The decision.

The weird fan


The next morning, while you are gathering your stuff to pack everything in your suitcase, you think about yesterday evening:
After you came back to the karaoke room, where the other members where waiting, nothing much happened anymore for the rest of the evening. You sat next to Junjin, while he had his arm casually around your waist holding you firmly. Once in awhile Junjin looked at you from the side and smiled contently.
Soon after you had come back Dongwan apparently wanted to say something to you, but before he could you saw Junjin making gestures that he shouldn't and to just let you be.
After that you relaxed a bit more, it seemed Junjin felt you relaxing because his arm around you squeezed you reassuringly for a second. While the guys were drinking and chatting about various things, you where silently listening and just enjoying the atmosphere and Junjin's warmth. 
At the end of the evening he had brought you back to the hotel. He hadn't said anything anymore about this morning, he just had bid you a goodnight with a kind of sad worried look in his eyes, you had done the same.
Although you did really like him..allot, you didn't want to give him hope in case you would change your mind once the fog lifted from your brain. You knew yourself to well for that, it often happened that way, 
especially when you were drinking. Once you thought about things seriously you changed your mind, even though the evening before things seemed like such a good idea.

Your trail of thoughts brakes off when you realize you're done packing, you go true the room and bathroom one more time to check if you didn't forget anything before you close your suitcase and bag. You sigh, it's time to head out, even though it was only a few days you spent in the room it seemed so much longer and with so many good memories, it's kind of sad to have to leave even if it doesn't mean the end of your vacation. 
After one last glance around the room you grab your bag and suitcase and walk out into the hallway and close the door behind you.

When you get downstairs to the lobby some of the tour group are already there and you join them to wait for the rest of the group. Even though you aren't close to the door and the windows facing the front of the hotel you try if you can see Junjin's car, it isn't long now until the scheduled departure time, but you can't see much of the outside. Not much later the rest of the group also joins you in the lobby and the touring car arrives in front of the hotel. After the tour guide finishes the last things at the reception desk the group walks outside, and you follow behind them.
Now that you are outside you carefully glance around to try to find Junjin, it doesn't take long before you see him. He's sitting in his car on the other side of the 'pick-up' area in front of the hotel, even though he has his sunglasses on and the windows rolled up you can see him looking at you.
Although he obviously sees you he doesn't move, he keeps sitting in his car, just waiting to see what you will do apparently.
You follow after the rest of the group and disappear out of his sight because of the touring car is now blocking the view of you.

You already made your decision early this morning, but hadn't gotten the chance to inform the tour guide up until now.
So you walk up to her and tell her about the situation, of course she's shocked and worried. But you explain to her "This is a chance i will never get anymore, i don't know if I'm making the right choice or if things will really work out between us...actually i don't think it will be something that'll last to be honest. But i don't want to have any regrets, this tour i can do again later, i can save up money again and book again in a few years. Now I want to take the chance and see where it will lead me..... or us perhaps.". Slowly the tour guide nods "I understand...i guess. But do be careful! And if there is something...or you maybe want to join us again in a couple of can always give me a call!", you smile at her "Thank you.".
You say your goodbyes to the rest of the group, a quick and easy explanation is given to them that you met with friends unexpectedly, the worst explanation ever you realize when you see their doubtful looks. But nobody's says anything about it and they all wish you a good time. They all enter the touring car, you wave at them while standing on the sidewalk with your luggage seeing them off. 

When the touring car drives away you see Junjin again, he's sitting in his car with his head hanging low. You keep looking at him from a distance, now that the rest of the group is gone you can't get back on your decision, it makes you horribly nervous and kind of scared as well. After standing there just like that for a few minutes Junjin suddenly lifts his head and looks right at you, you see his eyebrows go up above his sunglasses and then his lips curve into a smile. Somehow his smile reassures you and you finally walk towards his car while he keeps staring at you. When you're almost there he apparently suddenly realizes he's still just staring at you and quickly starts moving. In his haste he tumbles out of the car, making you laugh while he regains his posture embarrassed. Standing in front of you he looks at you again and finally says "I thought you got in the touring car just now and left." you still hear the anxiety in his voice, he takes a step forward and trows his arms around you taking you into his strong embrace.  "Sorry," you say "I needed to say goodbye to them first.", you feel Junjin nod "I just looked like you where leaving with them." he keeps holding you tightly.
After a few minutes you become aware of your surroundings again and quickly wiggle free from his embrace "uhm, well, uhm....where..." you start stammering while looking at your suitcase. "Oh right" he exclaims "I'll put that in the trunk." and he also seems to realize where he is. Quickly he puts the suitcase in the trunk while you walk around the car and also get inside. A few seconds later Junjin also gets back to his seat and starts the car and drives away.
While driving true Seoul once again in Junjin's car you start fidgeting with your fingers, there is one pretty important question still left to be answered, but you're not sure how to ask about it and you get more uneasy with every minute that passes. Junjin keeps glancing at you and finally asks "Are you nervous?" perfectly innocent and clearly oblivious.
"Uhm...yeah, a bit." you answer in a tiny voice, surprised he looks at you "why?" he asks.
 While your cheeks are starting to burn you decide it's best to just let it out "Where am i going to sleep?".


Sometimes i can kick myself for writing this in 'you' form in present would've been easier if i had done that differently...oohh well :D
I like to hear what you think of it, i love reading your comments! 

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I'm writting the ending...not that i'm there yet, but it suddenly popped in my head how to end this story...kinda sad feeling though.


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Chapter 22: Very nice story, honestly I convert my bias to Junjin because of this story. Great job
finmin #2
Chapter 22: Nice story ^^ Every shinhwa changjo dream come true <3
championmugger #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this! Found this via your post on tumblr and thought I'd check in ; u ; I'd be reading them in a bit but good luck on this! :D