Chapter 8

I want to tell you I love you

“Hey, Mom. Dad. I need to tell you something”, I say one night. It’s been about a week since Bambam’s party and things have been great with Jimin. They’ve been more than great; perfect. We haven’t really done anything unusual, we’ve just been continuing our Criminal Minds marathons, talked and just hung out. And made out too. A bit. Or quite a lot.                                                                                                                                        

“Yeah, honey?” Mom says and puts down her book. Dad looks up from the newspaper he’s reading.

“You didn’t get some random girl pregnant, did you?” he asks. I utter a laugh nervously.                                              

“No, no. It’s about something else. And I wanna tell you because well, you’re my parents and I love you so much”, I start. Million what ifs run in my mind; what if they’re not okay with it? What if they kick me out? What if they disown me? I almost back off and am a coward but then think what would Jimin do? How could I ever be with him in public if I always have to worry that someone will see? I take a deep breath and then turn to look at my parents with a serious look on my face.                      

“I… I like boys the way I’m supposed to like girls”, I tell them. I stare at the floor because I’m too scared to look in their eyes. Mom and Dad are quiet for a while and then Dad asks with a quiet voice:                                                                                                                                                                                     

“Are you trying to say that you are gay?”                                                                                                          


“Oh, Jungkook”, Mom says and starts to cry. Dad takes her hand and tries to comfort her.                                    

“I don’t know where we went wrong. We raised him so well”, his voice is full of desperation. My heart starts beating hard, almost painfully, against my chest. I can’t believe it. I feel like my eyes are burning and then the tears come. I don’t stay there, I run from the living room and out the door. I hear Sojin calling my name but I don’t stop. My parents think I’m something disgusting and unnatural. How do you live after that? 



I don’t kill myself, of course. It feels like the end of the world but so has many other things in the past. So here I’m sitting, watching Jimin and Jongup’s football practice. I sneaked in there in the middle of the practice, when they were still warming up and doing some weird exercises but now they set up the game. Jongup and Jimin play on the same side and it’s not hard to see why; their team work is amazing. Both of them are really good but now that they’re playing together the other side is getting desperate. It's like the two know exactly where the other one will be in a few seconds, it's something I haven't seen in my entire month of watching soccer. I watch how they score again and again. When the game and the practice is finally over, Jimin notices me and runs up to me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“Hey, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?” he asks worriedly when he sees my face. I just shake my head and go hug him, feeling just a little bit better in the warmth of his arms. He hugs me tight and says it’s okay. I guess he can guess what happened.                                                                                                                                                                 

“Man, I’m going already”, Jongup says quickly and then leaves.                                                                        

“Yeah, I’ll come in a min”, Jimin answers, not letting go of me.                                                                  

“Did you tell them?” he finally asks.                                                                                                                   

“You should’ve seen their faces”, I cry.                                                                                                                                                    

“They’ll get over it. I’m sure they were just shocked. People do and say really stupid when they’re shocked”, Jimin assures me.                                                                                                                   

“Can I sleep over at your place tonight?” I ask anyway. I don't feel like going home at all. I just want to keep feeling safe, like nobody's judging me, and I only feel like that with Jimin right now.                                                                                           

“Of course.” He pulls away gently to wipe away the tears from my cheeks.                                                     

“Are you feeling any better?” he asks and I nod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Good, now we’re going to get some coffee and then head to my place and do something that’s gonna put you on a better mood”, Jimin decides and smiles gently and I nod again. 



Jimin is a real coffee addict. He can’t go a day without at least two cups of coffee and my theory is that that’s why he’s always so energetic. He hands me my caramel frappuchino, my usual. I smile a bit and we kiss. It’s just a small peck on the lips but I hear a man with a gray beard not far away from us sigh and say:                                                                                                                                                                

“Faggots everywhere.” That really sets Jimin off. He looks like he could really kill that old guy right there.                                                                                                                                                                        

“Excuse me?” Jimin says and walks up to Gray Beard.                                                                                     

“It’s disgusting. Can’t you be somewhere else?”                                                                                             

“We’re human beings just like you and we also have feelings. Does it matter who the feelings are for?” Jimin asks and he’s really, really angry. I've never seen him this angry. Actually, I have never even seen him angry, he's just a bright person like that. The feeling from earlier today returns and I look down.                                                                                                                                                                                   

“Well, I guess not but can’t you show affection somewhere else? Because like you said, I’m also a human being with feelings and I’m feeling uncomfortable right now because of you and your boyfriend.”                                                                                                                                                                          

“Just so you know, my boyfriend’s parents took it really not well and after seeing his parents so disappointed in him and disgusted by him today I don’t think it’s really nice to hear like that. If you have something against gay people it’s fine but don’t go shouting about it because the truth probably is that you’re gay too but were just too much of a coward to tell anyone and you married some hot everybody wanted just to show you could.” After Jimin’s angry speech, Gray Beard shuts his mouth and stares at Jimin.                                                                                                                  

“Fine”, Gray Beard finally says and leaves. Jimin sighs, gets back to me and tells me we’re going too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“If it makes you feel any better, I think you two are adorable together”, some granny says. I smile at her and thank her. It’s good to see that there are some accepting people in this world. 



“Are you okay?” Jimin asks when we’re watching – surprise, surprise – Criminal Minds. We’re lying on their big couch and I’m leaning against him, his arm wrapped around me.                                               

“I will be”, I say.                                                                                                                                                                        

“It was an exceptionally bad day for you yesterday”, Jimin says. He has his theraphist mode on and I sigh because I'm not in the mood to talk about it or anything else in that matter.                                                                                                                              

“Tomorrow will be better”, I say, mostly just trying to convince myself and avoid having to open up to Jimin. Then someone calls me and I look at my phone. Mom. I have fifteen missed calls; nine from Sojin, four from Mom and two from Dad. I just ignore them because no matter what they have to say, I’m still hurt by their reaction. So I hang up and go back to watching CM.                                                                                                                

“You know, you need to talk to them someday”, Jimin says carefully.                                                                            

“Yeah, but not now”, I answer.                                                                                                                          

“Yeah, I know.”                                                                                                                                                             

“You know, I really love you”, I suddenly say.                                                                                                             

“I love you, too”, he says and I can hear the smile in his voice. I sit up, turn to him and kiss him. Jeremy kisses me back gently but I'm not in the mood for gentle so I deepen the kiss and he starts playing with my dark hair, his free hand going down to touch my and I wrap my arms around him.                                                                                                                                                     

“Whoa, guys, sorry I didn’t-“                                                                                                                                         

“Oh my God, hyung!” Jimin snaps in shock when Namjoon comes in.                                                                                                                                                       

“Not for my eyes, sorry!”                                                                                                                                                          

“Don’t you know how to knock?”                                                                                                                                

“Man, sorry, I’ll forget this ever happened!” Namjoon says and he’s clearly still shocked. So, in the middle of our kissing session he somehow came in and dear Lord, how awkward is this. He’s about to leave but then turns around.                                                                                                                                              

“But, um, I think it’s time for the talk”, Namjoon says. Jimin looks at him and shakes his head. I can see the soul leaving his body, he looks so mortified.                        

“No way.”                                                                                                                                                                           

“Yeah, just don’t do anything stupid and-“                                                                                                                

“For God’s sake, please go!” Jimin almost cries.                                                                                                       

“Always remember it’s better to wait before, you know, doing… It”, Namjoon says and he looks as uncomfortable talking about this as we do. I do not need that talk from Jimin’s brother. This moment just turned from oh-damn-awkward to please-kill-me-awkward.                                                                                                                

”Yeah yeah, we get it, you can go now! Please!” Jimin groans and throws a pillow at Namjoon. The older just leaves the room and we burst out laughing.  Then my phone rings. It’s my Mom. I look at Jimin and he nods so I pick up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Hey, Mom”, I say.                                                                                                                                                                        

“Oh, Jungkook, I’m so glad to hear that you’re okay!”                                                                                                                       

“What’s up?” I ask a little coldly.                                                                                                                                                                                

“I just need you to come home because we need to talk. We were so worried when you didn’t show up yesterday”, she says. Yeah right.                                                                                                                                            

“Okay, I’ll come”, I say and hang up.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“Are you leaving?” Jimin asks. I nod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

“Okay, call me later”, he says.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

“Yeah, I will.” I stand up and he gives me a quick kiss before I go get my stuff and leave. 


When I get home, everybody’s sitting in the living room. Sojin stands up and comes to hug me.

“Oh my God, Jungkook, you scared the out of me!” she says. I do feel a little bad about not texting her because she didn't do anything but I still don’t say anything, just look at them.                                                                                                                                                                          

“Jungkook, we really need to talk about what happened yesterday”, Dad says.                                                   

“We are really sorry, honey”, Mom says.                                                                                                                    

“Yeah, right”, I say. It's not like they couldn't be sorry, like Jimin said people do stupid when they're shocked, but I just want to make them feel as bad as I did. Which, I realize, makes me absolutely childish.                                                                                                                                                          

“You are our son and we love you no matter who you like or what you do”, Dad says.                                    

“Didn’t really seem like it yesterday”, I say. I really need to stop myself.                                                                                                          

“We were shocked. People do stupid things when they’re shocked”, he says. I sigh. Jimin said the same thing.                                                                                                                                                              

“Okay”, I say.                                                                                                                                                          

“Okay?” Mom repeats.                                                                                                                                                

“It’s okay.”                                                                                                                                                                                     

“We love you so much”, she says and comes to hug me. After all I feel relieved that they don't think I'm disgusting or anything. 



When I’m in my room I decide to call Jimin.                                                                                                        

“Hey”, he says after he picks up.                                                                                                                                  

“Hey, can you talk?” I ask.                                                                                                                                                

“Yeah, just – SHUT UP, DAMMIT, I’M TALKING TO KOOKIE – yeah, what’s up?” Jimin says after yelling at some dudes distracting him.                                                                                                       

“I’m home now and they said they were sorry and ”, I tell him.                                                                   

“That’s great, Jungkookie”, he says and I can hear the smile in his voice.                                                               

“Are you gonna say ‘I told you so’?” I ask.                                                                                                               

“Yup. I told you so”, Jimin says and laughs.                                                                                                                

“But hey, sorry, I really need to go now, Jongup somehow fell over and now there’s coke everywhere on the floor”, he says.                                                                                                                                              

“Okay, I’ll see you later”, I say.                                                                                                                                     

“Yup, bye.”


// aaaaand THE END xD lol it was all and all pretty ty and super cliche but i hope you enjoyed it even a little bit ^^ 

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Chapter 8: Omg are you a Criminal Minds fan too? Omg this is fate lol I AM too! I rewatch all the season everytime I got long break from school i.e summer break even though I sometimes know what will happen I still get goosebumps whenever I watch it. Actually I am almost done rewatching it again right now I'm on the 10th season right now, I hope I finish it (cause summer break is over) before they release the 12th season. Sorry this comment is getting long I'm just so hype hahaha I'm not really a jikook fun but it's good I don't mind reading anything like this in the future. Thumbs up!
mmkpop #2
namgyu4ever #3
Chapter 8: OmG yes I did enjoy it, it was funny even though it was suppose to be emotional and touchy.... srry lol, but I have two things im wondering rn.
2-WHY WAS I THINKING OF GIRL SAYING "I like boys the way im suppose to like girls" INSTEAD OF KOOKIE ???
yixingyifan #4
Chapter 8: I love this fanfic!! It kinda confused be a bit when it was written Jeremy instead of Jimin XD but this fanfic is aksnsnsns amazing!! ♡
Mysterious18 #5
Chapter 8: ... nice ending XDD
Anyway, great job! Good luck with next stories *cough* jikook *cough* :)
Chapter 8: I'm The Granny xD but this was a good chapter I really enjoyed it *^*
Chapter 6: aawwwweeeeee~~~ that confession tho...
namgyu4ever #10
Chapter 6: Yayyyy the confession!!!!! "Im ing in love with you" "I love you damnit!" Yayyyyyy *throws confetti!