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Objects In The Mirror Seem Closer Than They Appear
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I came up with this story, as I was sitting in the passenger seat of my mother's car. I read the wording on the side-view mirror. The simple phrase that I knew, but that day I read it and thought about it's meaning. I realized that it could be the title of some horror flick, and I was kinda surprised that no one had made a story on it, so I did.

This was unintended but this story has some background from the drama I watched with Kyungsoo acting in it. It's called It's Okay, It's Love.

As you guys know, Kai was in an accident, but he was drunk. The thing is, he wasn't drunk enough. He could still drive steadily, but it was Baekhyun who actually made the "accident." He was hiding near the road and because it was night time, no one would be able to see him if he wore black. He shot a device at the front wheels of Kyungsoo's car, causing the brakes to malfunction, and flip the car over. The car hit Kai, who was just coming out of his drunken daze. 

So in the end Kai believed that he had been the one to kill the family. Although evidence in court showed otherwise, he still felt responsible. He hadn't been able to save the family. This accident left him with a deep trauma. This is why the image for chapter one is that of a dirty hand. It represents guilt. The words on the hand describe how Kai felt about water, however the hand is still dirty meaning he can not rid of his guilt. This guilt or trauma worsened and affected his life. He didn't talk as much as he did and just kept to himself. He simmered in his own thoughts and could not release any of the tension within himself to anyone. He didn't try to make things better. He had given up. This worsened everything, and he began showing signs of Schizophrenia. That's when he saw something in the mirror.

So that answers the question, is Kai seeing things/dreaming. 

Kai is not dreaming. Schizophrenia is real and if left untreated, can be lethal. Kai nearly killed himself and Chanyeol if he hadn't snapped out of it. 

So as the story goes Kai tries to avoid things that remind him of the incident. Seeing the car crash, threw him off and he had a hallucination. He saw the family that he had killed and they were entirely black, even their eyes. This just represents what Kai read in the newspaper article that he kept. He read that the bodies were burnt beyond distinction; so the bodies were black as if they were burnt. Even their skin looked like the skin of a burn victim. 

Kai then meets Baekhyun. Baekhyun is a lonely kid but he still needs to go on with his life, even though he has the background of an assassin. He always took notice of Kai, because he was the other person in the accident that he had created. Kai was one of the only people that survived one of Baekhyun's assassinations. So when Kai had a panic attack, Baekhyun jumped in to help. Baekhyun isn't a bad person. He's just forced to be one. His parent's died in a car accident. But the accident was intended. Baekhyun is part of the very group that killed his own parents. Because Baekhyun survived the crash and may have seen things he shouldn't have, the couple that runs this network of a gang, took him in as a precaution. Baekhyun never knew that they had killed his parents, but since he was grieving and was told to kill, he took it. It helped him release his pain, even if it was only for a few moments. Soon Baekhyun developed his method of assassination and he caused car accidents. He killed Kyungsoo's family so when he saw Kai in the bathroom, speaking the name Kyungsoo, he tensed up. He knew he had made Kai like this. Kai asks about the writing on the sculptures on the dome of Baekhyun's apartment. Baekhyun again tenses because he knows that it means "dragons kill together."

The pair became friends and Kai introduced him to Chanyeol. Baekhyun actually liked Chanyeol, but he wasn't careful enough. Chanyeol visited him at his place a lot and he slept over sometimes because it was too late to go back home. Chanyeol would always sleep on the floor, although Baekhyun offered him the bed. Chanyeol wouldn't sleep in the other rooms because he was too scared to be alone. One time Baekhyun stayed up late to complete a file on one of his victims. Chanyeol was sleeping, but when he awoke early the next morning, he found Baekhyun asleep at his desk. Being a nice person, Chanyeol carried the

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Hey guys, just a quick notice that, I might be editing all ready posted chapters as I go.


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Wow It was amazing story Good job Authornim! It was a roallercoaster I didn't expect this.. It's sorprised me a lot! I like it!
However I have a question: Were the victims of the gang chosen randomly? or were they linked for some reason?
I really enjoy your work I hope you'll continue writing soon Fighting!!
Chapter 12: I love this story !!! The way you wrote the story, its pace, the flow of events, the accidents and the introduction of angst and betrayal was perfect in my opinion!!! I had suspected baekhyun from the start but he turned out to be much more wow! I was stunned when I read the full details!! How did chanyeol know too much? How did he find out? What is kyungsoo ? Kai's imagination or supernatural ? I am reading in mobile so I did not see the highlighted words.... I really wanted to find out but I did not see anything :( can you give me some hints ......anyways I am so excited to read about the epilogue!! :D is baekhyun going to do something.....I have so many questions.... I can't wait to read the answers in the epilouge!!!!! :)
larataylor #3
Chapter 12: this was amazing holy crap
moonson #4
Chapter 6: Is baekhyun up to something? he looks suspicious from the beginning..or maybe it just me..haha. Btw im on my school break too xD !
moonson #5
Chapter 4: this is so great. cant wait to know what will happen next !!