Chappie 14

Forbidden Blood


                *why are they together? Wae? Wae?* SooYeon asked in her thoughts. She’s currently inside her room in their apartment. She came home straight after what she had seen in the park. She locked herself in her room since she came home and didn’t even bother to turn on the lights.

                “SooYeon-ah… gwenchanayo? Do you have any problem? Do you want to talk about it?” she heard KiBum’s voice from outside of her room. She didn’t bother to speak up and give him any reply. She just stayed sitting on her bed, leaning on its headboard.

                “Fine… if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s your choice. But if you ever change your mind, I’m just here. Just call me okay?” KiBum said. Then she heard his footsteps walking away.

                The scene at the park earlier keeps on repeating in SooYeon’s mind. The vivid picture of JaeNa and YoungMin with their hands on top of each other’s hand was stuck in SooYeon’s memory. *but why am I reacting this way? I’m not even sure if I do like him. And worst, I’m getting jealous of my best friend. What am I thinking? Why am feeling this way?* she let out a frustrated sigh. She hugged her legs and puts her head on top of her knees.

                *I’m so confused*


                “SooYeon-ah’s still not here?” JaeNa bursts out. She just arrived at their school when KwangMin asked her where SooYeon is. “But KiBum oppa said that she left early for school.” *where could she be? She didn’t even wait for me. How come I arrived here first when she left earlier than me?*

                “Does she have a problem?” KwangMin asked.

                “I don’t know.” *I wish I knew what she was thinking* JaeNa thought. Just then, SooYeon walked inside the classroom. JaeNa quickly walk towards her. “Where have you been? You left the house too early. I got worried when I arrived here and found out that you’re not here yet,” she said to SooYeon.

                “Mianhe…” was all that SooYeon said, bowed a little and sat down on her seat. JaeNa followed her and went on her seat. She caught a glimpse of MinWoo at the corner of her eyes. He was at his seat which is beside JaeNa’s seat.

                “MinWoo-ah…” she uttered softly. Her eyes met MinWoo’s stare. *MinWoo-ah… I totally forgot about him. I was so worried about SooYeon-ah that I forgot that he’ll be here* “MinWoo-ah… uhm…” she uttered.

                “Class is about to start JaeNa-ah.” MinWoo said and smiled at her.

                “Aah… D-Deh…” she sat down, their teacher arrived and class started.

                They didn’t know that a pair of eyes was watching the awkward tension starting to grow between them. *hmm… I knew it! Something happened between JaeNa and MinWoo. That’s why she didn’t want to go to school yesterday. She used my problem as a scapegoat* YoungMin smirked at that thought.


                “Unnie!” EunHee’s voice filled the whole classroom. All eyes were fixed on her instantly. Class just ended and she came rushing to JaeNa’s classroom. JaeNa turned around to see EunHee running towards her.

                “EunHee-ah…” JaeNa uttered. EunHee locked her arm with JaeNa.

                “Why are you absent yesterday unnie?”

                “Mianhe… I just got some things to take care of.” JaeNa smiled at her and finished fixing her things.

                “Oh well… let’s go and have some lunch. I’m hungry. And I’ve got so many things to tell you. I was supposed to tell you yesterday but since you’re absent, I’ll just tell it to you today,” she smiled sweetly at JaeNa.

                “All right then. Let’s all go and eat something delicious.” JaeNa said.

                “Mianhe… I’ll pass.” SooYeon said and left the room without another word. KwangMin stood up and grabbed his things.

                “I’ll go with her,” he said and followed SooYeon.

                “Huh? What’s wrong with SooYeon unnie?” EunHee look puzzled.

                “I don’t know.” JaeNa answered.

                *SooYeon-ah… I wonder what her problem is. I want to go to her and ask her, but… KwangMin is already there for her. I don’t want to get into their way* YoungMin let out a deep, frustrated sigh.


                “SooYeon-ah… wait up!” KwangMin said. He was following SooYeon who walks a bit too fast than him.

                “Just leave me alone KwangMin-ah. Go back to them please.”

                “Andwae. I want to come with you.” KwangMin kept following her. He grabbed SooYeon’s arm when he finally caught up to her. “If you have any problem, you could tell me. I’m here to listen,” he stared warmly at SooYeon’s eyes. She didn’t pull her arm, she let KwangMin hold it and drag her away. They bought something to eat and went to the riverside and sat down on one of the benches there and they ate quietly.

                “Do I look like I have a problem?” SooYeon asked suddenly.

                “Well… yeah. You’re acting weird today.”

                “How weird?”

                “You’re… uhm… a bit distant. It seems like you wanted to be alone,” he said.

              “I looked like I wanted to be alone? Then why do you keep on following me if you knew that I wanted to be alone?”

                “I’m worried. You seemed to be oblivious of the surrounding and I’m worried that it may lead you to something bad. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” KwangMin held SooYeon’s hand. “You can tell it to me. Whatever it is that bothers you. You know that I’ll always be here for you.”

                “Can I… can I really tell you anything? Anything that bothers me?” she asked.

                “Anything. I promise I’d listen. And if I could help, I’d help you.”

                “Okay… I’ll tell you. You see…” SooYeon started saying. She told KwangMin about YoungMin and JaeNa’s scene at the park that she saw yesterday. She told him that she’s feeling weird since that incident.

                Fury, shocked, anger and sadness came rushing through KwangMin’s emotion. He couldn’t believe what SooYeon was actually telling him. It’s like she’s saying that she like YoungMin. *No! No! She’s mine!*

                “I’m not sure why I’m feeling like this. Mollasso. I feel guilty because I felt a bit of angry towards JaeNa-ah. I don’t know what I’m going to do so I’m trying to avoid her since yesterday. But I can’t avoid her forever. She’s probably worried about me now, and that makes me even more guilty,” SooYeon continued. “And about YoungMin-ah… I’m not really sure. I’m not sure if I do like him…” her words were cut off by KwangMin.

                “No! You cannot like him SooYeon-ah!” KwangMin stood in front of SooYeon, he took grip of her shoulders and held her to stand up. “You can’t! You can’t like him! Do you understand me?!” his grip on SooYeon’s shoulder got hard.

                *why is he acting this way?* SooYeon thought, *what’s wrong with him?* she noticed his grip on her. *his grip is getting tight. It’s not that I’m hurt but still…* “KwangMin-ah… you’re hurting me. What’s happening to you?” but KwangMin ignored what she said.

                “You can’t like him SooYeon-ah! You cannot!” KwangMin’s voice got loud. “No! I can’t lose you… please…” his grip got tighter.

                “I said, you’re hurting me!” with a controlled strength, SooYeon pushed KwangMin’s hands off her shoulder. “What the heck is wrong with you??”

                “You can’t like him!” KwangMin kept on repeating his words. “You’re mine! And mine alone!”


                “Instead of him, choose me. Like me. I’m the one who’s always beside you, I’m the one who’s always there for you.” KwnagMin held SooYeon’s hands. “I have always loved you... so please… you can’t like him…” he begged as tears fell from his eyes.

                *he loves me?* SooYeon was shocked by what KwangMin told her. *he loved me all this time? All this time that he’s with me? Why didn’t I notice it? Why didn’t he tell me sooner?* “KwangMin-ah…” she whispered his name softly.

                “Please… you can’t like him. I wouldn’t know what to do if that happens. I couldn’t take that…” KwangMin fell on his knees and kneeled in front of SooYeon while holding her hands. “You can’t like him. You’re mine SooYeon-ah.”


                Meanwhile… MinWoo, JaeNa, YoungMin and EunHee were on their way home…

                “I wonder where SooYeon unnie and KwangMin oppa went.” EunHee said.

                “Me too. I hope everything’s fine.” JaeNa agreed. Then she felt something weird, *I know this feeling…* she looked around, *there’s a witch nearby. I need to go quickly* “Uhm… sorry guys but I need to go,” she said to them.

                “Where?” YoungMin asked.

                “I forgot that there were some errands that I need to do, so… you guys can all go home. I’ll just see you all tomorrow morning at school.” JaeNa said and waved goodbye. She didn’t wait for their reply, she ran off quickly.

                “Wait!” MinWoo uttered.

                “Wait unnie!” EunHee yelled. But JaeNa was already gone. “She’s acting weird too.” EunHee said.

                *she runs too fast. She’s out of sight in just a few seconds. What a vamp* YoungMin smirked at that thought. *but EunHee’s right… she was weird that time. I wonder what’s wrong*

                *I hope she’s not like that because she’s avoiding me* MinWoo thought. They continued walking and after just a minute, they encountered an old lady on their way.

                “Halmoni?” MinWoo uttered.

               “Halmoni?” EunHee repeated. “She’s your halmoni?” she asked. She turned to MinWoo’s halmoni and greeted her, “Annyeong haseyo! Jo EunHee imnida.”

                “Annyeong haseyo. Jo YoungMin imnida.” YoungMin also greeted her and introduce himself. MinWoo’s grandmother smiled at them.

                “Annyeong. You’re MinWoo’s friends?” halmoni asked.

                “De.” YoungMin answered.

                “Really?” halmoni uttered. “Our house is just nearby. You guys should come. I’ll prepare something good to eat. What do you say?”

                “We’d love too!” EunHee said.

                “Kkaja!” they all continued walking, now heading to MinWoo’s home.



phew! so how was the KwangSoo moment?

I knew I at drama scenes but I hope it came out okay… (T.T) *crossing fingers*


@kellen_1825: yeah yeah... why is it always YoungMin and JaeNa?? hmm... i'm curious too... ('-_-')

@takochyuu: i'm really happy that you find this story intruiging... that's really the reaction that i want to get from the readers... kamsahamnida...



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ellimac #1
pls. update soon !!
Wow this is soo good
i'm a new reader actually, i just followed your story 'bout last week and now i get a chance to subscribing this!
it's getting more exciting, i'm curious 'bout next. i can't stand it anymore, update soon please *puppyeyes* but i won't force you :P
Awww .... I'm in love with your story ^^ *subscribing* I don't know why but lately I'm addicted with supernatural and vampires story ... Hahax . And ,OMG !!! JongHyun tried to kill her ?? Seriously ? Owh , and I hope there would be more Minwoo and his power scene .. Kekeke ... I beg you , please update soon ^^
ellimac #5
done reading ur updates jhaki ..
._. So intrigued with this story! <3
kellen_1825 #7
Nae im curious why is it all about youngmin and jaena. Teehee. Nice i love it. Hehehe i hope youngmin would like her too. Update soon ^^
sseungra #9
Dont make Kibum die T^T Why did she drink his blood? T^T Udpdate soon! ><
Annyeong!!!!! New reader and subscriber!!! Pls update soon!!!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY SO.MUCH!!!! OMYGOSH BLOOD!!!!! I'M SO FREAKIN INLOVE WITH VAMPIRE STORIES!!!!