Chapter 7.

The Castle Wish (BTS x Got7).

A/N: hey, hi. sorry i have writer's block at the moment and it's taking way to ing long to think of something to write. so im sorry for the lack of update.


Youngjae, Yoongi and Jaebum had finally arrived at Jaebum’s apartment. Jaebum and Yoongi were currently in the hallway, arguing about who was going to wash first, as for some odd reason it was a topic worth having a 10 minute discussion about.

“I’m the owner of the house.” – Jaebum ‘attacked’ with his most relevant and only argument he had.

“The only reason my face is bloody at the moment is you and plus I have to quickly wash up and get out of this goddamned place. Plus, a tip for you, try cleaning your house once in a while. It stinks in here.” – Yoongi hissed back, glaring at Jaebum, who didn’t give a flying about Yoongi or his messed up face.

“First of all, you. Second of all, did your parents forget to put some ing manners into your small brain? The only reason you’re not being dragged by the paparazzi right now is because I was generous enough to let you into my home. Lastly, mind your own ing business, er.” – Jaebum, who obviously didn’t like it when people talked about his apartment he alone paid all the bills for, spat right back.

Youngjae, who got bored after the first four minutes of this useless ‘fight’ that didn’t have any meaning to it, was sitting on the couch in the front of the TV, flipping though the channels, trying to find something that could entertain him for the duration of Yoongi and Jaebum’s argument.

“Just let me wash my face first.” – Yoongi dictated in a low tone. He was obviously already really annoyed and was trying his best not to lose his temper in front of Youngjae and start another fight, which would make things ten times worse than they are now.

Jaebum was about to throw some mean comment in Yoongi’s direction when a sudden sly smile appeared on his bloody mess of a face.

“You know what, sure, you can go and clean up first.” – Jaebum stated calmly.

“Thank god. About the damn time.” – Yoongi muttered, going towards the bathroom.

“And also make sure you leave as soon as you’re done washing up.” – Jaebum yelled after Yoongi.

“Obviously.” – Yoongi mumbled, oblivious of Jaebum’s ‘evil’ plan of getting rid of him and staying with Youngjae alone.

While Yoongi was busy washing blood and snot and everything in between off his face, Jaebum went into the living room and sat down beside Youngjae.

“Are you tired? If you are tired, you can go lay down on my bed.” – Jaebum offered, looking at Youngjae, trying to find any signs of distress and exhaustion on his face. But Youngjae just shook his head and continued to blankly stare at the news anchor inside the TV.

“Are you hungry? I have some cupcakes in the kitchen.” – Jaebum tried again, slightly smiling.

“Why did you guys fight?” – Youngjae asked, not caring about the delicious snack in Jaebum’s kitchen.

“Oh he said something stupid and I don’t know, it kind of just happened, I guess.” – Jaebum answered, uninterested.

“You both are idiots.” – Youngjae said, still staring at the TV that at the moment was showing the weather lady, breaking down tomorrow’s weather.

“Tell that to that guy.” – Jaebum pouted, clearly offended at Youngjae’s comment.

After a few minutes of silence, Yoongi finally came back from the bathroom with a clean face that only had a few cuts and two small bruises under his left eye.

“Youngjae, you have to go home right? It’s late your mom must be worried. Let me take you home.” – Yoongi bossily spoke, completely ignoring Jaebum who was about 10 inches from Youngjae.

“How are you going to take him home? You don’t even have a car. Youngjae, I think you should stay the night. Your mom’s going to allow it since she already knows me.” – Jaebum suggested, cutting off Yoongi.

“She does?” – Youngjae and Yoongi said in unison, obviously surprised by Jaebum’s sudden confession.

“Yeah, I met her to ask her about your allergies.” – Jaebum stated which made both Yoongi and Youngjae incredibly confused.

“Why would you do that?” – Youngjae asked.

“Do you remember how I told you about how Mark got a puppy and you named her Coco? Well, Mark and I actually got the puppy to cheer you up but when we tried calling you to give you Coco, you wouldn’t pick up your phone so Mark just decided to keep her for the time being since he liked her so much. And I went to your mom to ask her whether you were allergic to animals and it turned out you actually were. So Mark and I thought long and hard to find a pet that doesn’t shed much and wouldn’t cause any allergic reactions.” – Jaebum explained, a bit nervous about how Youngjae was going to react about the sudden news.

“So technically, Coco is my dog?” – Youngjae asked.


“Tell Mark hyung to bring her over sometime. I want to see her.” – Youngjae simply spoke, turning his attention back the nightly news.

“I could call him and tell him to bring Coco right now.” – Jaebum responded, subtly hinting that Youngjae should stay with him and not go with Yoongi.

“Sure.” – Youngjae replied.

“You can go now. Youngjae is staying here with me.” – Jaebum beamed, happy that he won the battle of ‘Who does Youngjae like enough to spend the night with’.

“Youngjae, are you sure you’re going to stay with him?” – Yoongi called out, hoping and praying to god that for some reason Youngjae would jump up and come to him with open arms and tell Jaebum that no, he wasn’t going to stay with him and that he was going to go home with Yoongi. But of course, it didn’t happen. Youngjae would be crazy if he did that. Youngjae just remained silent and let Jaebum Yoongi out of the apartment.

While Jaebum was insisting on Yoongi just leaving Jaebum and Youngjae alone and trying to push him out the door, Youngjae just sat on the couch trying his hardest not to run over to Yoongi and hug him tightly and say that he loved him and missed him so much. But he couldn’t do that. Youngjae knew that if he did that he would give his permission to let Yoongi hurt him all over again. But maybe being able to touch and hold Yoongi his arms would be much better than not being able to grasp Yoongi for even a split second even if it meant Youngjae’s already broken heart would break into even smaller pieces.

Youngjae almost ran to the door and shouted “No, stop. I want to be with you, hyung.” He almost slipped and made a mistake. But just as he was about to make the dumbest decision of his life, he heard the poor being slammed and Jaebum coming back to the living room.

Youngjae was angry and relieved at the same time. Angry that he couldn’t run his fingers through Yoongi’s hair like he used to when they were young. Relieved because he was strong enough not to let Yoongi break him down once more.

“Hey Mark, whatchu doing? Can you bring Coco over to my apartment? Youngjae wants to see her.” – Jaebum said into his phone, while Youngjae just sat there with a blank expression on his face.

Youngjae, frankly, didn’t care about the puppy, he just needed an excuse to stay with Jaebum and let Yoongi go. He just needed something that would tie with down to the couch in Jaebum’s living room and wouldn’t let him go with Yoongi. Youngjae was of course thankful that Jaebum and Mark were thoughtful enough to get him a puppy but at the moment their effort to make Youngjae feel better didn’t exactly matter as the only thing in Youngjae’s mind was Yoongi.

Yoongi and his dyed mint hair, his strong and piercing eyes and just about everything about him drew Youngjae insane and in a good way. Yoongi’s phenomenal features made Youngjae want to smash his head against the wall or stab himself to death. Youngjae didn’t know why but looking at Yoongi made him want to kill himself even more. It was really weird considering that Yoongi was the only thing that saved Youngjae and made him have a purpose to live.

“Mark is on his way.” – Jaebum informed. Youngjae made a strange sound to intend that he heard Jaebum. Jaebum, who stopped trying to turn Youngjae to his usual hyper and awkward self, went to his room to change his clothes and then clean up with ed up face. Jaebum’s face looked a bit more horrible than Yoongi’s face did, as Yoongi lent a bit more punches on Jaebum’s face, plus Yoongi had a hand full of rings on his hands so he made more damage to Jaebum’s face.

While Jaebum was taking a shower, Youngjae peacefully dozed off on the couch, his mind still captivated by Min Yoongi.

“What else would be nice to have in our castle?” – Yoongi asked as Youngjae and Yoongi were out shopping for stuff they needed at their newly bought castle.

Yoongi had bought Youngjae the promised castle a few days back on Youngjae’s 19th birthday, just as he promised. It wasn’t exactly a castle rather it was a big house that was disguised as a castle. But that didn’t matter to Youngjae. What mattered to him was that Yoongi remembered the stupid wish Youngjae made as a stupid toddler and made sure to complete it. But the ‘not exactly a castle’ castle was still very pretty. It had a pretty baby blue roof along with royal blue walls. The door was big and very royal looking painted with a really pretty shade of brown, just like in a real castle.

As you walk in you would spot the huge slogan “Youngjae and Yoongi’s special castle” graved into the wall. Right below that slogan there was painted a picture of both Youngjae and Yoongi as their young selves, holding each other tightly. The walls inside the house were all creamy white; one would think they were in a dream or in heaven while surrounded by these splendid looking walls.

The castle wasn’t at all decorated; Yoongi wanted Youngjae to decorate his dream castle himself. So Youngjae and Yoongi were at the moment in a furniture store, looking at different sofas to pick out the one sofa that would be just right in the living room.

“Arcade games?”  - Youngjae suggested, sitting down on a beige colored sofa that in his opinion would complement the white walls of their living room along with the light brown wooden coffee table they had just bought.

“Sure, we can have some of that since our castle has way too many rooms.” – Yoongi smiled, at his donsaeng, sitting down next to him.

To both Youngjae and Yoongi it still felt extremely surreal that they actually owned a castle now, that Youngjae’s weird childish dream had actually come true.

Wait hyung, what?” – Youngjae asked over and over again as Yoongi showed him the castle he had bought for him. Even after going into the huge house and touching it’s walls and stepping on its shiny floor Youngjae couldn’t actually believe that Yoongi, his dear hyung, had bought this ‘castle’ especially for him only.

“Also I think we’re going to be really lonely in the castle with just the two of us, so I think we need a pet?” – Youngjae cheerfully said, pointing to the sofa they were sitting in just a moment ago so that the staff that was helping them would know which sofa Yoongi and Youngjae were going to buy.

“Aren’t you allergic to pets?” – Yoongi said, getting out his card so that he could pay for the new furniture for their new house.

“I’m only allergic to their fur. I’m okay with having a pet that doesn’t shed.” – Youngjae stated, as Yoongi and he moved on to bedroom furniture to look for the perfect bed.

“Then if you’re okay with it, sure, let’s get a cute dog.” – Yoongi agreed, looking at a king sized bed that looked quite comfortable.

“Let’s name our dog Coco.” – Youngjae recommended, laying down on the bed Yoongi was eyeing.

“You don’t even know what he or she is going to look like but you already have a name for her?” – Yoongi laughed, moving on to the next bed with Youngjae, who obviously wasn’t exactly pleased with the previous bed.

“Yep.” – Youngjae said, laying down again on the slightly smaller bed.

“Hyung, I actually really want our dog to be white as snow and small and really hyper.”  - Youngjae described his perfect dog to Yoongi who was currently paying for the bed Youngjae had just picked.

But just as Yoongi was about to reply, a barking sound came from Jaebum’s front door and Youngjae woke up.

“Coco’s here.” – Mark yelled form the hallway and there was a small dog running to the living room in a speed of light. It was a white and adorable dog, very much similar to Youngjae’s dog from his dreams.

“Hey, little puppy!” – Youngjae greeted the dog warmly, who was now busy his fingers.

“You’re so cute!” – Youngjae said, patting her head. Coco excitedly jumped up and down, trying to play with Youngjae.

“She really reminds me of you.” – Jaebum, who had just come out of the shower, said, catching Coco’s attention. The white puppy didn’t lose a second to run up to Jaebum and start to bark at him to try and play with the still a bit wet from the shower boy.

“What’s up with your face?” – Mark asked, as he noticed Jaebum’s face that was filled with different bruises and cuts.

“Something dumb happened.” – Jaebum muttered, not wanting to talk about the fight between him and Yoongi that clearly really upset Youngjae.

“Coco come here. Come to dad.” – Mark said, tapping his legs to catch Coco’s attention. Coco as expected ran to Mark, who lifted her up and kept her on his lap. Coco quickly settled in to his lap and shortly after fell asleep.

“So you’re going to take her home?” – Mark asked Youngjae. The news about Youngjae finding out about how Coco actually belonged to him clearly made Mark not very happy, as it meant losing his precious pet he had grown to love a lot.

“Nah, I think it’s better if you keep her.” – Youngjae said, not exactly caring about the fact that Coco was actually his dog. Mark was very pleased about the news as a smile appeared on his thin face.

Youngjae, in hopes of going back to his sweet dream with Yoongi in it, fell asleep again on the couch, thinking of Yoongi.





The night earlier. The small park next to Youngjae’s university.

Yoongi was heading towards a swing set he had seen on his way over, to wait for Youngjae. But as he got closer, it seemed to be that someone was already there and sitting on one of the swings.

“Youngjae?” – Yoongi mumbled under his breath, quickly going over to the swing set to figure out if it actually was Youngjae or not.

“Who the are you?” – some guy spat, spotting Yoongi coming over to the swings.

As Yoongi got closer and closer, he finally recognized to that deep voice belonged to. It was the guy from the airport, the one who had his hands around Youngjae.

“The same thing goes for you and why are you here?” – Yoongi hissed, unpleased by the picture in front of him.

“Wait, aren’t you the famous Yoongi, the who Youngjae tried to kill himself over?” – the guy, who was wearing the same leather jacket he wore at the airport, spoke.

“Who the are you to call me an ! And also don’t speak so confidently about you don’t know about.” – Yoongi snapped, losing his temper.

“I know that you make Youngjae unhappy. If not then why in the would he try to end his existence?” – the dyed red head responded, getting up from the swing and getting closer to Yoongi.

“You don’t ing know , er.” – Yoongi barked.

“I know that Youngjae doesn’t need you in his life.” – the guy replied, which made Yoongi want to punch the out of him but he decided to control himself as paparazzi might be somewhere close by.

“I know that Youngjae doesn’t need a motherer that knows nothing but speak stupid .” – Yoongi smirked and only a few milliseconds passed as the weird was on top of him, punching the living light out of him, which was how the stupid and useless fight between Yoongi and the weird red head started.

“Jaebum hyung, what in the world are you doing?” – Youngjae’s soft yet loud voice was heard and the two stopped ruining each other’s faces with their fists.

“Jaebum – so that’s this ’s name, huh?” – Yoongi thought and made sure to remember that name for the rest of his life.

When Youngjae didn’t leave Yoongi out in the streets for everyone to see his bloody face, Yoongi was very happy inside and was doing a small dance inside his head. Youngjae still caring for him like he used to when they were kids brought all of Yoongi’s hopes way up. Yoongi was almost convinced that Youngjae wasn’t as mad at him as Yoongi had thought and that he still had a chance to fix things with Youngjae. But everything crashed down as Youngjae didn’t even bother to look at him as he said he was leaving. Youngjae not paying attention at all to him kind of made him realize that Youngjae was long over him and that he brought him along for something else, perhaps to protect Jaebum from getting any bad media exposure for beating up the very famous Suga.

Yoongi hated himself for getting his hopes up for nothing. He also hated for thinking he could just appear on front of Youngjae all of a sudden and make things perfectly fine with Youngjae.

“That’s right, Min Yoongi, serves you ing right for leaving Youngjae and ruining everything.” – Yoongi cursed himself out on the way to the BTS dorm.

Yoongi fell asleep as soon as he arrived at the dorm and laid down on his bed.

“Hyung, when are you going to buy me the castle you promised?” – Youngjae asked. Yoongi was currently on a big bed next to Youngjae inside a very familiar looking bedroom.

Yoongi was back to his vivid dreams of Youngjae it seems like. After two months of nothing, after almost forgetting about the stupid picture perfect dreams, they were back at it again, trying to make Yoongi crazy.


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I already love this
Chapter 14: I told myself I wouldn't cry...... But here I am wiping my tears :'(
Although the end was really heartbreaking, the whole story was very beautiful. Thank you for this one! :)
Jia_Lie #3
Chapter 14: End? This is end??
Ending with Youngjae wes really dead?
I don't know what should I say, but this is really asdffghjkl
You wrote your words so detail and well

Youngjae-ah :'(

And beacuse you used Butterfly lyric, it make me more asdgdjklljsbd
hirosakemi46 #4
Chapter 14: I never thought that a random story I accidentally clicked could be so interesting, tbh this was the only story I followed, I never thought i could be bawling like a kid rn, if I could only upvote this a million times I could.

Somehow this inspired me to be a psychologist, this also reminds me of our neighbor who almost killed himself thinking his family couldnt accept him as homoual.

This is really a wonderful story author <3
WolfGang #5
Chapter 14: idek what to say i kinda knew youngjae would kill himself, but i dont expect seeing myself bawling my eyes out like why would you do that choi youngjae you selfish er how could you im honestly so affected by this i need some time to calm myself.

anyways thank you for writing this author-nim ! you're so amazing and keep writing more wonderful stories ! ❤❤
DontstealJiminsjams #6
Chapter 14: Damn I expected this because there were so many hints in the last chapter but damn I'm crying so so much right now because stuff like this always gets to me since I have experience with that stuff. I never attemped suicide but the thought was there, very often to be honest. Today I'm 1 year and 1 month clean from cutting and kind of proud because it does get better. Even if you don't expect it or if your problems can't be solved, there's still things to make them seem less important like love (not that I experienced it but it does help to look forward if the person makes you truly happy) and many other things like for me music and more specifically, the people who make the music. It helps to think that they make you happy, it helps to think that even if you have nobody, they would never want you to hurt yourself. It helps to listen to music to calm you down. What I just wanted to say is to everyone reading this, that suicide is not an answer even if it seems like it. Everything can change, everyone can get better.

Thank you for this story though, it was amazing!!!
Chapter 14: I'm typing right now while my face full of tears. I can't face the fact that our beautiful angel Young Jae killed himself, not what I expected. Ugh, my heart was beating so slow while reading the last chapter. You did a wonderful job with this story. Now I have to find a 2jae fluff to get my heart back on track.
Hunterxhunter1004 #8
Chapter 14: ........I just don't understand....... Why....... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
The feels... I don't know what to feel, honestly
kazekitsune #9
Chapter 13: Oh please dont let anything happen to YJ :(( He and Yoongi are just happy in a short time :'( can i have any hope for a happy ending?
Jia_Lie #10
Chapter 13: Youngjae? What happened with you?
You won't do bad things for your self, right?

Omg, why I am still thinking that Youngjae hid something?

Btw, thanks a lot for both of Yoongi and Jaebum who take care a lot of Youngjae