Chapter 7

I want to tell you I love you

“Wow, man, you got here alive. When the electricity went off I thought that the elevator would’ve crushed you”, Jongup shows up from nowhere suddenly when we're walking around the apartment exploring. Or I'm exploring since Jimin already knows this place.                                                                                               

“How would the elevator crush us?” Jimin asks and laughs. Jongup just shrugs.                                                   

“You know, maybe the floor would fall off and you two with it and the ceiling would drop on top of you?” he suggests. I frown. Jongup’s logics are a bit… Well, extraordinary. Jimin shakes his head.  


“But hey, come and see my baby!” Jongup says, turns around and runs to a girl. A short girl. So, this is Wheein in real life. She’s really pretty and wow, her hair. Her hair is probably light brown in daylight but in this light it looks about as light orange as Jimin's hair and she has a red flower behind her ear. Wheein’s wearing a red, tight dress. I guess it’s what they call a pencil-dress. She's thin but not boney and I just have to admire how beautiful she is. We walk to them and Jimin immediately gives her a hug.              

“Hey, there. You must be one hell of a package to get Jongup to fall for you”, he says. Wheein laughs, her dimples showing and shakes her head.                                                                                                                                                                    

“Jongup is a real sweetheart”, she says. Jongup wraps his hand around her waist and they kiss.             

“Okay, gross, you can stop now, dude”, Jimin says jokingly. They laugh and I just stand there awkwardly like always. But this time I don’t feel unwanted or unwelcome. Jimin glances at me with a knowing look from time to time and grins. I can't seem to stop blushing.                                                                                                                                        

“Sure, Silver Boy, however you like”, Jongup says with a grin. He's actually started to call me Golden boy instead and Jimin Silver Boy. I don't really know what's the meaning behind the nicknames but I don't say anything about it.

“Jongup showed me pictures of you, Tae and Mark. So, who’s this cutie?” Wheein asks smiling and points at me. I blush, again, and look at Jimin again. He looks at me, grins and then pokes my arm.                           

“He’s my boy, Jungkookie”, Jimin answers. I offer my hand but Wheein goes for a hug. It’s one awkward hug since 1. I’m not the hugger type and 2. she’s so much shorter. But it’s still a hug and when we step apart Jimin tousles her hair. It’s amazing how fast they accept someone in their posse. I guess there’s also a girlfriend rule about it.                                                                                             

“You definitely are a shortie”, Jimin says even though he's not in the position to tease anyone about their height. Jongup grabs Wheein’s hand and combs her hair with his fingers.                                                                                                                                                                          

“Yeah, I guess I am”, she says and laughs. I get to hear that not only Jongup but all of Jimin’s “my boys” are back.                                                                                                                                                            

“Hey, man, did you two have fun when we were gone?” Taehyung asks when he shows up with Mark. They glance at each other and grin.                                                                                                                                    

“I highly doubt it”, Mark says. Jimin does a bro-fist with the both of them.                                                            

“We did have lots of fun”, he says, looks at me and winks, “How was the camp?”                                                

“It was good”, Taehyung says making a doubtful glance in my way. I hope he didn’t make any conclusions because I’m still not sure if we’re dating. And I wouldn’t call two kisses dating. Then again I’m not any kind of expert in dating stuff. 



“Are you gonna tell them?” I ask Jimin when we’re walking home. It’s about one o’clock in the morning and I called my Mom and told her I’m sleeping over at Jimin’s. He sighs and nods.

“Yeah. I mean I think they already know at least that I like you so it wouldn’t be a secret for long”, Jimin answers and I nod.                                                                                                                                      

“I’m happy.”                                                                                                                                                                         

“Me too.” Then we just walk in silence and smile. Jimin takes my hand in his and his bright smile widens and if even possible, brightens more. He's so handsome smiling like that I just want to kiss him again.                                                                                                

“Have you already told your parents that you like boys?” he asks and I shake my head. I have no idea what their opinion in gay people is but until now I haven’t had any reason or desire to find out.                                                                                                                           


“Yeah, they know.” 

“So, um, are we like a couple now?” I whisper when it’s like three in the morning and I’m staring at the ceiling. We already shut the lights and I’m lying on a mattress beside Jimin’s bed.                                    

“Yeah. I mean if you want to”, he answers and I smile.                                                                                            

“Yeah”, I say.                                                                                                                                                                        

“I’m sorry, I should’ve told you that I kinda like both girls and boys”, he says after a while.                 

“Yeah, it’s okay. What matters is that you really love me and don’t lead me on. That’s the only thing that matters to me”, I answer. I can hear Jimin utter a laugh.                                                                              

“I would never lead you on”, he says.                                                                                                                           

“That’s good to hear", I'm quiet for a while, "And I'm sorry for acting so childish."                                                                                                                                              

“Yeah, it's okay. But now let’s sleep. I’m super tired”, Jeremy decides and I hear him yawn.                                                                                                                                                                      

“Okay”, I say.                                                                                                                                                                                    

“Nights, love you”, he says and turns on his right side, facing the wall.                                                    

“Love you, too.” 


When Jimin wakes me up, I feel like I haven’t slept even ten minutes.                                                                  

“You’ve got to see this. Looks like Wheein and Jongup came over”, he says and pulls me out of my bed before I have time to say no. Nothing could be so interesting. But turns out it can. We go to Jimin’s guest room and there in the huge bed, are Jongup and Wheein. The funny thing is that despite his size, Jongup somehow manages to take over half of the king-sized bed, leaving Wheein curled up in a corner. I look at them holding back my laugh when JImin takes a picture of them with his phone. Wheein’s sleeping with Jongup’s white t-shirt on and he’s shirtless obviously.                                                                     

“I can’t believe it. How does he do that?” I whisper.                                                                                                         

“I have no idea. He’s like twice smaller than I am but somehow manages to take twice more space than I do”, Jeremy says with a normal voice. That's obviously bull since Jongup and Jimin are the same size and judging by last night, looks like Jimin could aslo take that much space. I also guess waking them up is no concern of his. I just shake my head and look at Wheein and Jongup. Wheein still has her make up on, it’s a bit smeared but still and her dress is on the floor. To be honest, I really don’t want to know what happened last night for it to get there. Then Jongup moves; he turns on his left side and wraps his arms around Wheein, holding her against his chest. It’s kind of cute, just like in the movies. Jimin fakes a cough really loudly and they both wake up.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“God, Jimin, are you sick?” Jongup asks his voice sleepy and covers his eyes with his hand like the light is hurting.                                                                                                                                                              

“Yeah”, Jimin answers. Lying, you sneaky little bastard.                                                                                       

“Can you be sick somewhere else?” Jongup moans and pulls Wheein closer.                                                          

“Nope, it’s time to wake up, sleepy heads”, Jimin announces.                                                                                

“My head hurts. Go away, man”, Jongup says desperately.                                                                                                     

“It was your decision to get drunk so don’t blame your hang over on me, buddy.” Jongup and Wheein stayed for a while last night after we had left and even though we didn’t drink, they did. I hear Jongup has kind of heavy drinking habits. And I also hear he’s hilarious when he’s drunk but a nightmare the next morning.                                                                                                                                                                                             

“Please, man, shut the lights and bring us some water.”                                                                                

“Okay”, Jimin says and tugs my sleeve as an order to follow him. So I do.                                                            

“I think he tries to keep the complaining as little as possible because of Wheein. No girl wants a man who’s a nightmare after drinking. He’s still trying to impress her”, Jimin explains when we’re in the kitchen, getting two bottles of water from the fridge.                                                                                               

“It’s brave of him. I mean, I’ve never had a hangover but I can imagine it’s pretty terrible”, I say.

“Yeah, depends on how much you drink. And what hangover type you are.”                                                   

“You drink a lot?” I ask.         

“From time to time. That’s one of my ways to get rid of stress. I take it you don’t?”                                        

“No, I don’t. I’m kind of a boring guy, I guess”, I utter a laugh. Jimin grins.                                                  

“Believe me, you’re far from boring.”  



“Did you drink a lot?” I ask when I hand Wheein a water bottle. I salute her; even hung over and last night’s make up on wearing Jongup’s white t-shirt that says THE KING OF SASS with golden print, she looks stunning. She rubs her face with her right hand and takes the bottle.                                                            

“Yeah. I don’t usually drink that much but now… We just had so much fun with Jongup and the boys and it kinda got out of hand”, Wheein explains and takes a sip of water. We’re sitting here in the dark room while Jimin is with Jongup in the bathroom because he’s throwing up. Wheein’s sitting on their bed, legs crossed and a little smile playing on her lips. I can't help but wonder that she's kind of like a girl version of Jimin; she has the same bright enchanting smile and I'm almost really sure that if I liked girls and she wasn't together with Jongup, I'd like her.                                                                                  

“Yeah? Jongup is a great guy, huh?”                                                                                                                           

“Yeah, he is. I never thought I’d fall for such a diva like he is. I always wanted a manly man, you know. And a tall one”, Wheein laughs. I smile. She looks so happy, so in love. I know that face; Sojin has it every time she’s talking about Namjoon.                                                                             

“Well, I guess we all fall for someone who’s the opposite of what we want”, I say thinking about Jimin. I never really thought about it but I always just wanted to fall for a girl, like the Jaebum thing was just a misunderstanding. Now I couldn’t be happier.                                                                                  

“And when we do fall for them, it’s better than anything.”                                                                                   

“You’re absolutely right. How long have you been together with Jimin?” Wheein asks smiling. I look at her in surprise. She has a good eye.                                                                                               

“Officially, for”, I glance at the clock, “eight hours now.”                                                                                 


“But we told about our feelings last night when the elevator got stuck”, I tell her.                                            

“Aw, that’s kinda romantic”, Wheein says. I smile and don’t mention the fighting part.                               

“What about you and Jongup?” I ask.                                                                                                                                  

“It was so sweet. He had been kinda upset all week and one day he just came knocking on my granny’s door with a bunch of red roses and just kneeled down in front of me. At first I thought like ‘holy , he’s not proposing, is he?’ but then fortunately not”, she says, “His words were really romantic, though. He said I was the smallest girl with the biggest heart he had ever met and that he wanted to guard that big heart from getting hurt in this cruel world. Then he just asked if I wanna be his girlfriend and I said yes.”                                                                                      

“Kinda hard to imagine Jongup saying that”, I admit and laugh.                                                                              

“I know. He’s been super sweet”, Wheein says.                                                                                                    

“That’s good.”            



// whoop whoop back again with this one. actually i think this is the second last chap? so there's only one more... ;-; anyways what did you thiiink? thanks for reading and see ya in the next one ^^                                                                                                                        

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Chapter 8: Omg are you a Criminal Minds fan too? Omg this is fate lol I AM too! I rewatch all the season everytime I got long break from school i.e summer break even though I sometimes know what will happen I still get goosebumps whenever I watch it. Actually I am almost done rewatching it again right now I'm on the 10th season right now, I hope I finish it (cause summer break is over) before they release the 12th season. Sorry this comment is getting long I'm just so hype hahaha I'm not really a jikook fun but it's good I don't mind reading anything like this in the future. Thumbs up!
mmkpop #2
namgyu4ever #3
Chapter 8: OmG yes I did enjoy it, it was funny even though it was suppose to be emotional and touchy.... srry lol, but I have two things im wondering rn.
2-WHY WAS I THINKING OF GIRL SAYING "I like boys the way im suppose to like girls" INSTEAD OF KOOKIE ???
yixingyifan #4
Chapter 8: I love this fanfic!! It kinda confused be a bit when it was written Jeremy instead of Jimin XD but this fanfic is aksnsnsns amazing!! ♡
Mysterious18 #5
Chapter 8: ... nice ending XDD
Anyway, great job! Good luck with next stories *cough* jikook *cough* :)
Chapter 8: I'm The Granny xD but this was a good chapter I really enjoyed it *^*
Chapter 6: aawwwweeeeee~~~ that confession tho...
namgyu4ever #10
Chapter 6: Yayyyy the confession!!!!! "Im ing in love with you" "I love you damnit!" Yayyyyyy *throws confetti!