Who are you?

Through Hardships

It was a beautiful sunny day here in Seoul. It was partly cloudy with a crystal blue sky and small trade winds as well.  I have just gotten home from a long day at school and it was very gruesome. I go to Korea National University of Arts in the study to become an actor in movies and dramas. I’m also taking vocal and dance classes because I figured that might get me a better shot in dramas and movies. ANYWAYS, I threw my keys on my counter and tossed my bag on the couch then plopped my on my couch. I the T.V and accidentally fell asleep on the couch. Singing, dancing and acting really does take its toll on a 19 year old.

            An hour and a half later I sprung off the couch in shock that I fell asleep. I realized I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to make myself dinner. Opening up the fridge I remembered I never buy groceries, so I ended up going out to a take-out place to get myself Ddukbokkie and Haemul Pajeon. It took me a while to figure out what I’d want to eat, but because I would have to wake up to go to work the next day, I would have to try to sleep early. So I wanted to eat light. The smell of all the food as I opened the door to the restaurant was just to die for, my mouth was watering with so much saliva. Being the fat I am, I ended up getting more then what I had decided to get.

            On the way home from the restaurant I heard a ding from my phone. I stopped under a building to see what the notification was all about. It was facebook, someone was trying to add me. Kim Taehyung was his name. I decided to ignore it because I could just deal with it when I got home.

            Opening up my door, I set my keys and wallet on the counter and went to the kitchen table, closing my door behind me. I open up all my food and started to eat. My phone went off again and it was a message Jinhyun hyung asking how school went. Being myself I gave him a ual remark and went on with my dinner and our conversation. I reopened my facebook and forgot that I got a random add, so I went to go look at his profile. “Kim Taehyung” it said, and I just thought to myself “Who are you? And how do you know of me?” I searched through his photos and I thought he was cute. So I pressed accept and let my phone on the table.

            It bothered me all night that a random cute guy added me because that never happens with me. EVER. I kept looking at his pictures and thinking how cute he is and if I should talk to him. I gave myself mindset that he might be a fake, so don’t even bother. It’s just, who is that guy and why did he add me?

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