Little Note

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                Jin sat on the edge of his brother’s bed as he waited patiently for him to gain consciousness once again, but time went on and his worry grew. He looked at his father- whom approached him with pills in his hand, he set them down on the nightstand and exhaled deeply before he grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it near Taehyung’s bed. Taehyung was slowly starting to regain consciousness, but he didn’t move right away because he was felt so exhausted. His head ached as much as the rest of his body did- it was a strange sore feeling. There was silence in the room for a bit before their father said. “Don’t look at me that way.” He was clearly annoyed with the small glares his eldest son sent him. “I know what you’re thinking, but Taehyung isn’t exactly a saint-”

                “I never thought I could be so disappointed in you.” He shook his head slowly as he stared into his father’s eyes, “but you can’t treat Taehyung like a monster- I can’t allow it anymore. He doesn’t deserve it…” his voice trailed off. He was terrified of the thought of losing his brother, “He was just a kid. He didn’t know.”

                “I wish that was enough.” He whispered simply, his voice making it clear that he felt no sympathy for his youngest son. He exhaled deeply as he shook his head slowly, “I never told you this, but…” he hesitated for a moment, “ father had the same thing Taehyung has-”

            “Stop treating it like a disease- it’s not a disease! It’s an ability….” Jin blurted out before he froze; the words were sinking in. “Wait- what?!” He gasped lightly, “H-How? You always said Taehyung was cursed, and that...” His voice drifted as he tried to remember a moment where his father mentioned his own father.

                “It is a curse but I didn’t realize it was linked to my family-” he placed his hand on his forehead as he began to feel restless. “I didn’t want you to know about him…” his voice drifted off as he stared at the floor while memories began to take over of the hell he once lived.

            “W-Why?” Jin asked in a whisper, he looked at his father and wondered why he appeared so broken at the thought of his own father. “Say something.” He pleaded. “Tell me why you’ve never mentioned him before-”

            “Because he was a monster!” He stood up instantly, his hands gripped into tight fists as he looked off to the side with anger mixed with pain clear in his eyes. He breathed raggedly as he said, “Do you think it was easy for me to forget what he put me through? He controlled everything, Jin. I’m honestly surprised that I was able to get away from him when I did…” he shook his head, “If I would have known this curse- ability was linked to my family then I would’ve never had-” He stopped himself when Jin’s jaw dropped and tears welled into his eyes. He looked away from his son as he cupped his mouth. “Taehyung is just sick.” He sniffled. “When my father got angry enough it was like his body would boil, he would get a fever and it would be worse for me. It’s like his ability grew- I don’t understand it Jin. I really don’t.” He shook his head. “I can’t help Taehyung, and neither can you. You continue to say how he didn’t mean to hurt your mother, but Jin, he did. He did exactly that and I can never forgive him for that. He’s dangerous-”

                     Jin cupped his mouth as he sobbed lightly, he was shaking his head as struggled to speak. It was at this point that Taehyung forced himself to sit up because he could no longer remain silent. Jin looked at him with widened eyes, his heart was racing as he mentally hoped Taehyung hadn’t heard his father’s cruel words. Taehyung stood and he approached his father with an unclear expression on his face. “Kim Min-jong.” Taehyung said simply, his voice making his father shudder from how rarely he ever heard him speak. He glared at his son for a moment for calling him by his name. Taehyung shook his head slowly as a small smile crept on his lips, “I’m nothing like him.” He whispered.

             Min-Jong opened his mouth to say something, but he became frozen in fear when he realized how much power Taehyung held over him. He was beginning to feel as afraid as he once did when he was a child when he lived with his father. He bit his lips together and waited patiently for his son to say something.

            “Have I really been a burden to you?” He asked in a small voice as he stared into his father’s eyes. “How I wish things were different.” He said simply as he shrugged. “You’re right, what I did to mom is unforgivable. I never meant to hurt her in the way that I did.” He shook his head. “I lost a mother. I didn’t want to lose my father as well, but...we both know I lost you a long, long time ago.” Taehyung raised a brow as he took a step back from his father and he smiled sadly. “I won’t force you to take care of me- especially since we both know how much it hurts you to look at me.”

            Min-jong bit his lower lip as he shook his head slowly, “I just can’t do this.” He confessed. “I ran away from your grandfather, and I never expected to be with someone like him ever again.” He paused. “You have to understand that you hold so much power over everyone around you. You could control any of our actions, you can control the way our bodies function- my father told me that I couldn’t breathe and it was like my lungs were plugged. It was torture.” He was shaking. “I can’t do this.” He was breaking, and Jin couldn’t help but cry heavily from seeing his father falling apart. He never imagined his father had such a traumatizing childhood.

            Taehyung nodded once. “I understand.” He said simply. “Which is why you don’t need to be here.” Min-jong blinked in confusion, his body suddenly feeling strange. His brain becoming clouded as the words you don’t need to be here forced his decisions to suddenly alter.

            Jin stared at Taehyung before he grabbed onto his arms, “What are you doing?! Taehyung, stop!”

            Min-jong coughed slightly, it was painful because he attempted to force himself to stay in place but everything inside of him was telling him that he had to leave. He looked at Taehyung and took a step back, “Why am I here?” He asked when he could no longer feel any desire to be in the studio apartment, in front of his sons.

            Taehyung exhaled, “I’m no longer your burden.” He whispered, and Min-Jong’s body jerked slightly in response to Taehyung’s words, and without a single thought he turned and walked away without a feeling of remorse. No clear thoughts formed in his mind as he left because in his head Taehyung was no longer his problem. Jin tried to go after him but Taehyung held him back. Jin looked at him as he shook his head, “Why would you…” he sniffled. “You promised you wouldn’t force us to do anything, Taehyung!” He tried to shake his brother, but Taehyung grabbed his wrists and tried to get away from him. He didn’t want to hear it. “What- Are you going to make me too?! Are you going to make me leave you too?!” Jin backed away from him as he gripped his hands around his head. He exhaled deeply before he shook his head, “I’m sorry.” He closed his eyes, and forced himself to calm down. “I just wish you wouldn’t have done that,” he whispered.

            “He was in pain.” Taehyung replied as he allowed himself to fall on his bed. He shook his head and then looked at his brother, “He’s in pain. I won’t force him to be here.” He said simply, but inside it hurt him when he realized he had just lost his father. He was starting to feel even more alone, and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

            Jin sat beside Taehyung, but they remained silent for most of the night because neither of them knew what to say. Jin wrapped an arm around his brother and pulled him into a tight embrace which the younger fought against for a good minute, but then he let himself be embraced. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him back.



            The next school day, Taehyung dragged himself into the school hallway, and he looked around searching for a particular person. He gripped his hand into a tight fist as he headed towards the locker that Leo stood in front of. Taehyung stood beside him, he looked around and made sure no one was looking before he whispered. “Forget I ever told you anything within the last couple of weeks.” As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, he walked away without looking back. He yearned to punch something, but he knew he had to remain calm before someone noticed him losing his mind. He walked into class and sat in the very back seat before he pulled his notebook out of his bag, opened it and started to scribble down a few drawings around his notes.

            During class, Taehyung started to write down a poem because his brain couldn’t get a certain bunny smiling younger out of his mind. He always felt inspired to write when he thought about Jungkook- he couldn’t speak as freely as he wished, so the only way he could get his feelings out was by writing. He nearly rolled his eyes from how cheesy his short poem ended up, but he couldn’t deny that he meant every word written. He couldn’t stop himself, his heart was screaming for him to give this poem to the man that inspired it.

            When class ended, he folded his poem four times before he slipped it into Jungkook’s locker and he quickly walked away before anyone saw him doing that. His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest as he asked himself countless times why he did that. He shouldn’t have done that. What exactly did he expect to get out of this? Taehyung exhaled deeply, freezing in place when he realized he wanted to see Jungkook’s reaction when he saw the note. He slowly turned, and waited until Jungkook got out of class.

                    Jungkook walked out of class with a big smile on his face, “Aigo, Chim Chim you know you are getting more and more hopeless each day. I’m starting to worry.” He chuckled while Jimin continued to sigh heavily, his face displaying how madly in love he was. “Just talk to him, Jimin.” He stopped before his locker and opened it as he looked at his best friend.

                      “What if he rejects me?” Jimin whined as he pressed his back against the locker next to Jungkook’s. “He’s a football player, and I’m just…” his voice drifted as soon as he noticed a note in Jungkook’s locker, but he hadn’t noticed it right away.

                        “You’re right. I mean you’re so weird, why would he date you?” He teased, but frowned when Jimin didn’t respond to him. Jimin reached into Jungkook’s locker and pulled out the note- to which Jungkook only stared at him with a confused expression. “What is that?” He snatched it back from him as he opened it slowly; his heart was racing for some reason.

                      “OMO is it a love note?!” Jimin got too close to his best friend as he attempted to see what the note said, but Jungkook pushed him away as he read the note to himself. “Well, what does it say?”he frowned when he noticed a small smile growing on his best friend’s face. “That good huh? I bet whoever wrote it must be blind.” He teased, but Jungkook was far too happy to say anything smart back to him.

              Jungkook’s smile nearly touched his eyes as he read the note over and over again, he felt light as he hugged the note to his chest. He looked at his best friend with his adorable, wide bunny smile, “This is so sweet, Jimin.” He grinned.

“Read it to me!” Jimin whined, the curiosity was killing him.

                        Jungkook cleared his throat as he opened the note and read it out loud slowly. “There are hundreds of people around me, and yet the only person I can focus on is you. I’m constantly drawn to you, your beautiful aura and your bunny smile-”

            “Bleh, there is nothing cute about bunnies.” Jimin rolled his eyes, he laughed when Jungkook lowered the note to glare at him for a split second. “Aish, you know I’m kidding. You have a great smile- now keep going.” He nearly shoved him to go on to which Jungkook only backed away in response. He smiled as he continued to read from the note.

            “I wish I could confess to you in person because you deserve to know how special you are, but take this. Take this to heart, and never forget how amazing you are.” He paused when he finished reading the note before he looked up at his best friend. “Who do you think wrote this?” He had the biggest smile on his face, his heart racing from the excitement.

            Jimin hummed lightly, but he smirked lightly when he noticed his best friend’s smile. “You think it’s Taehyung, don’t you?”

            Jungkook chewed on his lower lip as he shrugged lightly. “It could be…” his voice drifted as he jumped up and down happily. “Don’t you think it’s from him?? Who else could it be from?”

            “Well it could just be a secret admirer.” Jimin frowned lightly. “Other than Taehyung...I don’t know who else it could from.” His eyes widened. “What if it’s from Leo?!” He gasped dramatically as he placed his hand over his mouth. “Plot twist.”

                   Jungkook rolled his eyes, “It’s not from Leo, and you know that. It’s difficult for him to write in general how could he write this?” He asked as he lifted the note as if it were a prized possession. Jimin busted out laughing, he shook his head as he closed Jungkook’s locker then he wrapped his arm around him and dragged him towards the cafeteria.  

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Fluidity #1
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 14: omg love this fic!! please keep it up author-nim! cant wait for the next update.
great job!!
saranghe! <3
Chapter 14: This story is pure gold! the storyline is amazing..
keep writing writer-nim..
I hope Taekook have a happy ending..
AmyPark101 #4
Chapter 14: Awwww taetae jealous because of namjoon...
I'll wait for your next update! Good job authornim! ^^
YOUR COMMANDS NEED TIMEFRAMES but I mean it's not so bad sleeping 24/7 i could see that being rather relaxing
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: jealous taehyung ? can't wait for next update ^^
TaeTrash77 #7
Chapter 14: I think Tae is stabbing Namjoon in his mind rn xD
They're so cute thoooo I can't wait for the next chapter!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 14: i hope to see namjoon and jin at jungkook's bday party...:D

taehyung is jealous and jungkook is just really sweet...i like it when tae said he trusts kookie and how kookie said that tae's the only one for him...:D
Chapter 14: I personally love this chapter...i really enjoyed it ^^ btw jin need to make an appearance before namjoon's gets out of hand xD i'm so curious what will happen next :)