chapter six.

Advice From An Evil Pikachu

 Youngmin hurriedly went downstair to see no sign of Ria anymore. Kwangmin just looked at him and earned an annoyed look from his older twin and rolled his eyes. He was totally pissed about him cheating on you. xD Kwangmin tilted his head in confussion, not knowing why his brother looks mad at him. He shook the thought of and reached for the door knob to go to the park to meet you. He was getting fond of you two making plans for his older twin to like you. In fact, he's actually having fun and even though his mood went down today from that horrible kiss from Ria, he's still excited. >.< Imitating someone puking, Youngmin snickered,"Don't act like you didn't like the kiss."

 The brown-haired boy whipped his head towards his brother with a puzzled look,"What are you talking about? She kissed me."

 Youngmin gave him smugly smile and hissed,"I'm telling ____-ah."

 A smirk then appeared across Kwangmin's lips and said,"Do you like MY GIRLFRIEND?" Youngmin was taken back but then acted cool and reasoned that he doesn't. 'He just wants to protect you from his younger brother. That's all..

 "He is soo jealous," Kwangmin mumbled, not even paying attention that Youngmin had stormed out and was on his way to see you. He started to panic, taking his phone out to text you.

 To: My fake girlfriend

 Youngmin's going there to tell you that I cheated on you. Don't ask questions. Just pretend like you're hurt for 'what I did' and cry on his shoulders. Kekeke~ have fun.


 After reading the message, you went crazy and was about to bombard him with lots of questions when you realized what he just said. And I quote.."Don't ask questions." You sighed then felt uneasy. He clearly said that you need to 'cry on his shoulders' and how the heck are you suppose to do that. You're not a very good actress to just suddenly cry. Then an idea popped inside your head and you'll regret it if you do it. You cleared your thought before rushing to a nearby market place to buy... ONIONS. This is going to hurt.

 You took a huge breath before beginning to peel of the skin of the onion you bought. It looked like it was working since your eyes were feeling its effectively strong scent which made your eyes blink multiple times. It was a sour and an unhealthy feeling. Kwangmin was so going to pay for making you do this. A voice then called your name as you saw Youngmin running towards you. Immediately, you threw the onion that you were holding inside a bush and acted normal. Whistling, I mean trying to whistle casually. {a/n: This whistling part actually depends if you know or don't know how to whistle. Ok?} Youngmin finally reached you and exclaimed without hesitating about Kwangmin's wrong actions of kissing someone when he is 'currently dating you.' You rubbed your hands below your eyes to encounter its painful scent for it to go inside. This made your eyes water and eventually allowed your tears to flow down your cheeks. Youngmin grabbed your head and gently place it on his shoulders, just like what Kwangmin had planned. He patted your back as you sobbed hard on his head. 'This is why I hate onions," you cursed inside your head. You sighed but was happy to have skinship with Youngmin.






 Youngmin walked you home, happy to confront you and not make you suffer later once you find out the 'truth.' So clueless. You were overwhelmed to know that he cares for you. You were curious on who Kwangmin kissed and you didn't hesitate to ask. After asking him, he replied you with a saying of Ria's name. You snapped your fingers and pointed out,"I knew that girl has feelings for Kwangmin."

 "____-ah.." Youngmin said softly. "Does this mean that you're going to break up with my brother?"

 "You'll probably hate me for this, but yeah. I need to end it," you exclaimed while bowing your head down still acting.

 "Okay~" he sang out loud quickly than expected. Wait. Too quick.

 "Youngmin-sshi? Do you perhaps... uhmm.. like me..?"


 Author's note:

 Hi readers. Do you guys hate me? I haven't updated for awhile and then i give you guys a horrible chapter... Ahhhhhh! Mianhae. Sorry. Mianhae. Also sorry if i made mistakes, i'm using an ipod. I'll try my best on the next chapter. 8( don't hate me.

 xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.

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What happened to this? I miss this ;_;
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 12: Aww poor Kwangmin he likes her/me and she like youngmin... I see a love triangle! Anyway I love this fanfic I hope you continue and keep up the good work! ^.^
JouJouBexotobap #4
WOOHOOO~!! dude, your story is just so cool !!
i liked when my kwang was talking to himself xD
P.S: don't mind me if yoou're a girl, i always say dude to both; boys and girls ;D
woow! nice update =D
I read a fanfic like this but it was about youngmin, but it was diferent so don't worry.
You know that I like this story so please update XD
KwangKwang likes her.. Kyaa~~ I'm waiting for this ^_^
I really like KwangKwang to be her real boyfriend.. keke :D
Keiley #7
lol Kwangmin cream that makes pimples invisible? WHOA I WISH I HAD THAT....