The owls are not what they seem


Jeongguk might succeed at a lot of things but he fails to notice how Jimin’s expression changes after the brotherly touch, how Jimin’s cheeks turn a bit red and how it maybe wasn’t that brotherly to him. 


Helloooo everyone!! it's been like forever since i last wrote anything and i'm so sorry all my fics are dead ;-; and i still decided to start a new one hahahaha this one is something i have been planning since last summer but have been too lazy/unmotivated to write it sooo now i decided i have to start writing again and i wanted kind of a fresh plate, you feel me? 

anywayss there's a few things i'd like to make clear before moving on to the actual story just so it won't be confusing later on:

1. our babies are in 5th year at the beginning of the story, meaning they are fifteen, later on they will move on to their 6th year

2. i decided that jimin and jungkook will be the same age, to make the story easier and flow more naturally  

3. the idea is that park is basically the potter family and jeon is the malfoy family (so basically a bit inspired by Harry Potter and the Cursed Child if anyone has read that baby)

4. i grew up reading the books in finnish so i might not know a lot of the terms in english but i will try my best so just bear with me ok? ^^

5. there will be stuff like smoking, drinking, one-night stands, a possible character death aaaand stuff like that though i try to keep it as light as possible, not concentrating on those things. 

so thaat's about it and i hope you enjoy this ^^



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namgyu4ever #1
Chapter 3: and now I'm interested again gosh XD
jiminfan #2
Chapter 3: im excited author-nim could u plese update this story soon?cause im cannot wait any longer to know what happen next
Chapter 1: this was too short ;-;
i hope you update soon bc this was good and im so interested on what's gonna be the outcome. Jimin as a slytherin is really different and unexpected so I'm totally in for that!! <3
Nandita #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon I'm like dying to know what happens next!!!
rahcret #5
Chapter 1: Update soon