Holidays II

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            Christmas was nearing, and Taehyung was becoming more and more restless as the days went by. He became more anxious through the day, and Jungkook noticed. “Tae, what’s wrong?” he would ask, but Taehyung wouldn’t tell him the truth. He didn’t want Jungkook to know how much he was struggling to get him a Christmas present. He wanted to make the holiday special for his bunny, but he had no idea how.

            Jin was struggling to pay for his school, his place, and Taehyung’s place, so he couldn't ask his brother for help. He knew he needed some type of job, but he had no idea how to get one. He walked down the sidewalk, down a strip against a line of tiny shops. He stared at them as his pace slowed. His eyes widened a bit when he saw a big ‘help wanted’ sign outside one of the shops. Taehyung hesitated, but he found himself walking into the tiny antique shop. His eyes widened as he looked around, but he became startled when an older woman came out from behind the counter, “Oh sorry, kid! I didn’t mean to scare you.” She laughed loudly, and Taehyung smiled at her a bit. “What can I do for you?”

            Taehyung cleared his throat, “Your sign?” he pointed to the door as his cheeks heated up. He was completely out of his comfort zone, “I- I was interested.”

            “Oh you’re here for the job!” She clasped her hands together, and walked out from behind the counter and towards Taehyung. “I’m so happy—you see, I’m getting old, and I can’t reach the top of those shelves—those ones up there-” she pointed to the shelves against every wall that held hundreds of thick books. “If you work here you would have to clean up, make this place look presentable, and because I’ve been getting so sick lately, I may need you to run the place. Is that okay?”

            Taehyung took a deep breath as his eyes remained on hers. He nodded slowly, “Ye-Yea, I think I can do that.” He wondered how difficult it could be to run a store, but then again he’s hardly out of his studio apartment.

            “Great! My name is Sooyoung.” She handed him a rag and a bottle of Windex, “Can you clean the shelves, please.” Taehyung noticed the way she limped away, but he bit his lips together before he walked up to the shelves. He carefully wiped the dust away from most of them, but when he stood in front of the last shelf, he couldn’t help but notice the strange titles of the books, “What kind of books are these?”

            “Huh?” she glanced at him then turned her attention back to the money in the register. “Oh, everything in here is centuries old; including those books.”

            Taehyung frowned as he flipped through one of the many books, “This book is crazy…” he commented underneath a short breath as his eyes widened at the few images. “It’s about the cruel and unusual punishments people had to face when breaking the law-”

            Sooyoung scoffed, “People were so cruel back then…” she shook her head but quickly smiled when people walked into the shop. “Welcome!” They greeted her back, but the couple turned, and walked around the shop. Taehyung continued to clean up around the place, he organized the jewelry and made it look as presentable as possible. There were only a few people that went into the store that day, but Sooyoung seemed pleased nonetheless. “Thank you for coming in—I really need help with this place. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow…would you mind coming in? At least for a few hours!”

            Taehyung was a bit taken back, the woman didn’t even know his name and yet she was trusting him enough to leave him in charge of her shop for the day. He wanted to question her judgment, but as he looked at her—he noticed how frail she looked, and he couldn’t ignore the desperation in her eyes as she looked at him, waiting for his answer. Taehyung exhaled deeply before he nodded briefly, “I’ll be here.” He promised.

            “Oh, thank you! Really, thank you!” She grinned tiredly before she handed him the key to the place. Once she showed him everything he had to do, and how to work the cash register, Taehyung was on his way out of the place. Sooyoung called out to him. “Wait, I’m sorry it slipped my mind, but what’s your name?”

            “Taehyung.” He smiled softly before he waved and headed home. It was dark, the night sky clouded above him but he smiled to himself as he glanced at the stars. He dug into his pocket, pulled out his phone and texted Jungkook.


            Taehyung has never talked to so many strangers before in his life—hell, Taehyung has never really forced himself to interact people at all. Working at a store forced him to do just that, and as much as he internally struggled, he was proud that things went fairly well for him. Sooyoung asked him to be extra friendly with the customers, but he would hardly look at them when they would browse around. He would greet them, ask if they needed help and that was the extent to his conversations. There were a few customers that tried to have a conversation with him, unfortunately, but his answers would be as short as his patience.

            Classes dragged for him, his senioritis proving to be stronger than his desire to graduate with perfect grades. He could hardly focus on classes when he couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook, and more specifically, what he should get him for Christmas. He knew his bunny smiling boyfriend deserved the world, but he had no idea what gift would properly show just how much he meant to him.

            It was the last day of school before winter break, and Jungkook stood against his locker as he looked at his best friend with a teasing smile. “ChimChim, seriously your hair looks-”

            “Don’t lie to me, Kookie—don’t you dare! I know you. You do this stupid eye thing when you lie to me-”

            Jungkook placed his hand over his chest as he stared at Jimin with a blank expression, “Park Jimin… what stupid eye thing?!” he shook his head quickly. “I don’t do a stupid eye thing.” He looked away for half a second, and Jimin just pointed at him with an impatient expression, “Aish. Your hair looks fine!”

            Jimin whined as he ran his fingers through his brown locks, “I look terrible.” He sniffled. “Suga can’t see me like this else he’ll stop loving me. He always dyes his hair in amazing colors, and when he sees me he’ll probably think I look so basic!”

            “I don’t think he liked you for your hair color, Jimin. Though the orange was probably the best look on you-” he stopped when he noticed Jimin sulking. Jungkook rolled his eyes, “If the boy was going to run, he would have run the moment you confessed about your obsession with him—I mean seriously, how embarrassing-” Jungkook teased, but quickly laughed when Jimin only nudged him.

            “Jungkoooookie! You’re such a brat.” He whined, loudly and dramatically like he usually did. “Suga thought my giant crush on him was cute…” he shrugged lightly before he pouted. “Tell me the truth, do I really look basic with this hair color?”

            Jungkook parted his lips to respond, but he looked behind Jimin and whispered, “Your boyfriend is coming.” He quickly shut his locker. “Gotta go, Chim. Good luck!” He patted his arm, and ran off before Jimin could grab onto him and beg him to stay. Jimin froze for a moment before he slowly turned and looked into Suga’s eyes.

            “What was that about?” Suga cracked a smile as he looked off to where Jungkook ran for a moment and then he looked back at Jimin. His eyes stared at Jimin’s brown hair before he looked directly in his eyes. “Your hair-”

            “It’s brown!” Jimin nervously shrugged as he started to breathe, and speak quickly. “I was going to re-dye it orange, but taking care of it took so much out of me and I really don’t have the energy anymore, and I know you loved the orange so much, I mean really I did too—and Jungkookie too, but the brown isn’t so bad-” he continued to ramble on while Suga tried to say something, so instead he gently pinned Jimin against the locker and smiled softly. Jimin looked at him, breathing deeply as he waited for him to say something.

            “Jimin, breathe.” He smiled when Jimin took a deep breath. “Your hair can literally be every color of the rainbow, and my feelings for you would not change a bit.” He cupped his jaw line gently before he leaned in and pecked the younger’s nose. “You look as handsome as you always do.”

            Jimin smiled sheepishly, he wrapped his arms around him before he pulled him into a tight hug, “You’re so sweet.” He beamed as he chuckled contently. Suga kissed his head gently as they embraced each other tightly.


            “Tae, I know you have to work, and I really shouldn’t say this, but can I just be selfish for a moment?” Jungkook pouted, his big brown eyes staring directly into Taehyung’s soul, and the elder swore he was being hypnotized by Jungkook’s beauty. He smiled before he nodded slowly. Jungkook took a deep breath as he held onto Taehyung’s hands, “I miss you.” He whispered. He kissed his knuckles, and Taehyung smiled sadly as he watched him. “Tae, I really, really miss you…” he sounded like he was in pain, and Taehyung was in just as much pain.

            “I miss you too, Bunny, but after my father left I can’t expect Jin to pay for his expenses, and my own. It isn’t fair.” He gently hooked his arm around Jungkook’s waist before he pulled him closer. He kissed him sweetly, they savored the sweet taste that lingered between them before Taehyung pressed his forehead against the younger’s forehead. He cupped Jungkook’s hand and squeezed it gently, “I miss you so much, Jungkook. School hours isn’t enough-”

            Jungkook shook his head, “It really isn’t.” he agreed. He chewed on his lower lip for a moment as they stared into each other’s eyes. They really didn’t see enough of each other since Taehyung started working, and they were both desperately trying to make their time together last as long as possible. “Just kiss me…” he said in a low, pleading voice as he gripped onto the front of Taehyung’s shirt. Their lips clasped together as they held each other closely, their bodies quivering from how badly they missed one another. They couldn’t really kiss each other like this while they were in school, so they took advantage of this opportunity.

            Jungkook moaned gently, his tongue trailing against Taehyung’s tongue, his knees feeling weak as they deepened the kiss. He clutched onto him, holding him as their lips moved rhythmically. Taehyung was careful as they lied down on his bed, the elder climbed on him and Jungkook hooked his leg around him. He held onto the younger’s leg as they kissed each other deeply; the heat increased between them and it was becoming unbearable. Taehyung’s tongue darted into the younger’s hot mouth—which caused them to moan deeply as they held each other possessively. Their noses brushed as their lips gently pulled apart so they could catch their breathes. Their eyes were half lidded before they looked at each other for a moment. Taehyung caressed the younger’s cheek, “It’s Friday…” he whispered, his fingers brushed down Jungkook’s lips and he smiled when his fingertips were kissed. “Do you think your parents would let you sleep over?”

            Jungkook looked at him, and he hummed while he thought about it. “I’ll ask them.” His smile grew as he sat up and kissed him sweetly. He brushed his nose against Taehyung’s as he closed his eyes for a moment. It had been weeks since Jungkook felt a strange knot in his stomach; he was dying to say three special words to the elder, but he was nervous. He was scared, but he wasn’t sure what he was scared of exactly. He knew Taehyung cared for him just as much as he did, but saying the words was nerve-wrecking. Sure, Jungkook loved many people like his parents and Jimin, but the love he felt for Taehyung was something he never felt before; it was intense, like a fire burning within him that was constantly fueled by the elder’s love.

            Jungkook’s thoughts were interrupted when he felt Taehyung’s lips on his. He smiled as the elder pecked his lips a few times and then he moved to his cheeks. Jungkook was giggling, his arm draped around Taehyung as he continued to shower him with small, sweet kisses. Taehyung grinned before he kissed Jungkook once more on the lips, “I should go…” he whispered gently.

            Jungkook nodded, “I’ll let you know what my parents say.” He ran his finger down Taehyung’s shirt as he smiled to himself. “Have fun at work, Tae.” He leaned in and kissed him one last time. Taehyung smiled sadly, he really didn’t want to part from Jungkook but he needed the money.


            As Taehyung worked diligently around th

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Fluidity #1
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 14: omg love this fic!! please keep it up author-nim! cant wait for the next update.
great job!!
saranghe! <3
Chapter 14: This story is pure gold! the storyline is amazing..
keep writing writer-nim..
I hope Taekook have a happy ending..
AmyPark101 #4
Chapter 14: Awwww taetae jealous because of namjoon...
I'll wait for your next update! Good job authornim! ^^
YOUR COMMANDS NEED TIMEFRAMES but I mean it's not so bad sleeping 24/7 i could see that being rather relaxing
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: jealous taehyung ? can't wait for next update ^^
TaeTrash77 #7
Chapter 14: I think Tae is stabbing Namjoon in his mind rn xD
They're so cute thoooo I can't wait for the next chapter!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 14: i hope to see namjoon and jin at jungkook's bday party...:D

taehyung is jealous and jungkook is just really sweet...i like it when tae said he trusts kookie and how kookie said that tae's the only one for him...:D
Chapter 14: I personally love this chapter...i really enjoyed it ^^ btw jin need to make an appearance before namjoon's gets out of hand xD i'm so curious what will happen next :)