chapter twelve.

Advice From An Evil Pikachu

Kwangmin's P.O.V:

*Earth to Jo Kwangmin, stop daydreaming and break the two girls up from practically killing each other!!* my conscience scolded me. Why does he get to be the boss? Either way, I did what was asked. I snapped out of daze then got back to my senses to see Miru and Ria pulling each others' hair out. "Break it up!!" I yelled as I grabbed Miru from the waist, back hugging her, and separating them. 

Ria looked like a mess, so she decided to go home while crying. "Since when were you so violent?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ever since you blackmailed me earlier," she hissed while rolling her eyes. There was a long pause of silence because somehow the atmosphere got awkward. "Can you let go now?" she shyly blushed.

'SHE'S SOOO CUTE!' *Yeah, yeah, yeah.. you had your fun, but now let go of her..* 'Sheesh! Fine!' I thought with a pout. Though I do admit, I liked her wrapped inside my arms. It felt like I was her 'knight-in-shining-armour'; her protector, her hero, her prince charmiii - *You're her advisor!* Cut off once again..

"Now that I saved you from that crazy 'friend' of yours," she started. "Can I go back to my youngminnie now?"

"Since when did you come up with a nickname for him?" Without knowing, I sounded a bit cold and rude.

"Since when did you become cranky," she snapped while glaring at me. *Calm down and apologize.* 'Why should I!?!?' *Say you're sorry!* 'NOOO!' *Now!*

"Mianhe {Sorry}," I mumbled while bowing my head down. From the corner of my eyes, I could sensed a relaxed aura appearing, easing me a bit. *Now ask her on a date...* Evil Pikachu whispered. 'WHATT!?!? EEk! Are you crazy!?!? NOO!' *Just do it,* he, I sighed. And I think I imagined him, I shaking his head. "Let's go on a date!" I suggested with a flushed face. 'I'm blushing!!' *That's good! She'll think you look cute!* 'Really!?!?' 

"Why?" she bluntly asked.

*Tell her... "I need to teach you how to act properly when you're on a date.."* I explained with a chuckle. *Don't be nervous!* I cleared my throat and tried to act normal. The date begun. Just strolling around the park, walking side-by-side. *Now hold her hand!* I did what was told. She was taken back at first, so she pulled away. "It's part of your lesson," I reasoned. Taking her hand once again in mine, so soft. Like a baby's . Well, that's what they say. I haven't actually touched a baby's . /:

"I had fun today," she exclaimed while smiling. *Too bad it's not for you..* "We played in your arcade room. And we ate chicken. Slept together. Talked and --- Oww!!"

I accidentally squeezed her hand tight once I heard the 'slept together' part. "Sorry," I apologized softly.

"Are you okay? Sick?" she asked with concern.

*SAY YES!* I nodded reluctantly. "Oh," she began to feel my forehead then hers, back to mine then repeat. "Well, your forehead feels normal."

''I-IIt's because..." I nervously thought of a lie, "it's my stomach that is hurting." I clutched on to my tummy, looking like I was in pain. *Smooth~*

"Really?" she questioned then started dragging me somewhere. I liked the way how she was holding on to my hand. Because this time, it wasn't requested, she just did it. :) "Here we are!" she announced. "Come quick!" It was the hospital. 'Way to go Pikachu! Now what do I do once they find out that there's nothing wrong with me!' I mentally screamed.

*Run!!* Okay. I grabbed Miru's hand then just ran for it. 'Where do I take her?' *Your house!* 

-- Jo Twin's House --

We stepped inside the house where I immediately locked the door. "Didn't you say that your stomach hurts?" she asked while tilting her head.

"Yeah, but it's not very severe, so why go to the hospital?" I lied.

She bought it though. "Where's Youngmin-oppa?" she asked cutely.

*Briing* From: Your brother Youngminnie~

To: Not So Awesome Brother In The World xP

         I went to a friend's house... be back later 8)

"Yes!" I fist pump. 

"What happened?" Miru asked while blinking innocently.

*Say..."I-II'm using this effective face cream that hides your pimples, so if you look at my face, they look invisible..."* I blurted out. 'Nice lie dude -.-' *Wait for it!!!*

"Let me see," Miru said with a straight face. She leaned in, closer, closer, closer and closer. *Thump thump* 'STOP MAKING THOSE NOISES!' *That's your heart dude...* 'Oh! Then make it stop!' *You're in love!!* 'No!' *Yes! You're even blushing!* -poke poke- Miru poked my cheeks, then continued. "Woah. They are invisible... keke~"

She was so close that I could feel her breath tickle my neck. 'What are you doing to me, Miru?'

*Riing Riing* 

"Yoboseyo {Hello}?" she answered her phone. She walked into the kitchen as she talked on the phone privately. She came back with a pout. "I have to go. My parents are home and they want me to eat dinner with them.."

A sad, lonely feeling began to linger inside my head, and I think she noticed it too. I don't have parents unlike her. Me and Youngmin are the only people we have. No Mom. No Dad. No Little Brother. My eyes became teary just remembering the incident. Then suddenly, I felt a hand caressing my cheeks. Wiping my tears. I looked at Miru then hugged her. It seems like she didn't mind because she didn't push me back, but instead, she wrapped her arms around my upper waist. "Cry all you want. I won't go home until you're done.."

I sniffed, "Thank you."

"I almost forgot! It's Miru's birthday tomorrow!!!" I squealed. "What should I get her?"

*Don't worry, I still have some tricks up my sleeves. Make sure you call the police tomorrow, because something bad is going to happen...*




 Author's note:

 Hi readers. Someone's introuble in the next chapter.... liked this chap.? do: ignore my mistakes, i don't like checking over my work -.- Subscribe, Comment and add me as a friend if you like. annyeong for now~

 xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out.

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What happened to this? I miss this ;_;
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 12: Aww poor Kwangmin he likes her/me and she like youngmin... I see a love triangle! Anyway I love this fanfic I hope you continue and keep up the good work! ^.^
JouJouBexotobap #4
WOOHOOO~!! dude, your story is just so cool !!
i liked when my kwang was talking to himself xD
P.S: don't mind me if yoou're a girl, i always say dude to both; boys and girls ;D
woow! nice update =D
I read a fanfic like this but it was about youngmin, but it was diferent so don't worry.
You know that I like this story so please update XD
KwangKwang likes her.. Kyaa~~ I'm waiting for this ^_^
I really like KwangKwang to be her real boyfriend.. keke :D
Keiley #7
lol Kwangmin cream that makes pimples invisible? WHOA I WISH I HAD THAT....