In the hospital.

The weird fan

At the hospital you just follow after the manager, he walks up to the reception desk and starts talking in Korean, the woman behind the desk points and explains something apparently. When they finish talking the manager turns towards you "It's that way" and he points to the left, you nod and follow after him. After a short walk you're at another reception desk, probably from the department you're at, again the manager talks to the woman behind the desk, she point and explains something. With a sigh the manager says to you "We first need to go there" and he starts walking again. At the third reception desk it's obvious he's starting to get annoyed at the woman behind the desk, after a while she gets up and walks away. He explains to you while rolling his eyes "Apparently it's a bit difficult because you're not a Korean citizen. But she's going to get someone who can help us now...hopefully.". You nod "Ah ok, thank you for everything. And sorry for being so much trouble.", "No, no, no trouble at all" he says "I'm just glad you didn't get to go alone, then it would've been really difficult for you" he adds with a apologetic smile. After a while the woman comes back with someone following behind her. Again the manager starts talking to the man, you notice it sounds allot the same like what he said before each time. At the end the man nods and hands the manager some papers and then points in the direction you came from, with a big sigh the manager thanks the man and he walks away. "Alright" he says to you "We need to fill out this form. And then you can get treated. Let's sit over there.".
When you sit down to fill in the from, that luckily is also in English, you notice it's already been 30 minutes since you arrived first at the hospital, it's getting late and you're starting to get really tired, especially after all the events of the day. While you're filling out the form the phone of the manager starts to ring and he picks up, you faintly hear the voice of the one on the other side of the phone, but not loud enough to really hear anything. After the manager has been talking to the phone for awhile you can hear cursing on the other side and you look up, giving an awkward smile to you he turns a bit away while continuing to talk to the phone again. When he hangs up you also have finished with the form, again he smiles "Junjin called to hear how things are going, he was a bit annoyed at the hospital that it took so long for you to get treated..." he explains "He was about to come here and trow a tantrum, but i told him we've finally figured it all out.". Hearing that you smile, it's nice to hear that Junjin is still a bit concerned about you, it gives you a warm feeling inside, because you where starting to get tired you where also starting to feel a bit sad, but hearing that Junjin is still checking up on you it feels like you're not totally alone in this far away country somehow.
You get up and follow the manager back to the second reception desk you had been, he hands in the form you just filled in and finally the lady behind the desk points towards the waiting chairs for you to take a seat, and after a short wait you're called to go in. The manager does all the talking and explaining to the doctor in Korean while the doctor takes a close look at your arm, once he says that you have to point out where it exactly hurts, at the end they take you to the next room and make pictures of the bones in your arm. Then it's back outside to the waiting chairs again and he explains that you have to wait until the pictures are done. 
You lean back in the chair and close your eyes for a bit, all you want to do is get back to your hotel to sleep're tired, it hurts and you're starting to get cold. After a while the doctor comes out again and talks to the manager. Questioningly you look at the manager, he explains "Well, your arm is broken, but you already thought it was, right?" you nod and he go's on "But the bones need to be set back in place, so we need to wait a bit longer because they can't do that here right now" at that your eyes grow wide with fear, you ask "Do i get sedation or something when they set the bones?", the manager looks at the doctor and asks him and you already see the doctor shaking his head. "No," the manager says "that's not possible for setting bones. But it'll be over real quick." he says to try to comfort you, after the doctor feels there are no more questions he walks away. You hide your face in your shaking hand, you never expected that it would scare you so much to have to get your bones set, maybe it's because you're tired aswell...but you're shaking with fear and actually wish you could run away now...
The waiting seems to take ages, but every time you look at the big clock on the wall not even another 5 minutes have passed. While you're waiting you're desperately trying to think of something else, when you look to the side you see that the manager is playing with his phone to pass the time. Most of the time you're resting your head in your hand while looking at the floor next to your feet, and the only thing that go's around in your head is the thought of what's going to come and your body starts trembling even more. You look up again...another 5 minutes have passed...someone else is being called into the doctors lower your head again. While waiting your vision gets blurry, you notice that tears have filled up your eyes, you blink to clear you vision and wipe your cheeks after that. When you look back at the floor you see the feet of someone who is standing, way to close, next to you.
You look up to see who it is, maybe it's the doctor who came to get you, maybe you didn't hear him call, but when you see his face...or rather you don't see his face, your eyes grow big. Hidden behind a cap, sunglasses and mouth mask you easily recognize Junjin although you can't believe your watery eyes, so for awhile you're just staring up at him. When he removes his sunglasses you see that his eyes are smiling at you "What?" he says "Can't believe I'm real?". "Oohh, yeah" you say weakly, then shocked "No, no, that's not what i mean. I mean, ... what are you doing here?", he takes off his jacket and puts it around your shoulders "You're shivering.", you look confused up at him, then he crouches down next to you holding the backrest of your chair to steady himself. "I heard you could use some support." he says, involuntarily you glance over to the manager, he shrugs "Sorry, Junjin kept sending messages asking what was going on...", you look back at Junjin who suddenly is looking everywhere except for at you. Softly you say "Thank you", tearing up again you add "Ugh, sorry, I'm usually not like this. It's because I'm really tired i guess" while roughly wiping the tears from you face. "It's ok, i hear you where pretty shocked when you heard your bones have to be set back in place?" he says and you silently nod in answer, he continues while suddenly a big smile appears on his face "Well, you don't need to be afraid anymore...i'm here now!", but at that he himself bursts out laughing. You can't help but having to laugh as well, proudly he says "See?! Its already working.", still grinning you nod "Yes, it is.".
Then you hear your name being called by the assistant, the manager gets up and you right after him, Junjin looks confused at you "Really?? That's you??", understanding why he's confused you explain while walking towards the doctor "Yes, i have a Korean name. Like many Koreans use an American name, i use a Korean name.", "aahh" he nods "that's a good idea. What is it? I didn't really hear when she just said it.", "It's Bae Ra Young, just call me RaYoung." you answer, "That's a nice name" he says with a wink. Then you finally have to enter the room, just before you walk past the threshold your steps falter, Junjin puts his hand on your back to steady you "It'll be alright, don't worry" he says when you look up at him surprised, and for some reason your cheeks start to burn again, quickly you look away. The doctor points to the bed for you to take a seat on it, you slowly make your way towards it, while Junjin's hand is still on your back, even true three layers of clothing you can feel the warmth of his touch. It makes you feel uneasy but also good, like being comforted. When you sit on the bed the doctor says something that makes Junjin look uncomfortable, you wonder what it is, it doesn't take long for you to find out, because while looking towards the wall behind you he starts with a stammer "uhm..ahh, the doctor needs you to remove your clothes", at first you look confused at him "well..., so your injured arm isn't covered" he quickly adds after seeing the confusion on your face. Relieved you let out your breath "aahh ok, no problem." you say, and start taking of your vest, it's a little bit difficult because of your injured arm. Then Junjin starts stammering again while his face turns deep red "Should i leave? I mean...i could stay if you want me to, i won't look...", you have to laugh a bit at his uneasiness "It's alright, I'm wearing a decent top under need". Relieved he says "Ah really? Ok, then it's alright i guess", you start struggling with your long sleeved shirt. It's really painful to lift your arm to take of your shirt and when your halfway there with the shirt over your head you get stuck and don't know how to continue anymore, then you feel soft tugging on it and hear Junjin's voice "Wait, let me help you with that", and with his help you get the shirt over your head. When it slides of your head you look strait at Junjin's face, his eyes grow wide and apparently he just then realizes what he's doing, he quickly lets go of the shirt and takes a step back. Still looking at each other with wide eyes you suddenly hear someone coughing, it's the doctor, having totally forgotten about everything around you you snap back to reality and fear starts to built up inside you again making a knot in your stomach. He must've seen the change in your eyes because he steps back to your side again, carefully he puts his hand on your shoulder that is now only covered by a strap of your tank top. You faintly notice his hand mostly on your bare skin, but this time the fear inside you is so bad you don't fully realize it. You're seeing the doctor walks toward you together with his assistant while holding something that mostly resembles a torturing device in your eyes. You begin to tremble horribly again, finally it's all to much for you, while tears start rolling down your face you start whimpering " can't...i'll" you try to get up from the bed your sitting on, but Junjin now puts both his hands on your shoulders and gently holds you down. He then holds up his hand to stop the doctor for a second, calmly he says "Easy now, calm down a bit", he takes your chin in his hand and turns it up a bit so you're facing him "try to think of something else, then it's over before you know it." he wipes the tears from your cheeks.
Then he asks while looking in your eyes "Is it ok if i hold you?", you silently nod.


This is a horrible moment to end this chapter right? Sorry. ;D
Hope you enjoyed it though, it's a little longer then the others....

Orange princesses...FIGHTING! ;)



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I'm writting the ending...not that i'm there yet, but it suddenly popped in my head how to end this story...kinda sad feeling though.


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Chapter 22: Very nice story, honestly I convert my bias to Junjin because of this story. Great job
finmin #2
Chapter 22: Nice story ^^ Every shinhwa changjo dream come true <3
championmugger #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this! Found this via your post on tumblr and thought I'd check in ; u ; I'd be reading them in a bit but good luck on this! :D