Between Work, School and Music

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I know some of you were excited for prom, but that (and Taehyung’s H.S graduation) will come as flashbacks. Thanks for the support, lovelies <3  



            Taehyung half smiled at the guard as he waited for him to unlock the steel door, and once it was opened, he walked into the isolated, dimly lit room with a file hugged to his chest. He tried to keep his mind cleared as he approached the small, steel table, but he couldn’t ignore the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach when he noticed chains meant to restrain someone on the corner of the table. He took a deep breath and placed the file on the table. He put down a notebook and a pen on top of it. He turned when he heard Seugli’s voice approaching, but she was talking on the phone and Taehyung instantly knew whom she was talking to.

            “I’m sorry.” She said coolly, “You know I don’t have complete control on when I see my patients, Jungkook.” She tried to be patient with him, but her head throbbed from the lack of sleep; she was completely stressed, and restless. She stood beside the door, her back pressed against the wall as she listened to Jungkook.

            “I understand….” Jungkook whimpered, hopelessly on the other end of the line, “I just really need Taehyung to be here- I’m so so nervous. I need him.” He was breathing heavily.

            Seulgi walked into the room and glanced at Taehyung, “Okay, I’ll send him home early-”

            “Really?!” Jungkook was practically jumping from happiness, but his smile faded when he heard Taehyung quickly refuse on the other line.

            “I can’t leave you.” Taehyung argued. He felt torn, but if something were to happen to Seulgi he knew he would never forgive himself. Seulgi looked at Taehyung with a small, confused frown.

            “I’m fine on my own, Taehyung-”

            “This person is dangerous.”

            “Most of my clients are dangerous.” She shook her head and handed Taehyung her phone, “Then you tell him you won’t go.” She walked passed him and sat down on the chair facing the small table. She opened the file, pulled out her notebook and a pen to go over her notes one last time.

            Taehyung took a deep breath before he raised the phone against his ear, “Hey, Bunny…” his voice drifted from uncertainty. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, and why he wasn’t fleeing the building to get to his boyfriend. “I’m sorry.” He said, whole-heartedly, “I’m really sorry but I don’t think I should leave her.”

            Jungkook chewed on his lower lip, he tried to mask how hurt he was by taking a moment to calm himself down. He sniffled, “I-I understand.” He cleared his throat, “It’s okay, I’m just really nervous.” He confessed, tears welled into his eyes from how anxious he was.

            “They’re gonna love you, Bunny. They would be stupid not to.” He spoke gently, “Hey, you sing like an angel,” He tried to reassure him. Jungkook was shaking in place as he looked around the empty waiting room. Taehyung looked back at Seulgi before he shut his eyes, “If you want me to be there, I’ll be there. I’m worried for Seulgi but you always come first-”

            “Gee thanks.” Seulgi muttered but she couldn’t help but smile while she scribbled notes onto her notebook.

            Jungkook cracked a smile, “No, it’s okay. I should be called into the audition soon.” He took a deep breath, “Will I see you tonight?”

            “I’ll be there.” He smiled lightly.




            “You didn’t have to stay, Taehyung.” Seulgi commented while they gathered their stuff and headed out of the heavily guarded building. “I’ve been doing this for years—I’ve survived this long.”

            Taehyung cracked a smile as he walked beside her, “I don’t understand how you can do this…” he commented underneath his breathe.

            “The human mind interests me.” She shrugged, “It always has.” They got into her car, “Do you want me to drop you off at my brother’s place?” She drove off when Taehyung nodded in response. “So…you still planning on enrolling into the police academy?”

            “Should I even bother?” he looked at her, “I’ve taken so many psychology classes, I might as well major in it, and stay with it-”

            “Do you not want to?”

            “I actually don’t know what I want…” he confessed in a small voice.

            “It’s normal. I didn’t know I wanted to treat mentally insane criminals when I first started, but well—here I am.” She cracked a smile which made Taehyung smile in return because she hardly showed any emotions. “I went to school for many years, Taehyung. I started off as a school counselor then a therapist for traumatized children, and then somehow I ended up treating insane criminals.” She shook her head slowly, “I can always go back to treating children, but to be completely honest, that one hurt the most.”

            Taehyung looked at her with a worried expression, “Does it ever get to you? Their pain, I mean…”

            Seulgi stared at the road with a blank expression, “Yes.” She whispered. “But I’m practically numb to pain now, Taehyung.” She cracked a sad smile, “I’m here for you if you need help with this career choice, but if you really want to be a police officer you should apply.” She pulled up into the driveway and waved Taehyung off, “Say ‘hello’ to Jungkook for me.”

            “You could always go in and-”

            “I’m too tired for human interaction, Taehyung.”

            Taehyung chuckled as he got out of the car, “I hope you have sweet dreams, Seulgi.” He smiled sweetly as he closed the car’s door and headed towards the front door of the house.

            Taeyeon swung the door open after the second knock, “Taehyung!” She pulled him into a tight embrace. Taehyung smiled before he hugged her back, “Thank god you’re here.”

            “How did his audition go?” 

            Taeyeon frowned a bit, “I don’t think it went well… He came in and ran to his room. Please talk to him.”

            Taehyung nodded before he headed up the stairs and towards Jungkook’s room.  He knocked on the door gently, “Bunny? It’s me…” Jungkook opened the door, and buried himself in Taehyung’s arms and neck. He was shaking, and Taehyung quickly embraced him tightly. They moved into the room, and Taehyung closed the door behind him before he pulled Jungkook onto the bed, “Hey, what happened?” he cupped the younger’s jaw line. His heart nearly stopped when he noticed Jungkook’s eyes were red from crying.

            “I didn’t do well.” He whimpered. He breathed heavily, sniffling a few times as he tried to calm himself down. Taehyung sat close to him, he cupped his jaw line and leaned his forehead against the younger’s forehead. “Tae, I froze.” He whispered. “I wasn’t confident in my singing, and it ruined my audition—they didn’t even say anything to me.” Tears fell from his eyes, but Taehyung wiped them away.

            Taehyung shook his head, “I’m sorry that this didn’t go well, Bunny, but this isn’t it for you. You can always audition again-”

            “I was so nervous.” He shook his head. “I don’t know if I want to be a singer, Tae, but I was able to get this audition with this recording label—you know it won’t be easy to get another appointment.” Jungkook paused. “Maybe this is a good thing. I don’t think I could handle fame-”

            Taehyung shook his head, “Jungkook, we can try again.” He squeezed his hand gently, “We will try again.” He pecked his forehead and smiled sadly when Jungkook appeared hesitant. “I believe in you, and I know that if this is something you truly want then it’ll happen.”

            Jungkook took a deep breath, he cracked a smile before he nodded weakly. “Thank you for having faith in my voice.” He squeezed his hand back as he looked him in the eyes; he was slowly becoming lost in the elder’s deep gaze.

            Taehyung cracked a smile, “I have faith in you.” He closed the space between them when he leaned in and kissed him deeply. Jungkook closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around the elder as he melted into the kiss. Taehyung pulled him onto his lap, his hand cupped the younger’s jaw line as he pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Their lips morphed together gently at first, but the need increased between them. Jungkook pushed Taehyung onto the bed, climbed on top of the elder and kissed him desperately. His hand fisted the collar of Taehyung’s shirt, he released a deep breath when he felt the elder’s arm grip around his waist; their tongues toyed together in between the heavy kiss.

            Jungkook moaned deeply when his boyfriend flipped them, he had his hand pinned above him while his other hand trailed into his shirt; the younger was shaking underneath him. Taehyung trailed deep nibs down to Jungkook’s neck, and he continued to languidly on the soft skin. Jungkook breathed deeply, he closed his eyes as he bit his lower lip to keep himself from loudly. His lips parted, his breathing increased in speed while Taehyung nibbled on his jaw line.

            Jungkook trailed his fingers against Taehyung’s arm before he moved him a bit to kiss his lips. His mind was clouded with need; he Taehyung’s lower lip before he whispered, desperately, “Tae…I want you…” It wasn’t the first time things grew heated between them to the point where one of them needed to flee to take a cold shower, but this time, Jungkook looked at his boyfriend without any hesitation. Taehyung looked at him, his heart pounding in his chest as his blood rushed south. He wanted him, without a doubt, but something in him told him it wasn’t the right moment, “Don’t you want me too?” Jungkook’s sweet voice interrupted his thoughts, and Taehyung nearly melted when the younger tilted his head a bit.

            “I do.” He leaned in and kissed his nose softly. “I want you more than anything, bunny, but…” he struggled to find the right words. Jungkook’s heart dropped as he waited for him to say something else.

            “But what?”

            “I just-” Taehyung shook his head gently, “I want to wait a little longer, is that okay?” he leaned in and pecked Jungkook’s small frown away. “I want to—I really do, but I want to wait a little bit longer.”

            Jungkook nodded, “Okay.” He cracked a weak smile before he pulled Taehyung into a tight embrace. Taehyung smiled, he kissed Jungkook’s head over and over again as they cuddled closely together. The younger leaned his head into the crook of his boyfriend’s neck, he smiled lightly when he felt Taehyung relax against him. The warmth was soothing to Jungkook, and he always fell asleep quickly from how comfortable he was in Taehyung’s arms.

            Taehyung kissed his head again and Jungkook drifted off to sleep.




            Jungkook was a senior in high school, and his perfect grades started slipping slightly when he started to worry more for his future career and less about his homework. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do anymore—he believed he knew, but he was genuinely clueless. He was in class, doodling around his notebook instead of taking notes on the lesson. His day was a blur, but once school was over, he headed towards the quad area where his friends were waiting. He smiled when he saw Jimin and Namjoon sitting across from each other. “Hey you two.”

            “Jungkook!” Namjoon stood up instantly, “How did your audition go?” his smile faded when he noticed Jungkook look away from him. “Aw, I’m sorry…I’m really sorry.”

            “Don’t be.” Jungkook shrugged and forced a smile. “Thank you for getting that audition for me, Namjoon. It meant the world to me.” His smile grew a bit. Namjoon matched his smile.

            Jimin stood and approached his best friend, “Hey, don’t worry, Kookie.

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Fluidity #1
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 14: omg love this fic!! please keep it up author-nim! cant wait for the next update.
great job!!
saranghe! <3
Chapter 14: This story is pure gold! the storyline is amazing..
keep writing writer-nim..
I hope Taekook have a happy ending..
AmyPark101 #4
Chapter 14: Awwww taetae jealous because of namjoon...
I'll wait for your next update! Good job authornim! ^^
YOUR COMMANDS NEED TIMEFRAMES but I mean it's not so bad sleeping 24/7 i could see that being rather relaxing
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: jealous taehyung ? can't wait for next update ^^
TaeTrash77 #7
Chapter 14: I think Tae is stabbing Namjoon in his mind rn xD
They're so cute thoooo I can't wait for the next chapter!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 14: i hope to see namjoon and jin at jungkook's bday party...:D

taehyung is jealous and jungkook is just really sweet...i like it when tae said he trusts kookie and how kookie said that tae's the only one for him...:D
Chapter 14: I personally love this chapter...i really enjoyed it ^^ btw jin need to make an appearance before namjoon's gets out of hand xD i'm so curious what will happen next :)