Only Fools...

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                Jungkook was the type of student most teachers favored due to his innocent looks, bunny smile, and high academic standing. He was constantly favored most of his life by his teachers which caused many of his classmates to be resentful towards him. He was only a sophomore in school, but it was clear that he would have a successful future from how studious he was, and by how outstanding his grades were. He was in a few after school programs, but there was only one thing he was truly passionate about: singing.

          There were times that he was picked on for having such a beautiful singing voice, but he never let it get to him. Jungkook walked out of the choir room with the biggest smile on his face from feeling so accomplished when his best friend nearly tackled him to the ground. Jungkook laughed loudly when Jimin embraced him quickly, “Hey where were you this morning? I can’t believe you ditched me again!” He nearly whined.

                  Jimin shrugged as he smiled suggestively. “Kookie you can’t hold that against me! You know I would love to have breakfast at your place- I mean seriously your umma’s pancakes are- mmmph! But you know that I can’t deny my heart’s need to gaze-”

         “You mean stalk.” Jungkook interjected with a smirk on his face as he watched his best friend’s face change from a daydreaming state to a dramatic shocked expression. Jimin dramatically placed his hand on his chest as he scoffed. “Seriously, Jimin you don’t even know the guy. You only saw him once at a party, and now you swear you’re in love with him.”

            “Because I am! Aigooo didn’t you see his smile?”

           “What smile? He looks grumpy most of the time.” Jungkook chuckled while Jimin sulked. “Aish, yah! You know I’m just teasing you. So when are you going to talk to...Yoongi- is that his name?” Jungkook raised a brow as they stopped before his locker. He opened it and stuffed his music books inside before he pulled out his literature book.

           Jimin hummed, “Yoongi.” The name rolled out of his tongue as he looked up at the ceiling and wondered what his life would be like if his crush noticed him. “But he likes to be called Suga.” he shrugged lightly. “I think only his friends call him that.”

         “Suga?” Jungkook half rolled his eyes as he didn’t think too much of it. “So you went to the football player’s practice this morning? To stalk- I mean gaze at your future husband?” He was teasing again and Jimin was shooting deadly stares at him. Jungkook was laughing, but then he fell completely silent as his body froze when he saw someone walking down the hallway, books in hand, and the usual silent stare. Jimin noticed Jungkook staring at someone behind him so he slowly turned, and frowned lightly.

        “God...I feel so bad for him…” Jimin muttered before he turned to look at his best friend. “I mean it’s clear that he’s seen some . It must to not be able to talk-”

         Jungkook chewed on his lower lip before he forced himself to look away from Taehyung. “He’s not mute…” he muttered which only made his best friend scoff in response. “Why don’t you believe me? I mean it. Taehyung isn’t mute, I’ve heard him talk before.”

         Jimin gave his ‘are you serious’ expression before he said, “Kookie, seriously. We’ve known Taehyung since we were kids, and I have never heard him speak before. Even the teachers accept that he’s mute-”

         “He’s not-” Jungkook stopped himself, suddenly becoming irritated because his best friend never listened to his story about Taehyung talking. He shook his head and mumbled, “Just forget it.” He sighed heavily, his body suddenly growing stiff when Taehyung walked past him, but stopped in front of his locker. Jungkook gulped dryly, he stared at his shoes as he wondered what he should do. Every part of him screamed to approach the elder, but he couldn’t find the courage to listen to himself.

       “Are we still playing soccer later today?”

        Jungkook was lost in his thoughts, so Jimin had to shove him a bit to get his attention. The younger chuckled before he shoved his best friend back, “What?!” He laughed. “Seriously, Jimin your obsession is getting out of hand. You already stalked the poor guy during his morning practice, and now you want to stalk him again?” He shook his head and tsked lightly while Jimin only shrugged shamelessly.

        “What can I say I become a little crazy for the one I love-”

         “Or maybe you’re just crazy.” Jungkook interjected, and ended up laughing loudly when his orange-haired best friend sent him deadly glares for a split second before he wrapped his arm around his neck. He nearly choked him, and they laughed loudly as they walked down the hallway and disappeared into their classroom.

          Taehyung stood in front of his locker, his head spinning with millions of questions of what he had done to deserve a life as empty as his. He always looked angry to everyone else- because he was deeply bitter for the life he was cursed with, but there was one person that gave him the smallest light at the end of this dreary tunnel. It was Jungkook, and it was unclear when exactly the younger became so important, but he did. It was clear to the elder that Jungkook didn’t see him the way that everyone else did- everyone either pitied him or saw him as a freak.

          But Jungkook never once looked at him that way. Taehyung exhaled deeply as he stuffed his books into his backpack and then headed off to class.

          After school, Jungkook and Jimin changed into their gym shorts before they headed out to the soccer field. “How desperate are you Chim? Seriously, just go talk to the guy if you want him so badly.” Jungkook kicked the ball to his best friend, but Jimin was too focused on eyeing the football field that was pretty far away from them. He could hardly see any of the football players, but he could always easily spot Suga because of his mint green hair. “Aren’t you going to kick the ball back?”  Jungkook waited a few seconds before he laughed, “If you’re just going to stare at him the whole time why are we here? Why don’t we go to the football field, and run around the track? They won’t know we’re there so you can get your daily dose of stalking the mint ice cream-”

    “I think he’ll know.” Jimin squeaked as a light pink tint appeared on his cheeks. “He probably thinks I’m a freak.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. He doesn’t even know you well enough to classify you as a freak yet.”

       Jimin glared at his best friend, and before he could shove him Jungkook broke out into a sprint. He ran towards the football field, and Jimin laughed as he chased him down. They ended up running around the track field, chasing each other, and for a split second Jimin had completely forgotten that he was there to spy on Yoongi.

           They had stopped running but continued to walk around the track, talking aimlessly amongst themselves while Jimin would quickly glance at Yoongi. He looked over at his best friend with his cute eye smile that told his best friend a million thank yous. Jungkook smiled happily as he shook his head slowly, “Just talk to him.” He insisted.

          “And say what?” Jimin whined

           Jungkook shrugged. “Ask him about football- I don’t know!”

      Jimin exhaled deeply, “Aish Jungkook can we stop talking about me and my hopeless crush- why don’t you tell me how it’s going in choir.” He grinned brightly, “You still the lead or did any new students show up and steal your spotlight,” he chuckled when Jungkook flashed his confident smile that slowly turned into his famous bunny smile. Jimin laughed.

      “No one can steal my spotlight, Jimin, you know that!” He laughed but then froze when he looked at the bleachers- at the very top sat a very still Taehyung with a book on his lap. “Was he here the whole time?” Jungkook’s eyes widened a bit as he watched the quiet elder. Jimin looked over at the bleachers and shrugged lightly.

      “I didn’t notice him.” Jimin looked at his best friend and frowned lightly, “Is there something going on between you and him that I don’t know about? Seriously, Jungkook every time he is near you get….weird.” He raised a brow. “Well weirder than usual and that says a lot- Ow!” He whined and grabbed his sore arm once Jungkook punched it. Jimin gasped dramatically when he noticed his best friend blushing, “Kookie don’t tell me you like him. Why haven’t I noticed this before? Omo you’re always looking at him- I’m a terrible friend!”

    Jungkook rolled his eyes, “You’re so dramatic.” He mumbled. “Aish I don’t like him it’s just that...he…” he looked around trying to form an understanding but he genuinely didn’t even understand why he was so drawn to the elder. He shrugged, “Honestly I have no idea why I continue to notice him. He’s just always around, and he’s...kind of cute.”  

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Fluidity #1
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 14: omg love this fic!! please keep it up author-nim! cant wait for the next update.
great job!!
saranghe! <3
Chapter 14: This story is pure gold! the storyline is amazing..
keep writing writer-nim..
I hope Taekook have a happy ending..
AmyPark101 #4
Chapter 14: Awwww taetae jealous because of namjoon...
I'll wait for your next update! Good job authornim! ^^
YOUR COMMANDS NEED TIMEFRAMES but I mean it's not so bad sleeping 24/7 i could see that being rather relaxing
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: jealous taehyung ? can't wait for next update ^^
TaeTrash77 #7
Chapter 14: I think Tae is stabbing Namjoon in his mind rn xD
They're so cute thoooo I can't wait for the next chapter!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 14: i hope to see namjoon and jin at jungkook's bday party...:D

taehyung is jealous and jungkook is just really sweet...i like it when tae said he trusts kookie and how kookie said that tae's the only one for him...:D
Chapter 14: I personally love this chapter...i really enjoyed it ^^ btw jin need to make an appearance before namjoon's gets out of hand xD i'm so curious what will happen next :)