
Objects In The Mirror Seem Closer Than They Appear
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The police arrived, tracking Kai's phone to the clearing where he held his dying cousin.

Before Kai left the scene he passed the carved tree and the symbol carved itself into his head.

a outline of a star with the word Dragon written over it.

Kai felt like he was in a daze the whole time, even as he held his cousin's hand through the ambulance ride and down to the ER.

Taemin's parents were waiting there, panicked and in tears.

Kai felt ashamed to even meet their faces and was left outside in the waiting room.

He fell into a dreamless doze before a nurse came over and told him he had to leave.

The events of it all rewinded in Kai's head over and over again.

Why were these people after Taemin. As far as Kai was concerned, Taemin had a regular office job like anybody else. So why him?

Kai found himself in front of his apartment, and sighed as it was 6 in the morning.

I think I'll just stay at home today.

The groggy boy trudged up the stairs to his door and went inside.

He made himself some breakfast but after he eating, he just stayed where he was.

He couldn't stop thinking about the symbol. A gang symbol, but one he wasn't familiar with. Not that he was familiar with many.

Kai opened up his laptop and searched star dragon gang symbol.

A few images popped up and Kai clicked through them.

He saw the symbol spray-painted on a wall of a dark alley way. The thing on the ground under the symbol was pixeled out, but from the splotches of red, Kai could tell that it was one of their victims.

He found a few more, some were carved, while others were spray painted, but all of them contained yellow caution tape and dead bodies.

He even found some caught gang members. They had the tattoo, but instead of the word dragon written over the star, a dragon head with it's jaws wide open, seemed to burst through the star. The details on the dragon were so elaborate that it must have taken hours to get it down.

200 pictures down Kai found a black and white photo of a young boy. He looked like he was about 15 but what made Kai stop was the fact that the boy's face looked just like Baekhyun's.

He clicked on the picture to see it better.

The boy was being supported by two police officers and his face was stained with tears.

Although the photo was black and white, Kai could tell that there was a car in the background and flames sprouted from the front of the car.

On the back door of the car, a sloppy symbol of the dragon star was there.

Oh my god.

Kai managed to click on the article that contained the picture.

He learned that Baekhyun was in a fatal car crash that killed both of his parents and the couple in the other car. After examining the scene, officials claim that this was no accident and the brakes on the car had been tampered with. It was obvious who had done it. Baekhyun was the only one to survive. He was put in a foster home, and was almost immediately adopted by Mr. and Ms. Cho. The couple owned a multi trillion won industry and everyone was glad that Baekhyun would be able to live the rest of his life with whatever he wished for.


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Hey guys, just a quick notice that, I might be editing all ready posted chapters as I go.


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Wow It was amazing story Good job Authornim! It was a roallercoaster I didn't expect this.. It's sorprised me a lot! I like it!
However I have a question: Were the victims of the gang chosen randomly? or were they linked for some reason?
I really enjoy your work I hope you'll continue writing soon Fighting!!
Chapter 12: I love this story !!! The way you wrote the story, its pace, the flow of events, the accidents and the introduction of angst and betrayal was perfect in my opinion!!! I had suspected baekhyun from the start but he turned out to be much more wow! I was stunned when I read the full details!! How did chanyeol know too much? How did he find out? What is kyungsoo ? Kai's imagination or supernatural ? I am reading in mobile so I did not see the highlighted words.... I really wanted to find out but I did not see anything :( can you give me some hints ......anyways I am so excited to read about the epilogue!! :D is baekhyun going to do something.....I have so many questions.... I can't wait to read the answers in the epilouge!!!!! :)
larataylor #3
Chapter 12: this was amazing holy crap
moonson #4
Chapter 6: Is baekhyun up to something? he looks suspicious from the beginning..or maybe it just me..haha. Btw im on my school break too xD !
moonson #5
Chapter 4: this is so great. cant wait to know what will happen next !!