homework, but i always make time because im good at that. I'm a very lonely person but i try to keep busy so i can keep my mind off things. But since talking with Taehyung, i never felt lonely ever again and he made me feel like a happier person.

Moving onto my friends. We will start with the oldest. Lee Jinhyun. He is like my older brother. He has just turned 20 earlier at the start of this year. He is kind of my go to person when i need to talk to someone. We get each other thats why and understand the problems we have. Me and him have this bond that we can't really describe. We are always the one to crack all ual jokes and we actually do a lot of skinship, which is always nice. I use to have a huge crush on Jinhyun back in high school, lasted for quite a while. I got over it eventually and i moved on. We are now best of friends. He is majoring in dance here at the University but he is also taking english in hopes to study abroad in America atJulliard performing arts academy in New York city. It's scary knowing that it might be soon because he has just gotten his passport recently. If i didn't have Jinhyun in my life, i wouldn't know who to turn to when i needed someone to talk to or to just have a good time with. He always did something that would make me smile, and i really appreciate is efforts.

Going up next in the friend list is Jung Yoonkyung. She is also 19 and the second oldest in our group of friends. I look at her as our mother in our group or a manager. She would always get on our cases and make sure we stay on task. She studies here at the University too but more on the directing and producing side. She helps us film our projects for school. She pretty much makes sure all of us are hydrated and taken cared of. We love her so much. There are times where she gets too protective.  Like this one time i was just making jokes because i do that a lot when im tired, and i decided to talk about this one particular topic. Let me tell you, when she is set on one thing she will protect it. Anyways, i was saying that stuff like "watch me take it away and make it mine" and "it will forever be with me." It got to the point where she was getting mad and all i said was "Sorry im tired" but she unleashed her anger and spat out "and i will use chain cutters to severe that tie." We all just busted out laughing because she said it with so much seriousness. She is so protective but that's why we love her.

The third oldest out of the four of us, which makes me the youngest if you haven't caught on,  is non other than Kim Kyungie, who is also 19. She can be one of those shy and quiet type of girls but once you piss her off, BOY YOU BEST RUN. She will beat the crap out of your for making her mad or for hurting any one of us. She takes dancing and singing classes with me here at the University. She hopes to become a performer one day. When me and her first met, it was a little difficult and awkward because when i first met her and Jinhyung, she would always be holding his hand and doing all this skinship. I was really jealous of her and i hated her because she was touching my man. Over time i learned that they are just best friends and that they would never date and I've gotten to know her and love her very much. She has this thing where if you touch anything she claims, you will he spanked or yelled at. Like this one time we were dancing and while she was sitting down taking a break, i went ahead and did one if her parts that she claimed and man, she like followed me and started smacking my . I always never learn to not touch whats hers.

So over these past few years we all have become the bestest friends and made rhe best group ever. We were the best in dance classes, we demolished the stage at every performance and we just look fierce as .  Its like we can take a picture of us and I'll be the one with both my arms in the air singing "RAINBOW AHHHHHHHHH." Nothing can describe the friendship we have.  I know we will be friends for life.

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