
I Must Be Crazy

They changed their clothes into their P.E. uniform. The instructor gave them only eight minutes to decide their team captain, jingle song and also their group muse, adding a little spice for the group presentation. Haneul, a senior student was elected to be their team’s captain.

“How about her?” The boy named Jun pointed Dahyun to be their team’s muse.

“Me?!” she gaped at him and averted her eyes, glaring at Taehyung who suddenly chortled in the corner. Everyone seems to agree as they all looking at her, nodding. Well except Taehyung who’s probably insulting her in the back of his mind.

She shook her fingers at them. “No… I don’t think I’m fit with the role.”

“Then who?” a guy beside him, murmured. “There’s no one here to choose.”

Yeah right. Majority are boys while they have only six girls in the team including her or should she say three since half of them looks more masculine than her other male members. The one girl behind her is too obese and the other one is a nerd with big glasses and braces on.

“You will just represent as our team muse… that’s it. There’s nothing for you to worry about.” Haneul said, convincing her as well as the other members.

Feeling defeated, Dahyun accepted the role. The sad truth, they don’t have any choice but to pick her as their team muse.

After the jingle performances, they moved to their first game which is a relay race. They chose eight participants from each team. Dahyun wasn’t selected so she’s sitting with the rest of her group, cheering their members. Her eyes found Jungkook easily, standing in a queue. The game became exciting and fun, everyone looks very competitive. Her heart beats fast when its Jungkook’s turn, he’s competing against Taehyung now and she’s torn between her team and Jungkook. But then Jungkook was really fast and ends up winning the game.

“Yes!” Dahyun jumped up and down, clapping her hands! He won! He’s the best! But then her excitement slowly faded as she noticed her group staring at her in confusion. “Oh! I thought we won…” she smiled sheepishly and sat down on the grass.

“Pink won.” The guy behind her said in sarcastic tone.

She rolled her eyes secretly and saw Taehyung giving her a crooked smile from a far. He maybe saw her reaction, cheering for the wrong team. Well she just got carried away with Jungkook oozing charisma and she regrets it.

The instructor announced that there’s a modeling competition among chosen Team’s muses that gives Dahyun a cold sweat. Each team will be given a plastic of cloths to design and make a costume for their muses within 10 minutes. This is to test the students’ creativity.

Dahyun rubbing her hands while her teammates are busy putting the cloths one by one to her.

“What do you think guys? Is this enough?”

Dahyun face puckered when she looked at herself. Her costume looks something… weird with different colors of fabric coiled around her and a lace hanging on her shoulders. Are her teammates wants them to win or they’re just making fun of her?

“Do I look fine?” she whispered, leaning at Taehyung.

Taehyung gazed at her costumes, circling her. “Uhm… I guess.”

She raised a brow and turned away. She never joined any beauty pageant before that’s why she’s not confident to pose like a model in front of many people. She is just hoping that nothing bad will happen.

They started to form a line and she was pushed in front, holding their team’s banner. Relax Dahyun. Just give them your best smile beside this is just a costume competition not a beauty contest.

“Fighting!” Taehyung cheered.

She stood nervously, waiting for her cue. She couldn’t help but notice how pretty the other girls are. Yellow team seems lucky to have Tzuyu since she’s perfect for the role while blue team have nothing but her. She began to walk like a robot when the host called their team’s color. She turned around and forced a small smile, trying to look confident. She was walking back in her place when she accidentally tripped over her costumes!



“Ahhhhhhh….!” Dahyun screamed, pulling her hair in front of the mirror. Blood rushes to her face, heart rate and blood pressure increases throughout of her body. She was in the restroom to hide from the world. She felt extremely embarrassed as if everyone she passed in the crowd was laughing at her. What just happened a while ago was the most horrifying moment of her life. How come she tripped herself in front of all students, teachers and resort’s staff! She can’t face everyone right now.

After minutes, Dahyun decided to face the crowd and walks out the restroom. She stopped on her tracks when she saw Taehyung leaning on the wall outside the restroom. He stood up straight and walks over her.


“Are you okay?”

“Of course, it’s not that big deal anyway.”

“You’re lying.” Taehyung said, makes her raised a brow. “I’ve known you for a long time and that face you have right now tells me you’re not.”

“You don’t know the real me so stop acting as if you care coz you’re probably one of those who enjoyed the incident.”

 “I’m not as bad as you think I am.” Taehyung sighed heavily. “Here.”

“What’s that?”

Instead of answering her question, Taehyung held her hand and placed a chocolate bar in her palm.

“My grandma told me to eat sweet whenever you feel anxious. It will help reduce the stress hormones that are swarming in your body and calm yourself down.” He stated, putting his both hands on top of his head. “But then don’t eat too much coz it adds more fat cells.”

“But you’re always eating lollipop so does it mean you feel sad?” she inquires.

“No, it’s just something I get used to…” He shrugs, “part of my childhood.”

“You’re not a kid anymore.” She furrowed her brow but let a smile escape from her lips as she peeled off the silver wrapper, then broke off a block of chocolate and on it. She made some barely audible slurping and sounds.

“Just ignore it and laugh about it even if you don’t see the humor at the moment, you will eventually. Don’t take it to yourself so seriously coz you can’t go back in time, so what’s the point of stressing yourself. Remember Ms. Universe fell on stage when billions of people watching at her all over the world but still confidently stood up and continue the walk with poise and a great smile. Guess what? she ends up winning just like you.”

She pouted her lips. “That was a beauty pageant and I’m just posing for a costume competition… and we didn’t win.”

“Who said we didn’t?”

Dahyun gaped at him. “We did?”

Taehyung nodded and a wide smile plastered on her face.

“Feel better?”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

“Enough with this consoling and let’s go… our team is waiting.” Taehyung grabs her hand and let him drag her back to the venue.

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kdahminn #1
Chapter 19: Update T-T
kdahminn #2
Chapter 19: Update T-T
iLoveTwiceSoMuch #3
Chapter 1: Hello anyone having problem with not being able to read some chapters? it says like 961 words for chapter 1 but it’s not showing anything same goes to chapter 2 but then chapter 3 i’m able to read. been having the same problem with other story as well pls Help :((
Chapter 19: I need a update author-nim! Pleaseeee pleaseeee and i need jungkook to fight for dahyunnn~ pleaseeee
Chapter 19: Ok, the moment i started reading this, i just can't stop.
Now i am so conflicted whether to ship dahyun with jungkook or with v.
Damn, the story is getting more interesting, can't wait to read more,.
Hope you update soon
Chapter 19: This is so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Why author-nim, why do this to me? hahahahaha <3
louieistrash #7
Chapter 19: Awwww. This was so cute and nice! I wish it was longer though. Please continue writing! Thank you!
Authornimmmm update juseyo T.T
Kat2601 #9
Chapter 19: this is so cute!
mariatiarap #10
Chapter 19: Oh so wow...