Just the reason to stay...

That Words...

Yongbae slowly open his eyes after his long sleep. He glance towards the window and realized the rains are pouring heavily outside. “Ahh..my head, what happened to me? What time is it?” he murmured between his lips. His head still feels so heavy but he try to get himself up. The towel that covered his forehead fell off once he managed to sit and that makes him noticed on Jiyong who is curling up beside him, sleeping soundlessly. “Did he been here to take care of me? I must had made him worried.” Yongbae throw a soft gaze towards his friend and slowly pull the blanket to cover Jiyong’s body. He reached his phone and there are a few miss calls from Daesung and Soo Hyuk. He scroll down all messages received. All related to work and some concern message from Daesung but one message that captured his attention.


“I know that you are sick but please don’t drag Jiyong into trouble.” ~ Soo Hyuk.


That words are simple but its hurt him. He looks at Jiyong. “What trouble that I had caused you? It must be something important that made him said something like that.” he silently saying. Yongbae carefully get down from the bed, doesn’t want to disturb Jiyong from his rest and he heading to the bathroom wishing to fresh himself up after sleeping all day. It’s already 5.30p.m and that is his first time sleeping that long.


“You’re up?” that voice makes Yongbae startled once he step out from the bathroom. Jiyong looks at him with sleepy face. Yongbae just smile as a return.

“Do you feeling better?” asked Jiyong with concerned.

“Emm..thanks to you and sorry if I have given you so much hassle.” replied Yongbae.

“I didn’t do much. But I’m glad that you are ok.” said Jiyong.

“Don’t worry about me. Just get yourself some rest. Sleep some more. I will prepare something to eat.” asked Yongbae being considerate.

“No no no… Let me do it or worst comes to worst we can order the food. You are just getting better, no need to trouble yourself with thing like that. Just sit and rest.” adviced Jiyong and directly get down from the bed and walks towards Yongbae. He still worried about Yongbae’s condition. He quickly bring his palm to touch on Yongbae’s forehead to check his temperature. “Thank god your fever is gone. But still I can’t let you do anything right now until you’re fully recovered.”

Smile on Yongbae’s face widen looking at Jiyong’s reaction. “Since when you have learned nagging like this? Suddenly feels like I’m having a wife.” teased Yongbae and chuckle as he realized that Jiyong’s ears started to redden.

“Wh-wh-what wife? I just make sure that you don’t collapse again. Ah…I’ve should take a shower too since I haven’t managed to get one from this morning.” Jiyong create an excuse and rushing to the bathroom with fluttery heart. Yongbae still widely smiling gazing his bestfriend who is already lost behind the close door. He then walk into the kitchen and start to prepare for their dinner.


“Yaishh..that rascal, why suddenly mention about a wife?.” Jiyong looking at his reflection on the mirror. His heart still trembling and notice that Yongbae’s words had made him blushing so much. “You are in trouble, Jiyong ah… really in trouble.” he mumbles to himself.


Jiyong can smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. Once he finished putting his cloth on, he quickly heading to the kitchen and there, Yongbae is busy scooping the hot broth and pour it into the bowls of soba noodles.


“Yongbae ah…I’ve told you to get a rest, didn’t I? Why are you so stubborn?” shout Jiyong while heading towards Yongbae.

“Are you done? Hehe..Just in time. I’ve made soba noodle soup. Hope you won’t mind. Let’s eat together.” said Yongbae while grinning towards Jiyong.


Without a word Jiyong just follow Yongbae to the dining table and take his seat. When it comes to the food, Jiyong can’t deny that Yongbae is more reliable than he is. The noodle soup seems really well prepared and it’s aroma itself already makes him driveled. Jiyong deeping his spoon and taste the broth and without a doubt, he can never win over Yongbae on this. The soup is tasty and refreshing. He smile towards Yongbae in satisfaction.

“Is it suits your taste?” asked Yongbae curious.

“Hmm..it’s delicious. I won’t mind eating this every day.” replied Jiyong while enjoying his meal.

While they are having their dinner together, Yongbae noticed that Jiyong keep glancing over his phone, and reply to the messages that he received. Yongbae suddenly remember Soo Hyuk’s message that he received ealier. He head up and looking directly towards Jiyong. He really curious to know what does it mean.


“You seems busy.” asked Yongbae which makes Jiyong startled.

“Ah..it’s from Soo Hyuk. He just informed me about works.” replied Jiyong calmly.

“Jiyong ah, I just wondering, was it really okay you didn’t go to work today and stayed here with me instead? Don’t you have any important matter to deal with? I’m worried if I had caused you a troubled.” asked Yongbae guiltily.

“How am I supposed to leave when you were in that condition? Even though there is something important cames up, it’s nothing compared to your health. Tell the truth, I was very worried when you were lying unconscious like that. As far as I am concern, this is the first time I’ve seen you like this. I’ve been in a panic attack for awhile, try to think what should I do in that situation. I’ve always been taken care by other people, but this is the first time I have to take care for someone else. I really don’t know what action should I take. So, I try to remember what people did when I’m in that position. About works, even when I’m not there, I believed Soo Hyuk can handle it for me. What is matter for me…is you.” said Jiyong while gazing Yongbae who seems speechless hearing those answer.Jiyong try to read expression on Yongbae’s serious face but he really not sure what is it. “Owh no..What did I said just now? Is he mad at me?” wondered Jiyong alone.


Yongbae try to control his feeling that shaken by Jiyong’s words. He inhaled his breath silently and return back the gaze. They are locking their eyes towards each other in silent until Yongbae speak up.


“I’m glad that I have someone to rely on when staying alone in this foreign country. But, I don’t want to be a burden to other people, especially to someone that I cherish the most. So, I hope if you have something important to do just go for it. Don’t worry about me.” said Yongbae.

“So, if you don’t want me to worry about you please don’t fall sick like this again.” replied Jiyong. “!!! What’s wrong with my mouth? It sounded so gay. What he will think about me? He will be uncomfortable if I keep being like this.” Jiyong try to hold his inner feeling.


They continue eating without saying any word after that. Both of them have lost in their own thought and try to deal with strange feeling that started to develop in themselves. Jiyong take his bowl and do the dishes after he finished eating. The awkward silence covers the room for a while.

“Yongbae ah, how about we go to the clinic after this to check your condition.” asked Jiyong try to break the silent.

“No need. I’m ok. It’s just a normal fever. Maybe I’m a bit tired lately and everything in that club makes me headache.” answered Yongbae while heading to the living room and landed himself on the couch.

“If you feeling uneasy, just tell me ealier. Don’t push yourself. We can get out from that place if you not comfortable with it.” asked Jiyong.

“I think I’d mentioned about it, but there was someone who couldn’t stop whinning, asking me to join him.” replied Yongbae while glaring over Jiyong, who are now walking closer to him.

Jiyong grinning, just realized that he was the one who forced Yongbae at the first place.

“I thought it would be nice if we can spend time together like that. Sorry.” said Jiyong in guilt and landed beside Yongbae.

“It’s ok, but next time, if you think about that place don’t you ever ask me to join. I will totally reject. Just go with Soo Hyuk.” said Yongbae.

“Ok..ok..whatever you said. But, are you sure you’re alright? Your voice still doesn’t seems okay.” Jiyong touch Yongbae’s forehead once again with his back palm. He is worried if the fever rise up again.

“I’m ok, don’t worry.” Yongbae pull Jiyong wrist, bring it down slowly and hold that hand for a moment. The concerned looks on Jiyong face makes him flutter somehow and the scene from last night incident suddenly poke his mind. It is the same feeling that lingered his heart when he gazing Jiyong’s face while he helps Jiyong changed last night. He quickly shook his mind and get his hand off from Jiyong’s.

“Why? Is there something wrong?” asked Jiyong when noticed that Yongbae acting strange.

“N-Nothing.” answered Yongbae short. He can feels his heartbeats suddenly rise up but he try to calm it down.

“It seems that the rain has stop. I will take my leave. So, you should take your rest. Don’t do anything while you’re alone and make sure your phone is always with you. If there is anything, please call me, got it?” asked Jiyong.

“Where are you going? Office?”. asked Yongbae in surprised.

“No. Just heading back to my house.” replied Jiyong while rushing to the room to get change.

Yongbae just follow Jiyong with his eyes. Suddenly he feels empty. He already used with Jiyong presence. Almost everyday they spend time together until he forgot that Jiyong has his own place. Speaking of which, he never go to Jiyong’s place since they meet again. Moreover, Jiyong never invite him to his house and that makes him wondering how that place looks like.

“Ok Yongbae, I have to leave. Remember what I’ve told you earlier.” said Jiyong who is already dress up.

“Ji, wait a second..” Yongbae shout from the couch when Jiyong walks towards the front door. Jiyong stop his move when heard Yongbae’s voice and turn back to look at him.

“What is it? Did you hurt somewhere?” he asked worriedly.

“No, I just…” Yongbae suddenly lost his words after noticed Jiyong’s gaze is beaming into his.

“What’s wrong? are you sure you’ll be alright by yourself, Yongbae? seeing you like this makes me worried even more.” said Jiyong and walk closer towards Yongbae, who is now being silent. There are a lot of things that Yongbae wants to say to Jiyong but he can’t voice it out. He doesn’t know what should he say and how should he express everything that lingers his mind.

“No, I just want to say thank you and please be careful on the way back.” he said, totally different from what he had been thought.

“Owh…it’s nothing actually. We are friend after all. That’s what friend supposed to do, right?” Jiyong tapping Yongbae’s shoulder and smile towards each other.

“If there is nothing else, I’ll go now. Owh yes..your medicine is on the side table in your room. Don’t forget to take it on time. Please take care of yourself. See you later, Yongbae.” said Jiyong and waving his goodbye before he lost behind the closed door.


The silence covers the entire home. Yongbae slumped on the couch with his mind wondering around, thinking no other than his best friend who just walked away leaving him behind. “Loneliness is something that I’ve grown up with for years already, but why suddenly I felt so empty this time? What with this feeling? Why does its hurt when saw him walked away just like that? I never thought that being alone like this can bothered me that much. There must be something wrong with me.” murmured Yongbae alone.


In the other hand, Jiyong is still there, leaning against the closed door behind him. His feeling still conflicting either to stay or leave the house as he planned. “What’s wrong with me? The more I get close to him the more I’m losing my control. I thought I could act cool and be as natural as possible. What about this awkward feeling? Is it normal to have this kind of feeling towards my own friend. But why only him? His gesture, his smile, his gaze, everything draws me towards him. His simple touch is enough to makes me shivered my whole body. Is this the feelings that he afraid of? I don’t want to leave him in this situation but what should I do? I’m just afraid. Being with him is hard, but losing him is harder. Sorry Yongbae, I have to leave you alone. I can’t let myself being hate by you. I had promised to maintain this friendship border. but I don’t know when this feeling start develop this much. Being with you like this makes me begging for more. As long as I can be with you, I will secure this feeling alone.” Jiyong slowly setting his pace and leaving Yongbae’s house with hesitation.




Yongbae standing on the balcony throwing his gaze on the night city. It’s almost midnight but his eyes still refused to close.

“What is he doing in time like this?” Yongbae staring at his phone, wish to call Jiyong but still hesitates. “Haish…why I keep thinking about him today? Did I miss him? Miss?!! Huh…what the hell I’m thinking about?” Yongbae rubs his face couple of time. He try to inhale as deep as he can to calm his pounding heart. But then, his eyes landed again on his phone. Without thinking much longer, he search for that number and pressing call button. Luck just on his side when he heard Jiyong’s voice echoed from the line.

“Hello, Yongbae?”

“Hey, sorry I call you this late. Aren’t you sleep?”

“What’s wrong? Did your fever come back?”

“No. It’s not like that. I just can’t sleep so I thought I want to kill some times.”


“Where are you?”

“I’m with Soo Hyuk.”

“Owh..Did I interrupting something?”

“Not really. There is something we need to discuss, but it’s almost finished.”

“Owh..erm..it’s okay then. I don’t want to disturb your discussion.”

“Not at all. Have you taken your medicine?”

“Yes, I did..erm…Jiyong…”


“I..ermph…nothing. I think I have to sleep now. Sorry again.”


“I will hang up now. See you tomorrow. Good night, Ji.”


Yongbae ended the call just like that. “So, he’s with Soo Hyuk.” Yongbae glance over the wall clock. It’s already 12.30am. Yongbae heading towards the bedroom and lay himself on the bed. “So, here I am being alone again.” he thought himself. A little disappointment rises in his heart. He forced himself to sleep because he knows, that’s the only way he could forget about Jiyong and after fighting with his inner feeling, he manage to get some sleep.




Jiyong carefully entered the house and try to walk as silent as he could to ensure that he didn’t disturb Yongbae who has been asleep. With the help of the light from his handphone he manage to get himself into the bedroom. He knew it’s already late but he can’t hold himself from coming back to that place. At first, he planned to sleep at home after meeting with Soo Hyuk and actually he was already laid down on his bed before he decided to come. However, his mind couldn’t stop thinking about Yongbae especially after those conversation that they had over the phone. So, he get up and took his belongings and rushed to Yongbae’s place as fast as he could. “What have you done? I think I’m going crazy because of you." he whispered by himself while looking at Yongbae’s sleeping face that showered by shimmering light of the table lamp. Jiyong landed himself beside Yongbae. He carefully bring his palm on Yongbae’s forehead just to check his condition and he breathing in relief with the result. He takes the opportunity to tracing the face in front of him that looks so calm while sleeping like that. “Sorry, I shouldn't do this but I need to be here again.” he said before close his eyes and drowns into a deep sleep.

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Adri456 #1
Chapter 33: Wow, love this fic! I know it's been a long time you haven't update but i still hoping that you will do it coz this story is so good !
aikoXI #2
Chapter 33: Yeah, friendship last longer. Gdyb forever?
vododoll #3
Chapter 33: Thank u for thiiiiis - I hope teayang will love jiyong for real like a lover >< I feel sad for jii Oppaaa
jasmine751 #4
Chapter 33: Well, at least they're somewhat together. Is this fic ending soon?
Chapter 32: Oh these 2, They keep hurting each other. I hope Bae figures out his head soon and confesses to Ji. He's so stubborn
jasmine751 #6
Chapter 32: They're feeling so much pain :(
Chapter 32: Aghh why they so cute i hope they get together soon>< thanks for the updqte author-nim^^
vododoll #8
Chapter 31: Please update im dying here T_____T
Chapter 31: Oh, these babies.... Bae... just figure it out already... AISH!
aikoXI #10
Chapter 31: Please Youngbae, u're so blind.