Chapter 2

The Affairs of an Heiress

Ricky ran out onto the front yard hearing the revving of an engine pull up to his house. “Fella’s we got a Camaro riding up in here.” He said turning around to see L’Joe making his way through the crowd with a smirk.

Hina stepped out of the car flipping her hair and leaned against the door smiling at the two, “What’s up nerds?”

A black Audi pulled up next to the Camaro and everyone looked to see who they were. Both of the drivers stepped out of the car at the same time. Rikki shut her door and gave Gongchan a bro handshake before heading to the front door  where L’Joe waited for her. Gongchan had walked over to Hina wrapping his arms around her waist, "Well well hello there missy." They hugged each other and kissed before walking to the front door.

"Don't let us ruin this reunion~" L'JOE held his hands up standing aside. They both laughed and walked into the house greeted by the loud music.

L’Joe took his attention off of Hina and Gongchan and then towards me, “Hey love, where the Ferrari at?”

I threw my arm around him and smiled, “In the garage where you'll never reach it honey. Would you mind telling me where Mr. Bang is located?"

"Outside by the pool.”

I made my way through the dancing people as I walked into the house. The blaring speakers pulsed through my eardrums making me feel like I would go deaf soon. Finally seeing the outside I breathed in the cool night air looking around for Cap. I was about to make my way over to the pool but saw two arms trap me in between them, a smile appeared on my face. Feeling a chin rest on my shoulders I laughed softly, "So how was the EDC festival?"

"Hey now," his voice let out a little chuckle, "Don't get me started."

I turned around putting my arms around his neck, "You and L’Joe are always the media's favorite subject."
"We're not good terms at the moment. But I think you and I are~" he leaned in kissing my neck.
"Easy tiger." Hinas voice came from the side.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you two there cause you both were just wrapped up in each other's faces." I laughed pushing her shoulders.

All four us haven't been together in a while because of our busy schedules. But now that it wasn’t too far from senior year ending we tried to hang out more.

"I'm surprised you two got out of the house anyhow." Gongchan nudged Hina teasing her.
Cap chuckled along with Gongchan and mocked us, “Pops let you out of jail cell tonight?”
“Yeah sure, watch out for all those fights you're getting into.” Hina laughed sarcastically looking at me.

I nodded my head starting along in the teasing, “Or else you’ll end up in jail.”
"Ohhhhhhh!" Gongchan shouted holding his fist to his mouth.

I looked at CAP who frowned and was about to say something until I butted in, “Okay, now we’re all friends here.”

The music blared as we stood at the table close to the living room. I laughed running my hands through my hair feeling a sweat droplet fall from my forehead. I looked around the table with the other people with glassy eyes, drunk laughter, and smiled taking another shot.

"Not too much man. Dad's gonna wonder why you're so damn tired tomorrow morning." She said sipping from the red cup she held in her hands, “He’s going to assume like always.”
"Don't worry man~" I slurred holding up my shot clinking it against her cup, "Cheers~"

Hina turned around looking at Gongchan and Cap, “Looks like you're going to drive us home tonight Cap."
"I wanted to go to Starbucks after this party actually, small mini coffee date with you?" Gongchan whispered kissing her ear softly.
"I promise that my parents will be sleeping. If they don't call us then they're already sleeping but if they do then we're screwed." She looked at Cap and nodded her head.
“When does the great father want you two home?"
"He usually lets us stay out till 12:30 and 1:00 is the latest." She nodded her head, "By the looks of this we might be in early."
Cap looked at Rikki who was laughing outrageously with the other people. Shaking his head he replied, “Hopefully.”

I felt my pockets buzz and I stumbled back a bit digging through my pockets, I felt Cap hold me up and I hugged him pulling my phone out. Frowning I groaned, "Ugh it's my dad."
"Before you pick it up why don't we go to the kitchen it's quieter." Cap said helping me walk, he leaned onto the counter and I continued hugging him. I faced the crowd of raging guests before I answered the phone, "Hello?" I said trying to sound the least bit proper.
"How is the party? Don't forget we have a meeting tomorrow at the company for the upcoming events."
"The party is great!" I smiled and cleared my throat, "Uhm I'll be home around 12:30?" I accidentally let a slur come out. Hearing nothing on the other end I bit my tongue hoping my father didn't get the idea that I was drunk.

"Okay that sounds like a good time. Please be at the company office around 11:30."
"Yes father I understand."
"Are you with that boy?"

I rested my chin on Cap’s shoulder as he rubbed my shoulder blades with his hands. Lifting my free hand I ran it through his dark brown hair smiling softly, "No sir I am not."
"Good, if the paparazzi caught you with him rumors would spread. You wouldn't hear the end of it from interviewers and others for the next three months."
"Yes father, is that all?"
"I have some things they needed me to do at the office so I'll be out when you come home. Your mother is sleeping already so please be quiet when you and Hina enter the house okay?"
"Okay.” I groggily replied.

He also added in more things that I didn't really want to hear. So I continued to say yes and agree though most of it went out the other ear.

Ending the call I stared lazily at the dancing people ahead of me getting drawn into the rhythm of Cap’s massage and my hands that ran through his silky hair. Hearing a deep rumble in my ear I got drawn out of my daze, "you okay?" He asked.
"Can you take me home?"
"Okay let me just grab your keys and we can leave." His arm out reached towards the bowl filled with car keys and calling L’Joe over at the same time.
"Yes Mister Bang? Oh and Mrs. Bang of course." He chuckled looking at Cap.
"Mind following me to Rikki's house with your car? I need a ride after.”
"That's wasting gas." I said shaking my head, "There's no need for that."
"What're you talking about?" Cap ruffled my hair, "quiet you're drunk."
"Shoosh I want you to stay with me." I smiled looking up at his widened eyes.
"I won't argue with that." L'Joe smiled and raced back into the crowd.
Cap called out for him but knew he wouldn't come back, he shook his head looking at me.
"It's okay my dad's not home." I said holding his hand beginning to walk to the door.

His eyes brightened a little and traveled to mine, a smile tugged onto his lips.

“That's what I thought,” I chuckled before opening the door leading the both of us out. I waited on the passenger side and opened the door when I heard the click of the door. Climbing inside I buckled up waiting for cap to get into the driver's side, "You do know how to drive a camaro right?"

"You do know we have four at home right?" He chuckled starting the car, putting it into drive and heading off onto the highway. I leaned my chair back looking up at the dark ceiling before I felt his hands touch my hands that rested on my ribs.

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omfgggg yall chapter 3 was hidden, so whoever already read all the chapters, make sure to go back to chapter 3.


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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 5: I'm glad my father isn't like that