chapter seven.

Advice From An Evil Pikachu

{Author's note:} This chapter got deleted because of the problem that happened to >asianfanfics< and sooo, i came her to rewrite it. And this isn't the only one that got deleted.. *sigh* so i'll be busy rewriting the deleted chapters today.. *sobs*..


"Uhhh.. I need to go. There's school tomorrow.. bye~" he reasoned while scurrying off to his house. You pouted and crossed your arms as you turned around to go inside. Closing the door and finally resting on your couch from all the drama that happened in the park, you let out a huge sigh. *Briing Briing* you got a text message. Looking at the ID, it was Kwangmin. You tilted your head before reading the message...

MESSEJI: "You're breaking up with me!?!? *sobs* jokes~ Anyways, I have to tell you something very important... CONGRATULATIONS FOR BEING THE VERY FIRST GIRL TO EVER BREAK UP WITH the JO KWANGMIN!! bye~"


You were on your way to school skipping, feeling really hyper. Maybe something good is going to happen today. But then again, your not ALWAYS right. Getting your textooks from your locker and heading to your class. A few minutes later, your attention was nowhere to the teacher, it was on your seatmate's phone. I kinda looks like Kwangmin's phone, but he's not the type of person to be uncautious enough to lose his phone, right?

*Briing Briing* the bell rang and you stormed out of you classroom and ran to the auditorium where you had planned to meet Kwangmin. But he was oddly late and when he came, he was sweating and out of breath. You sat beside the fatigue boy and patted his back. "I-I have great news," he gasped as he suddenly hugged you tight. "There's this game fair tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go. Oh! And I'm bringing Youngmin with me."

He then rushed out of the auditorium to search for his older twin after you gave him a nod in agreement. Leaving you alone and spaced out. Maybe it's because you heard that Youngmin was coming or because Kwangmin surprisingly hugged you.. especially since you two aren't "dating anymore" and you feel uncomfortable..

 Author's note:

 Hi readers. Done. Heading off to my other story that has a deleted chapter. bye~ and stay tuned for the next chapter. ignore my mistakes.. i'm not in the mood.. READ MY NEW FIC~ My Illegal Boyfriend:

 xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.

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What happened to this? I miss this ;_;
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 12: Aww poor Kwangmin he likes her/me and she like youngmin... I see a love triangle! Anyway I love this fanfic I hope you continue and keep up the good work! ^.^
JouJouBexotobap #4
WOOHOOO~!! dude, your story is just so cool !!
i liked when my kwang was talking to himself xD
P.S: don't mind me if yoou're a girl, i always say dude to both; boys and girls ;D
woow! nice update =D
I read a fanfic like this but it was about youngmin, but it was diferent so don't worry.
You know that I like this story so please update XD
KwangKwang likes her.. Kyaa~~ I'm waiting for this ^_^
I really like KwangKwang to be her real boyfriend.. keke :D
Keiley #7
lol Kwangmin cream that makes pimples invisible? WHOA I WISH I HAD THAT....