He's Your Boyfriend???

Why It Must be You

Yuri POV

Today I go to mall with my brother. Since he go to State to study there I haven't met him for a while so I want to spend this precious time by going to mall together.

Today we will go to our favorite cafe. We used to go there together often.

We go in to the mall.. It has been a while since I last went to this place. I don't want to go there when my oppa is still in State because I will miss him so much. We're really close.

"Oppa let's go to the cafe right now.. I'm really hungry... Hehehe" He nod and smile. "Okay my little sister.."

Then we enter the cafe. Aaahh... So relaxing~ after long time I don't feel this.

"Oppaaa~ I'm really happy you go home.. I really miss you.. I never go to this cafe again after you go. I don't want to go without you."

"Hahahahaha~ this girl is very childish.. My sister is cute.." He pinch my cheeks.

We go to our seat and order the food.. "Miss I want to order 2 fettuccine alfredo.."

"Okay.. Anything else?"

"Hhmm.. Caramel macchiato.. You want it to oppa?" He nod. "Okay 2 caramel macchiato.."

We talk and laugh while we wait for our order. We sometimes tease each other too.


"Oppa I'll go to toilet first.. Wait here okay?" I'm on my way to toilet when I saw Jessica in front of the ice cream shop.

"Sicaa!!!" I wave my hand and come closer to her.

"Hey... What are you doing here?" She ask me.

"My oppa has just come back from State... So we decide to go here, our favorite place to recall our memories.. And spend some time together since it has been so long time ago.."

"Owh.. You must be really happy.." Then a guy come out from shop. "Here for you.." He give Sica cheese cake ice cream which mix with green tea ice cream and almond for the topping. "Thank oppa.."

"You are... Eunhyuk?!?"

"Ah... You... Eehhmm..."

"Kwon Yuri..." I give him my hand and we shake hand. "Sica's friend. What are you two doing here?" I confused because they look like couple but isn't the couple are Eunhyuk and Tiffany?

They look at me with confused look too like what else we doing now. "Hang out of course... What else?"

"You two? Where is Tiffany?"

"Tiffany? She is home.." i can see they really confused at me. Why the hell i must ask where Tiffany is.

"Ah yeah Yuri-ah sorry I haven't tell you.. I'm forget.. Actually it has been a little late but at least I tell you in the end.. We have just officially become couple now.. Few weeks ago he confess to me.." I can't think straight. I'm to confused to think now. Okay few weeks ago Tae tell me Tiffany has been taken by Eunhyuk but now Sica tell me few weeks ago Eunhyuk confessed to her and now they together.

"Helloo~ Yuri??" She wave her hand in front of my face. "Ah yeah.. What?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes nothing wrong.. Oh yeah so he is your boyfriend? Congratulation then!! I hope you two will last forever.." I pat Jessica's shoulder.

"Thank you.." They both thanked me.

"Don't you dare make Sica cry.. Hahahaha... " I threaten Eunhyuk playfully.

"O-okay don't worry.." He smile nervously to me.

"Okay then I must go back to my oppa.. He must has wait too long. Bye see you in school!" I wave to them as I walk to the cafe again. But after I walk a little I remember I haven't gone to toilet so I go to toilet first. I think I must tell Yoona first before I tell Taeyeon that Eunhyuk is with Jessica not Tiffany.

The rest of this day I spend with my oppa. I'm really tired after play this whole day. But beside i tired i really happy too because i can go with my oppa again and plus i know Tiffany is not with Eunhyuk so Taeyeon won't be frustrated anymore.


At night I decide to call Yoona to tell her about what I had just heard this afternoon. "Yoonnaaa~ whatcha doin'?"

"I'm just playing some computer games. So bored today. I have nothing to since you go with your oppa.."

"Hahaha~ sorry Yoong.. Since my oppa is home I want to go with him. It's been long time since I last go with him."

"Yeah no problem.. I get that.. So anything wrong? Why you call me?"

"Hhmmm you like can read my mind.. Hahahha~ it's about Tae again.."

"She is sad again? Have another girl in her mind?"

"Woah woah calm down Yoong. Today I go to mall. You know who I met?"


"Jessica.... And someone you will surprised if you heard that person name..."

"Don't make me throw you something Yul.. Quickly tell me..."

"Okay okay.... Sorry.. kekekke... It's Eunhyuk.."

"Eunhyuk?!?! He is cheating on Tiffany?"

"No no! It's not like that.. Hear my story till it end first I'm Yoona.. How I will tell you if you keep interrupt me!!"

"Sorry... Hehehe~ okay keep going.."

"Right I go to them and chat with Sica a little.. When I ask them where Tiffany they just said she is home like nothing happen and then Sica tell me Eunhyuk is her boyfriend few weeks ago he confess to her.. But Taeyeon tell us that Eunhyuk is confess to Tiffany right? I'm confused right after i heard that news. What's going on here?"

"Wow.. Why it sounds like drama so much.. I think we must ask to them then or we won't find any right information."

"I think so.. I think I'll text Sica now. I can't wait anymore to know the truth."

"Tell me right after you get the right news.. Is that possible if actually Eunhyuk didn't confess to Tiffany that day? Maybe they have reason why he look like confess to Tiffany."

"I've think that too. For the truth i'll ask Sica now."

"Okay then... Good bye.. Quickly Yul... Bye"

"Get it madame... Bye."


To Jessica:

Sica... Still awake? Sorry to disturb you. I have something to ask. It's really important. Reply me if you still awake...


From Jessica:

Yes Yul.. I'm still awake.. What will you ask?


To Jessica:

Today you said Eunhyuk is your boyfriend right? But few weeks ago i get an information that Eunhyuk confessed to Tiffany in class after the last class end. Is that right? Sorry to ask you this kind of question.. I'm just worried about you.


From Jessica:

Oh that problem.. Don't worry Yul. It's not like what you think. Eunhyuk oppa has make it clear. That day was a day before he confessed to me. He tell Fany everything since he just close to Fany in his class. He barely recognize you right? So he ask Fany to become me and do a rehearsal before confess to me. He's really nervous that day. And as far as I know Fany hasn't have a boyfriend. She is a childish girl, full of imagination so she never had a boyfriend before. Hahaaha~


To Jessica:

Thanks god... I'm understand now. Sorry I don't believe your boyfriend.. I'm worry you will get hurt.. Hehehe~ I don't need to worrying you anymore.


From Jessica:

No problem Yuri. Thank for your care. Sorry make you worry. You should ask me earlier.


To Jessica:

Yeah okay Jess.. Thank you.. Next time I will ask first before think something. See you then. Have a nice dream (dreaming about me) kekekeke~


From Jessica:

Bye Yuri.. Have a nice dream too.. Yeah I will laugh so hard if you really appear in my dream tonight. Hahahaha~


I smile after I get the information. Luckily I get a really cool idea to ask that without make her know about Taeyeon. I'm genius. After that I call Yoona again and tell her everything. I'll tell Taeyeon as fast as I can. I must not forget.








Hello!! Sorry for the late update....

I'll make the next update faster so wait for it.... ^^

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 20: I read it again after years
maemae08 #2
Chapter 20: Moreeeee
cwright01_ #3
Thanks for writing an awesome story ! Love it ! <3 <3
YhoTaengoo #4
I really love a happy ending like this XDDDDD
EMT0304 #5
Another TaeNy story, please ^^
Love you <3 ;)
Thanks for becoming first reader.. Hahaha..
Thanks everyone.. I know taeyeon is really a coward.. But finally she make it thanks to her friends.. Hahahaha..
finally, thank goodness she confessed!!!! ^__^
it's ending now..?
it's k coz happy ending for taeny..:)
gudluk author,write a new fic 'bout taeny too..:)
yah Tae needs to confess now!!!! Fany is going to leave and the two will never know their feelings for each other.....arghhh!!!!