New School - yoonjin

BTS ship one shots

Sorry it's been a while I have midterms coming up and this will be the last thing I will write until midterms are over! I hope you enjoy. I at tiles btw and i also at summarys so i promise its a lot better than it looks DX I originally had this planned as a chaptered/longer fic but i get bored with longer stories so i figured i would write a short one instead. for that reason this is a little bit of a longer one than usual.

Title: New School

Ship: Yoongi x Jin | Yoonjin

Type: Fluff, , slight angst(not really but kind of)

Description: Yoongi joins a new school and Jin is the most popular guy there and they become friends. Yoongi finds him rather cute. 

Warnings: Cursing, homophobia, bullying

Word count: 11.5k+

(None of the stuff above is bad, I promise, only the cursing)

"Yoongi?" The tall, pretty female teacher said looking at a pale, bleach blond boy staring hard at a page covered in scribbles.

"Hm? Oh, what did you say?" Yoongi replied, shaking his head out of his trance.

"What does 'independant' mean in Korean?" She asked. The whole class had their eyes on Yoongi. Yoongi at English. He sighs.

"Um... yellow?" The whole class giggles at him. What? He at English. He always has and he always will. Why does he even need to learn English? He lives in Korea. He sighs again and looks down embarrassed. The teacher chuckles lightly.

"No. Namjoon?" She asked looking towards another bleach blond boy across the class. He is taller than Yoongi and slightly tanned. He smiles sweetly and responds.

"Independant." He says without hesitating. He has impeccable pronunciation. Why did she ask Yoongi if this guy is apparently a foreigner?

"Yoongi, please see me after class? You too Namjoon." The teacher says smiling and looking at both boys. They both nodded at the her obediently. Whatever. He doesn't care. He just looks back at his book, reading over the rhymes that cover the page.

Yoongi writes music. It's his passion. He has more than one book at home filled with lyrics and scribbles and full songs written and rewritten over and over again until its perfect. There's nothing Yoongi loves more than his music.

The bell rings and everyone starts packing up. A couple of boys passing him on their way out scoff and not-so-silently remark that he's a "" and "sholdn't be in this grade because the colours are elementary ." Yoongi just pretends to not hear them and angrily shoves his books in his bag and shifts it over his shoulder, walking to the teachers desk. Namjoon walks up shortly after. He looked like he was tall before, but now that he's standing so close to Yoongi, he can really see just how tall this guy is.

"Yoongi, your grades in English aren't the best and believe it or not, I actually want all my students to pass this course. Namjoon you're a straight A student, could you tutor Yoongi?" The teacher says glncing between the boys.

"I don't mind that." Namjoon says smiling cheeckily at Yoongi. He has dimples when he smiles, Yoongi notes. 

Yoongi is failing English. Tutoring couldn't make him understand this any less than he already does. He doesn't think it'll help because he's pretty much a lost cause, but it's worth a shot, he guesses.

"Alright." Yoongi says shrugging and looking up at the taller male.

"Great, I'll let you work out the details and I'll see you two in class tomorrow." She says nodding and leaving the classroom. Yoongi looks up at the taller guy and opens his mouth to speak.

"I have basketball practice after school but I'm free after that." Yoongi says with a blank expression, awaiting the boys answer. Namjoon looks up for a second as if thinking and responds.

"Yeah sure." He says simply. Yoongi nods and heads out. Outside of the classroom the groups of boys from earlier are standing around laughing to each other. He looks at them for a moment when the ring-leader, as Yoongi assumes, speaks.

"Tutoring, huh? You're gonna need it, idiot." The rest of them laugh and then walk away, shoving Yoongis shoulder with their broad bodies roughly. Yoongi just stands there for a minute, looking down, ashamed.

"Hey, you're the new kid right? I'm Kim Namjoon." Namjoon says appearing behind him out of nowhere and holding out his hand.. Yoongi is startled by his sudden presence but shakes his hand slowly.

"Uh, yeah. Min Yoongi." He responds sqinting slightly. Trying to read the guys expression. He just hopes he won't like the other guys. 

"You want to eat lunch with me and my friends? We're a group of 6 right now and we're looking for a 7th." He chuckles softly. Yoongi looks surprised and considers it. He doesn't have any friends right now, since he just transferred to this school a week ago. He doesn't really want to meet new people but he doesn't want to seem rude to the guy who's tutoring him so he accepts and they set off towards the cafeteria.

"So, my friends include Kim Taehyung, he's really crazy and noisy but he's cute and friendly. Jung Hoseok, he's a crazy good dancer and he's really optimistic and nice. Park Jimin, he's short, like you, and he is loud and friendly too." Namjoon says turning a corner and nearly tripping over a book on the floor and a water fountain. Yoongi frowns a little on the short commetn but let's it go and laughs at him almost falling over everything.

"We also have," He says flattening his shirt down and wiping his hands off from falling. "Jeon Jungkook, he is kind of intimidating and quiet at first, but he's really just our cute maknae at the end of the day." They finally enter the cafeteria and Namjoon points at a group of 5 guys sitting and laughing with each other.

Namjoon points specifically at a tall, handsome brunette with a pouty lower lip and incredibly broad shoulders, and says, "That's Kim Seokjin. He is the most popular guy in school and as you can see he has his own little army of girls following him." Yoongi didn't notice before as he was too busy staring at his impossibly perfect skin and cute face but he did indeed have a rather large group of girls surrounding him. He appeared to be trying to shake them off. Namjoon sits down and Yoongi sits next to him.

"Guys, this is the new kid who just transferred here. He's Min Yoongi and I'm gonna tutor him in English." Namjoon says placing a hand in front of Yoongi as if showing him off for sale on one of those late night infomercials about jewelry. Across the table from him a cute, slightly tanned boy with bright orange hair holds out a hand for a hand shake and gives him a big boxy grin.

"Hi! I'm Taehyung!" They boy says cheerfully. Namjoon was right, he is noisy, but friendly. Another boy with black hair, high cheekbones and a contagious smile waves cutely at him and states, "Hoseok!" before putting another bite of rice in his mouth. A cute, short, brunette between Hoseok and Taehyung smiles an eye smile at him and waves as well. "Jimin!" He stated.  Next to Hoseok was a young looking boy with black hair who smiled a big bunny smile at him and waved shyly. He quietly stated he was Jungkook and ate a bite of his meat.

Seokjin sits down next to Yoongi and looks Namjoon in the eye and says, "Help." Namjoon gets up and transforms into a bodyguard to harshly tell the girls to scram. They all scatter and he sits back down and instantly switches from badass bodyguard back to innocent, clumsy highscgooler.

"Jin hyung, this is Min Yoongi. He just transferred here. I'm tutoring him in English." Namjoon says taking a sip of milk. Seokjin smiles at him sweetly and holds out his hand. Yoongi takes it and he can only think how soft his hand is for a moment when Seokjin lets go and introduces himself.

"I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. Sorry for the girls, they're obssessed with me. Although we all know why they'll never get a chance." He says with a wink. Yoongi raises an eyebrow confused and looks at Namjoon.

"He's gay." Namjoon states, smiling slightly and taking another sip of milk.

"Oh." Yoongi states. He's surprised, but he's fine with it. He doesn't particularly care about other peoples uality. Yoongi himself is bi.

"Yeah and if you have a problem with it I'll-" Jungkook starts but is cut off with a small innocent wack from Jin.

"Yah! Easy, maknae. I know you're protective and all but relax, he's at the very least bi." Jin says like it's common information. Yoongi's never told anyone. His eyes widen.

"How... how did you know that? I've never told anyone." Yoongi says, eyes still wide as saucers.

"My gaydar is perfect. I've learned how to pick out possible dates over the years." Jin said smugly. Namjoon drops a spoonful of soup on his shirt and curses. Jin scolds him and complains about how clumsly he is before reaching over Yoongi and cleaning up the mess on Namjoons shirt. Jin is on the right of Yoongi and Namjoon is on the left, so all Yoongi can see is the tall boys chest in front of him. His incredibly broad chest that seems to irradiate heat like a space heater. He can smell Jin's cologne and it smells warm and welcoming. He gets lost slightly in the scent. Subtle, not too much and not too little. But the smell is gone as soon as it appears because Jin sits back down properly after cleaning up Namjoon. Yoongi sits there dumbly and hopes no one noticed him clealry njoying how close Jin was just a second ago. His eyes follow Jins body back to his seat and he looks up at Jins perfect face. His innocent, big, brown eyes. His straight nose. His lips. His big, full, pink, plush lips. His lower lip is slightly thicker than the top one. More full. Yoongi wonders what his lips would feel like on his. Melded together in a gentle dance. Soft on his. His tongue grazing Yoongi's lower lips asking for entrance, which Yoongi would eagerly comply to and-

"Yoongi?" Hoseok says raising an eyebrow and carefully glancing between Jin and the short, blond. Yoongi didn't realise he said anything. He was lost in thought like he was when he wrote lyrics. He shook his head and looked up at Hoseok, clearing his throat.

"Hm? What was that?" He said, a small blush covering his face. 

"I asked where you're from." Hoseok said instantly letting the situation go.

"Oh. I'm from Daegu." Yoongi responded quickly.

"Oh cool so is Tae." He looked over at the orange haired boy who was playing around and laughing with Jimin. How could someone so energentic be from the same place as him? He's literally the definition of lethagry. If you looked it up in the dictionary he's pretty sure you would get Min Yoongi as the result.

"So what do you do in your free time?" Jin asked shoving noodles in his mouth. He fits 2/3rds of the whoel soup in his mouth at once. His mouth is huge, Yoongi notes.

"I play basketball and write music." Yoongi states back quickly before his thoughts head somewhere dangerous.

"Oh really? Namjoon writes too. Hoseok writes a little as well. You guys should write together sometime." Jin sates and he looks at Namjoon and Hoseok who both smile at him. "And Jungkook palyes basketball."

He looks at the maknae and he gives Yoongi a big bunny smile again.


"Namjoon, you are a god send. I actually understand this!" Yoongi states looking happily at his English book below him. Namjoon laughs.

They met up after Yoongi finished basketball practice in the library to work on English.

"Seriously though dude, are you like a foreigner or something?" Yoongi asks looking up at namjoon. Namjoon just smiles sheepishly.

"No I just self taught English to myself for a while. I also studied a bit in New Zealand." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh awesome! Is it nice there?" 

"Yeah it's cool."

They studied for another hour before Namjoon suggested they call it quits for the day.

"Hey, we're all meeting up at Jin's place to play some video games in his room. You don't have to play. You can just chill if you want. He only has 3 controllers and Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung usually play the whole time without giving us a chance." Namjoon said.

"Yeah sure." Yoongi replies excited to see the cute Jin again. 


When they make it to Jin's house everyone else is already there. Yoongi follows Namjoon up to Jin's room and finds Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung on the floor gaming intently. Hoseok and Jin are sitting on the bed watching them like parents. The five of them all have their eyes glued to the screen watching seriously as the three youngest on the floor race to the death in Mario Kart.

The first thing Yoongi notices is the pink walls. His walls are a soft pink that suits his personality very well. Next he notices the amount of Mario toys, collectibles and plushes everywhere around the room. On shelfs, the floor and his bed. He also notices how clean and tidy the room is. The window lets in sunlight and the room over all looks inviting.

Jin motions Yoongi over and pats a spot next to him on the bed. He sits next to him and they watch them play for a few more rounds. Well Jin watches. Yoongi watches Jin. They way he is fully into the game, watching intently and actually cheering when the character he roots for wins. The way he laughs and smiles brightly at Yoongi when one of them gets hit with something. He also notices that Jin is wearing glasses. He wasn't wearing those earlier but he looks about 20 times cuter with them on.

"Taehyung hyung I swear to bowser if you blue shell me one more time I will you and koopa troopa up!" Jungkook yells firm but playfully. Taehyung just giggles and sticks his tongue out at Jungkook. Jungkook lunges and tackles him to floor and they begin play fighting. Laughing and tumbling over, takin turns pinning each other.

"Yes! I won first place!" Jimin yells happily throwing his ar sin the air. Jungkook and Taehyung stop play fighting and grab the controllers but before Jungkook can grab one Hoseok grabs it off the ground. An jungkook whines a bit but watches as they start a new round.

Jin looks over at Yoongi and smiles softly. Yoongi smiles back and for a moment he gets lost in the smile. He wishes he could see that smile everyday, every minute. It's beautiful and sweet and Yoongi loves it.

"Me and Yoongi are gonna get drinks." Jin says and stands up, pulling Yoongi out of the room by the wrist, still smiling. No one really notices them leave, all too focused on the game.

Yoongi follows Jin downstairs and into a big kitchen. Jin grabs glasses from the cupboard and Yoongi reaches into the fridge and pulls out a carton of orange juice. Yoongi places the orange juice on the counter next to the cups. 

"Oh get some milk too. Namjoon likes milk. And also some Sprite and Root Beer. Jungkook likes Root Beer and Taehyung likes a half Root Beer half Sprite mix." Jin says pulling out a serving tray.

Yoongi pulls out the other drinks and admires the fact that Jin knows his friends so well. He seems so caring and Yoongi's heart warms a little at that. 

"You know them really well. You're really caring aren't you?" Yoongi asks staring at Jin pour the drinks very carefully. Jin smiles and leans against the counter looking into Yoongi's eyes.

"Yeah. You'll learn soon enough. Jungkook and Tae like fizz, Jimin and Hoseok like juice, Namjoon likes milk and I like water. I assume you like orange juice too, since that's the first thing you pulled out." Jin says filling a cup with water.

"You assumed right." Yoongi chuckles.

"Should we make food too?" Jin tilts his head and lightly furrows his brows in question.

"I make a pretty damn good Kimchi fried rice."

"Well I think I want to know just how good." Jin grins going to pull out the ingredients.

While they are making the rice Yoongi learns that Jin loves cooking and is really good at it. He learns that he loves eating too. They talk and giggle and get really close, physically, while they are preparing the bowls. After they finshed Jin tries the rice to make sure it's good and grins widely at Yoongi.

"It's good!" Jin exclaims smiling. 

"I told you I can make good rice." Yoongi smiles and notices a piece of rice on the corner of Jin's mouth. "Oh you got a little..." he lifts his hand to Jin's mouth and gently wipes the rice away. Jin just stares at him with a serious face. Yoongi stares back. They stay in silence just staring for a minute before Jin glances down at Yoongi's lips and leans in incredibly slowly. Yoongi's eyes flutter shut as Jin leans in. When Yoongi says slowly, he means slowly. It felt like he was there for years before he could finally feel Jin's breathe on his lips. Yoongi leaning upwards and Jin leaning down, their faces only milimetres apart. 

"Dudes we're thristy could you hurry up?" Namjoon called. They could hear him walking down the hall towards to the kitchen. Their eyes widened and they were both staring at each other before Jin scrambled back incredibly fast. Yoongi's face went a deep red. and he quickly turned towards the doorway of the kitchen when Namjoon walked in. Both boys stood staring nervously at the doorway a few feet away from each other. Namjoon rasied an eyebrow and spoke cautiously.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. We were just finishing up some kimchi fried rice." Jin said snapping quickly to a normal tone. Yoongi nodded and grabbed the tray with bowls on it. Jin grabbed the drink tray and they all went back up to his room. They didn't talk about it and went back to normal as if it never happened. But Yoongi kept glancing at Jin who seemed to be doing the same back. They almost kissed, it has to mean something, right? No, no of course not it was a moment thing. It'll never happen again. Jin is the most popular guy in school why would he like Yoongi?

Things went this way for a few weeks. Meeting up at each others houses and playing games in their rooms for hours. Yoongi and Jin didn't almost kiss anymore times. They would swithc hosues every week. This week was Yoongi's house.


"Yoongi." The teacher called. Yoongi got up and retrieved the paper form his teahcer. They just had an English test. While Namjoons tutoring helped alot, Yoongi still wasn't a star student. Not at all. He got at best 80%'s. He wasn't feeling particularly confident with this test material either. He sat down next to Namjoon and slowly turned the page over to reveal his grade.



"Hey man it's alright. At least you passed, right?" Namjoon said patting his back in attempt to comfort him. Easy for you to say Yoongi thought. He just sighed and put the test down. He heard the boys behind him laughing. These boys have been constantly bothering him. Always making fun of him for not knowing English. What was their problem anyways? They had been getting progressively more problematic over time. It started with just name calling and making fun of him. But it grew to pushing him around. Then it got even worse to pushing him to the floor and kicking him in the ribs and the stomach. They started kicking his shoudlers recently and he knew that they were going to get his face next. Yoongi wasn't quite sure how he was gonna cover up the the bruises on his face. He managed his side, ribs and shouders with clothes but he would have to resort to make up soon enough. All he could do was hope that they didn't find him after class today because he had to meet up with the group at his house. If he showed up late beaten and bloody Jin would probably think he's a coward or something thta could fight off his own bullies.

After class ended Yoongi quickly told Namjoon he would meet him at his house and bolted out of the classroom before he could say anything back. He just wanted to make it out of school before the guys behind him in English could make it to his locker. So he ran to his locker at the back of the school, quickly shoved everything he needed in his bag, and sprinted to the door at the front of the school. He made it to the end of school grounds before he remembered he forgot his basketball uniform. He needs to wash that becasue he has practice tomorrow and he doesn't want to smell like sweaty gym socks while he runs around the only other people that actually somewhat like him.

Sighing he jogs back to school. The halls are pretty much empty now. The only people that are left are some teachers and students who are going to after school clubs and sports. They can't still be in school by now, he's safe enough to not be on the lookout.

He slows to a walking speed and heads to the other side of the school. Twisting and turning his way through the school he makes it to his locker in record time, since there's no kids to dodge. He quickly grabs his uniform and heads out. Thank god he's done for the day, he didn't think he could handle those guys any-

"Hey, . What're ya doing here after hours?" The guys. One of them speaks with thick satoori so he knows it them. He shut shis eyes tight and turns around.

"I had to get my basketball uniform. What about you?" Yoongi replies slowly. He's just hoping he can make them talk long enough for him to have the chance to book it out of the school.

"We were looking for you." Another one speaks. He sounds calm and reformed. He doesn't have the slightest accent. Yoongi listens to them go on about how they're 'friends' and they wanted to hang out with him. The whole time they're speaking Yoongi is slowly backing to the end of the hallway. He sees the corner of the wall in his peripheral and immediately starts running. Yoongi didn't even know he could run this fast, like his life depended on it. He's sprinting, really. But he only gets to the end of the next hallway when he is suddenly stopped by a hard choking on his neck. One of the guys grabbed the back of his shirt. As soon as he can breath again he's slammed into the lockers next to him by someone holding his collar. It's the satoori guy.

"Where d'ya think yer going?" He breathes in Yoongis face. He can smell his breath. It smells like expired milk and rotten eggs. Yoongi gags at the scent but doesn't have time to respond before he's being punched hard square in the face. He hears a cracking sound and feels blood start pouring from his nose. A sharp pain shoots across Yoongis nose and right through his face and neck. He gasps at the pain, but he can't make any loud sounds, they can't know he's hurt. He fights back the burning in his eyes, threatening to make him cry from the intense throbbing in his now broken nose. But it's only another second before the satoori guy knees him in the stomach so hard Yoongi buckles over in pain. The satoori guy backs up knowing Yoongi can't run right now so the others can have a go at him. The reformed guy punches him in the face, the eye this time. Then another guy who was silent in the back comes over and kicks him until he's laying on the ground. They all huddle over him and start punching an dkicking him everywhere. One guy kicks his lip and Yoongi can taste metal. All he can hear is the sound of the guys laughing and the sound of impact as their fists and feet hit him everywhere.

Yoongi is curled in a ball on the ground, black, blue and bloody when he hears someone else walk over. He sees a tall, bleach blonde punch the reformed older guy in the face, a younger guy with black hair and a surprisingly bulky stature for his age knee the quiet on in the stomach and elbow him in the cheek, and a lean guy with high cheekbones and black hair as well slam the satoori guy in the locker and whisper a threat in his ear before grabbing his hair and smacking his head against the locker.

Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok.

Jimin and Taehyung head over and lift Yoongi to his feet, helping support him as Jin walks over with a worried expression. Hoseok and Namjoon tell the boys to scram and they all run off like they just met the mafia.

"Are you okay?" Jin speaks softly, lifting Yoongi's chin up to examine his face. He turns Yoongi's head this way and that before sighing deeply and signaling for Jimin and Taehyung to help him wlak out of the school. Yoongi wants to say that he's fine and doesn't need help, but one guy kicked his shin a little too hard and if Yoongi tried to walk right now he'd just topple over. 

They carry him out of the school and lay him in the back of Jin's truck. Jin's the only one who has his lisence right now and they often ride in his car to and from school. Jungkook sits in the trunk with Yoongi and watches him over the ride back to Yoongi's house. Yoongi quietly whispers a raspy "Thank you." Before passing out due to pain and loss of blood.

When they make it to Yoongi's house his parents are gone. Jin picks up Yoongi bridal style from the trunk of the car and carries him in to the kitchen, laying him down on the table, spouting orders to people like "get towels" or "water" and even "first aid kit" while whispering inbetween orders to Yoongi that it'll be alright. Yoongi is rolling slightly and groaning a little at pain all over his body.

"Stay still, Yoongi. I need to remove your clothes to see your wounds." Jin says looking yoongi in the eyes. He said it almost like he was asking if it was okay to remove his clothes. Yoongi just nodded slightly and breatehd heavily. Jin began undoing the buttons on his shirt. When Yoongi finally felt Jin pull the shirt open and the cold breeze hit his stomach he heard Jin curse and start ping his pants. Nobody else really cares that Yoongi is left in just his boxers in a matter of minutes. Mostly becasue they're all guys and this is less than they see after gym class in the change rooms, and also because he's bleeding from every limb, bruised all over and wincing in pain at the light press of alcohol covered cotton on his cuts when Jin begins performing first aid.

"Ah! !" Yoongi yelps when Jin barely grazes Yoongi's nose.

"Your nose is broken." Jin states placing his hand gently on Yoongis nose to try to feel for any damage. Even though he doesn't actually have to feel because if you take a look at his nose just once you can clearly see that it's two separate pieces that are supposed to be together.

Yoongi has never once heard Jin curse in the 6 weeks he's known him. Not even when he stubbed his toe on the door frame at Jungkooks house, and if Yoongi's honest, he didn't think it was possible to stub your toe and not curse. So when Jin speaks quietly, in a whisper almost, it surprises Yoongi.

"I'm going to ing kill those guys." Jin says. His voice filled venom and his eyes dark like he wants revenge. It scares Yoongi just the slightest, but he'll never tell anyone that "pink princess Jin" as they like to call him, and he likes to hear, actually scared him once.

"Relax, Jin hyung. I'm a coward for not being able to fight back anyways. And apparently a who should be in grade 3 for not being able speak English with Namjoons fluency." Yoongi mumbles the last part sitting up on the edge of the table. He groans a little because if he's honest he's still in a lot of pain but Jin looks like a sad lost puppy when he's worried and Yoongi's heart sinks when he sees that face.

"Don't say that." Jin says seriously, cupping Yoongis face with both hands and lifting it to meet his gaze. "Never say that."

Yoongi pauses for a moment looking in Jin's eyes. 

"Alright. But stop swearing, it doesn't suit you." Yoongi says cracking a small smile. Jin grins at that and pulls his hands away from his face. Yoongi misses the warmth of his hands on his cheeks.

"Good. Now come on we have to get you to a doctor for your nose." Jin says helping Yoongi up, supporting him on one side. Jungkook rushes over quickly and holds the other side and they lead him back to the truck.

After they get back from the hospital they settle down in Yoongi's room and play video games for a couple hours, like usual, but this time Jin keeps checking on him and seems really on edge like he's expecting the chest burster xenomorph to burst through Yoongi's ribcage at any moment. After a few straight hours of them playing video games and Jin constantly watching Yoongi's every move, they all decide to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I can just go home really quickly and pick up a night bag and I could sleep over or-" JIn says looking worried, again and looking Yoongi in the eyes.

"Hyung. Go home. I'm not gonna die over night." Yoongi said, cutting Jin off for the fifth time of him asking to stay and watch over him over night. Jin gets an annoyed look.

"You better not, don't scare me with that you little..." Jin says trailing off and slapping Yoongi on the back of the head lightly. 

"Ow!" Yoongi yelps loudly holding the back of his head.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! did I hurt you? Are you okay?" Jin asks frowning even more worried than before. Yoongi just giggles.

"I'm kidding now go home. You need to sleep." Yoongi says smirking.

"Yah! Don't scare me! I'm going to have a heart attack you meanie!" Jin says. 

Jin grabs Yoongi's hands and hold them both with his, looking seriosuly at Yoongi.

"You have my number. Call me if they bother you again. Promise me you'll call." Jin says staring intently into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi thinks he'll melt right there into a puddle with how loving Jin's gaze is. 

"I promise." Yoongi says almost in a whisper. Jin smiles softly and lifts one of his hands to the back of Yoongi heads pulling him in closer, leaving the other hand still in Yoongi's. He places his lips gently on the top of Yoongi's forehead. Yoongi can feel his hair flatten on his forehead as Jin's lips press into him. Even though he wishes he could be kissing Yoongi's lips, he's content with this little gesture as well an doesn't want it to end. Their bodies so close they have their own little bubble away from society. Like an invisible hug. He can smell Jin's cologne. The same one from the first day he met him. The one that gets him lost. He's lost again in it all but only for a second becasue Jin pulls away just as fast as he pulled in. Yoongi feels his hair lift off his forehead again and he feels a little cold from the loss of heat from Jin's breathe and lips. Jin is so close to his face he wants to kiss him so bad, but he remembers the other guys are waiting by the door downstairs for Jin.

"Keep it." Jin whispers and let's Yoongi's hand go. At first Yoongi is confused and doesn't understand what he means by 'keep it' but then he feels something in his hand that Jin just held. He looks down at his hand and there is a silver key ring with a small chain attached to a little mario in a jumping position. Jin gave him a mario key chain. Yoongi doesn't think much of it, assuming it's just something to remind him to call if those guys bother him again. He follows Jin down to the door to show him and the rest the boys out. They know their way to the door, but Yoongi is too polite to just kick them out. They all walk out anf Yoongi turns to go to his room but he oasses his keys on the key hook. He lifts them off and attaches the mario key chain before smiling at his keys and putting them back on the hook. He keeps the smile n the rest of the night.


A couple days pass and Yongi is sitting down for dinner with his parents. 

"Yoongi, honey, I met a woman today and her daughter is so sweet. I think she would be a good match for you." His mother says to him. 

"No thanks mom." Yoongi says taking a bite of his dumplings. 

"Why not?" She frowns. "Do you already have a girlfriend?"


"Do you have your eyes on another?" His father asks.

"Uh, sort of." Yoongi looks down uncomfortably.

"Oh! Who is she? Is she nice?" His mother asks excitedly. This doesn't really seem like a good time to come out to his parents and tell him that he likes guys. But he thinks of Jin. Thinks of time when they first met and how sweet he was. Thinks of when they made food together at Jin's house. Thinks of when they almost kissed in his kitchen. Thinks of when Jin saved him from bullies and performed first aid and took him to the hospital. Thinks of the gentle kiss he planted on Yoongis forehead. Thinks of the way he makes Yoongi so happy. Then it hits him. He's in love. He's in love with Kim Seokjin. Yoongi unconsiously smiles and thinks if he's in love, myabe he should tell his parents.

"Um... it's... it's not a girl..." Yoongi says quietly looking up at his parents. They both stop eating and their eyes widen. They look at each other and his father starts nervously laughing.

"That's a good one son. Now really. Who is she?" His father asks eyeing him, putting emphasis on 'she.' 

"I'm serious. It's Seokjin hyung from school." Yoongi says carefully. Yoongi isn't stupid. He knows where he lives. He knows that being anything but straight is frowned upon here. This is Korea. It's very conservative. While a lot of the younger generation don't mind it as much or are curious about it, the older generation are completely ignorant. Some even think it doesn't exist here. Homouality that is. Yoongi isn't completely gay, but he definitely likes guys more than girls.

"Honey you can't be serious. You can't be gay." His mother says as if he's killed a man.

"I'm not gay, I'm biual. And I'm serious." Yoongi says getting a little more pissed off by the moment.

"That's not right son. You have to marry a girl and have kids, that's the way God made us." His father said looking angry.

"That's complete bull and you know it! This is 2016. The USA legalized gay marriage everywhere there. Why is Korea so behind on this stuff?" 

"I don't care what the USA did, Yoongi you're going to marry a girl and have kids and that's that!"

"Only if I meet a girl I love. But right now I love Seokjin hyung and you can't change me! I'm the way I am and I'm not changing it for some conservative who lives in the 20th century and can't even love his own kid becase he's too close-minded!" Yoongi shouts standing up. His father growls and stands up as well. He grabs the edge of his belt threatenly and his mother jumps at his father to hold him back.

"Yoongi, get out." His mother says in a monotone, uncaring voice. Yoongi runs up to his room, packs an overnight bag and his school uniform then runs down stairs. He passes his parents in the living room and glares at his father. He looks at his mother who flashes him an apologetic look before looking away entirely. Tears threaten to fall but he blinks them away and he grabs his keys and slams the door shut behind him. He starts walking down the street, not knowing where he's going. 

After an hour of walking in the freezing night air he reaches Jins house. He knocks hesitantly. Jin's mother opens the door and let's him in, telling Yoongi that he's in his room. Yoongi heads up to his room and when he reahces the door his eyes start to burn again. This time tears begin falling slowly and he opens the door without knocking. Jin's sitting on his bed with Jungkook and Namjoon. Jin doesn't say anything he just looks up at Yoongi and instantly comes over to hold him. Namjoon and Jungkook stay seated on the bed as Jin stands in the door way letting Yoongi's tears soak into his shirt as he holds him. Jin pulls back and wipes the tears from his cheeks with his thumb, cupping Yoongi's face in his hands.

"What happened?" Is the only thing Jin says leading him over to sit on the bed next to him.

"My parents and their conservative, bull views on a guy having a crush on another guy. Apparently they can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to love their kid no matter what. My mom looked a lot more sorry for kicking me out but my dad wanted to slap me or some ." Yoongi says sniffling and and wiping tears from his face.

"Is it okay if I kill your parents?" Jungkook says angrily.

"No Jungkook. No it is not. No matter much I want to we can't. You won't look good in a prison uniform." Namjoon says.

"How did they find out?" Jin asks, ignoring the conversation between Namjoon and Jungkook.

"My mom tried to get me with some girl and I told her I liked Seo-" Yoongi started but then realized that Jin might not like him back the same way and quickly changed his sentence. "I mean... a guy. I told her I liked a guy and she freaked." Jin sighed, completely ignoring that he almost said someones name and hugged him tightly.

"My parents were a little taken aback at first, but they didn't kick me out." Jin said patting Yoongi's back. "In time, they might come around. But you can stay here as long as you want." Yoongi smiled and stopped crying. He's so lucky to have these supportive friends.

"Well?" Jungkook asks grinning.

"Well what?" Yoongi asks suspiciously.

"Who is it? What guy do you like?" 

"Oh... um... no one." 

"Oh come on dude, you can tell us. We can keep a secret." Namjoon says grinning as well. Why do they want to pay matchmaker? Yoongi thinks.

"No. Things would get awkward. You know him." Yoongi says not looking nayone in the eye.

"Oh I know who it is." Namjoon says in realization.

"What? No you don't!" Yoongi says hoping it's not that obvious he has a crush on Jin.

"Yeah I do. Don't worry I won't tell."

"Wait really? Who is it?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"I just said I won't tell. So I'll tell you later." Namjoon says smiling mischeviously.

"Dude!" Yoongi yells.

"Namjoon hyung I swear on Jin hyungs Mario key chain if you don't tell me I'll you up. And yes I do mean the very first piece of mario merchandise he ever got. The key chain he holds oh so dear to his heart that he would never get rid of it if it meant he would die." Jungkook says pointing at Namjoon with a pissed look on his face.

"I don't have that anymore." Jin states blankly.

"What?" Namjoon and Jungkook both ask at the same time, genuinely confused.

"I gave it to Yoongi before we left his house the night he got beat up." He says like it's nothing. Namjoon and Jungkook raise their eyebrows so high Yoongi thinks they might fly off their foreheads. Both their eyes dart to Yoongi. Yoongi blushes and holds up his keys. There, hanging from his keys was a jumping Mario.

"Oh. Nevermind, Namjoon hyung." Jungkook said still staring at the keychain.


After Namjoon and Jungkook left Yoongi and Jin decided to go to bed. Jin said that Yoongi would be sleeping with him in his bed and as much as Yoongi tried to say no, Jin always came up with an argument to why he should that couldn't be beat.

They got settled down in his bed and were laying back to back in the darkness when Yoongi's curiousity got the better of him and he turned over. Placing his cheek on the back of his hand.

"Jin hyung?" Yoongi whispered, secretly hoping he was alrady asleep so he wouldn't be able to ask him any questions. Unfortunately he was still awake and turned over to look at Yoongi.

"Yeah?" He responded whispering back.

"Do you really treasure that key chain that much?" Jin was silent for a second before he responded.


"Why did you give it to me?"

"Honestly?" Jin lifted himself so he had his head resting on his hand held up my his elbow on the pillow. Yoongi mimicked the action.


"I like you." Yoongi was silent for a while. Jin was too. Yoongi wasn't sure if he was being serious or not so he watched Jin carefully. He was sure he was serious when he saw the flow of regret and anxiety flood his face.

"I like you, too." Yoongi replied softly. Jin visibly relaxed at the confession and smiled. He leaned in and kissed Yoongi. This time on the mouth. Gently and slowly. The kiss was filled with passion and love. Their lips danced smoothly with each other. Their lips fit perfectly together. Like puzzle pieces. It felt like something clicked in place when they kissed. As if everything up until now was just for this moment. They stayed like that for a long time, kissing with intense emotion, until they were both out of breath and Jin had to pull away, eyes still closed. Both of them panting lightly.

"Be my boyfriend." Jin said looking into Yoongi's eyes hopefully.

"I'm yours." Yoongi said. Jin leaned back in to kiss him smiling softly into the kiss. This time the kiss was different. It was needy and desperate. Filled with raw emotion and a hint of lust from both sides. Yoongi tilted his head back slightly, deepening the kiss. Jin Yoongi's lower lip and Yoongi eagerly granted him access. Yoongi remembers when he was just thinking this and he compares how the imagination went to the real thing. He decides that the real thing is much, much better. When their tongues meet it's like fire. An uncontrollable flame forms in Yoongi that Jin shares and the kiss becomes more intense.

Jin crawls over Yoongi so he's straddling his hips. Jin's hands are on Yoongi's chest and Yoongi's hands are on Jin's hipsYoongi grabs the hems of Jin's shirt and tugs lightly. Jin parts from the kiss.

"I've never done this before." Jin breathes.

"I haven't either. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can wait." Yoongi says back, looking into Jin's eyes with so much affection. Jin smiles.

"No. I want to."

"Are you sure? Don't feel pressured to just because-" Yoongi's cut off by a Jin rolling his hips against the bulge in Yoongi's pajama pants. Yoongi gasps quietly.

"I want to." Jin smirks, pulling off his shirt and flinging it across the room. He manages Yoongi's off as well before he goes back down to kissing him. The kiss is hot and needy. Yoongi parts and begins kissing a line down Jin's jaw to his ear. He takes the soft lobe in his teeth and kisses the spot behind Jin's ear earning him a higher pitched gasp from Jin. Yoongi smirks a little and kisses down to his neck and at a sweet spot on his collar bone for long enough to leave a nice purple mark there in the morning. He leaves a few more hickeys on higher spots on Jin's neck just so he won't be able to hide it tomorrow for school. Yoongi wants to leave his mark, let everyone know that Jin is his. Only his. 

Somehow between leaving marks and silent moans they managed to get off the rest of their clothes and they were both left on the bed together, skin against skin, with them turned over so it's Yoongi above Jin. Yoongi placed comfortably between Jin's thighs.

Yoongi's hand slowly gravitated down towards Jin's member and grabbed around the base. Fingers wrapped fully around the girth, Yoongi began slow even up his long, thick organ. He pressed the nail of his thumb in the slit at the top and a bead of pre- formed. Jin gasped and moaned quietly with each . 

After a little while of agonizingly slow Yoongi leveled his mouth with Jin's throbbing, pre- slicked length. Yoongi the underside from base to tip. Jin let out a long, low moan; trying to keep quiet knowing that his parents are just down the hall.

Yoongi took the head in his mouth and swirled his tongue on the top before loosening his throat and taking Jin in to the back of his throat.

"Yoongi." Jin breathed quietly. Yoongi hummed in response, feeling proud that he's got Jin his name. The vibrations from the hum went through Jin and it caused him to moan louder, his jaw dropping open. Yoongi smirked as best he could with his lips wrapped around Jin's hardened length.

Yoongi slid up an down Jin a few times, getting him absolutely wrecked, before pulling off with a crude pop. He his way up Jins stomach and chest to his lips where he planted another kiss. 

"Do you have lube and condoms?" Yoongi whispered against Jin's lips. Placing another kiss before awaiting a response.

"Bedside table. Bottom drawer." Jin stated breathlessly. Yoongi reached in the drawer pulling out a bottle of lube and a foil wrapped . He quickly checked to make sure the condoms weren't expired or anything before coming back up to Jin with big, brown, lust filled eyes. Yoongi looked up at Jin and admired him, in such a vulnerable state.

"Beautiful..." Yoongi whispers before placing chaste kiss on his lips. He slicks up his fingers with lube and pours some on Jin's hole. Jin flinches at the cold. Yoongi rubs his fingers over the hole spreading it evenly before pressing the tip of his middle finger past the ring of muscle. Jin moans. Slowly he pushes in to the knuckle and manages a second finger. Jin doesn't show any signs of pain until the third finger. He inhales sharply when Yoongi pushes the third finger into the knuckle.

"You're doing so good, baby. So good." Yoongi breathes in Jin's ear and kisses him deeply. He waits for Jin to adjust and scissors his fingers stretching him until he thinks Jin will fell the least amount of pain. Slowly Yoongi removes his fingers from Jin and rolls a on himself. He drips a significant amount of lube onto his long, throbbing organ making sure to slick up until it's an easy slide. He doesn't want to hurt Jin.

"Are you ready? I'm gonna slide in." Yoongi whispers.

"Please, Yoongi, do it already." Jin pleads. Yoongi smirks at the fact that Jin's begging for him. Yoongi gives himself a few pumps before lining himself up at Jin's entrance. He slides in in one swift motion. Jin inhales sharply and digs his nails into Yoongi's shoulder blades. Yoongi stills inside of him so he can adjust. After a while of being still and giving Jin encouraging words and soft kisses all over his face Jin whimpers and says "move."

Yoongi pulls out almost completely before ing back in at an agonizingly slow pace. Jin and Yoongi both moan as Yoongi picks up an even pace of ing in deeply before pulling almost completely out and repeating. They stay at that medium pace for a short while with Jin and Yoongi whispering compliments and encouragements into his ear.

"Oh god, Yoongi, faster." Jin begs breathlessly. Yoongi picks up the pace a little. He lifts Jin's legs so he can angle himself to get deeper. He s deep in and hits a bundle of nerves that has Jin yelling out Yoongi's name and seeing stars.

"Yes ri- oh, right there!" Jin doesn't care about being quiet anymore. He just wants to release at this point. Too far gone in pleasure to even think about volume. Yoongi looks at Jin's face contorted in pleasure. His mouth opened in an endless stream of moans and Yoongi's name. His cheeks flushed pink and his hair matted to his forehead with sweat. Yoongi wants to sear this image in his mind forever. He always wants to know what Jin's looks like when he's completely lost in pleasure like this. Yoongi finds it beautiful. He begins Jin's member in time with his s.

"Yoongi I'm gonna-" Jin says getting cut off by his . He screams out Yoongi's name and his back arches, his head tilted back in the pillow. Streams of white shoot up between them on Yoongi's chest and stomach and Jin's as well. With the tightening of Jin's muscle around Yoongi, he follows shortly after with his . They both ride it out until their breaths even out.

Yoongi pulls out and collapses next to Jin. Rolling the off and tieing it before tossing it in the garbage can. Yoongi quickly cleans them off with some tissues and cuddles up next to Jin, with his head on the elders broad chest. Fatigue slowly takes them over and their passing out in that position. But not before Yoongi hears Jin whisper something.

"I love you." Jin says quietly.

"I love you, too." Yoongi says, and they fall asleep together like that. A tangled bundle of limbs.


The next day Namjoon and Yoongi walk over to the lunch table together like they always do after they have English class. Yoongi sits down and see the group eye him warily. Obviously news got around of him being kicked out. Yoongi silently thanks the gods that he can play off any hickeys from last night as left over bruises from the other day with the bullies. However, as Jin walks over to the table and sits down he can clearly see a large purple mark on his neck above his collar. Yoongi is slightly embarrassed but also very proud. Jin sits right next to Yoongi and grabs his hand under the table and squeezes lightly.

"Uh guys. I have something to tell you." Jin says clearing his throat. Everyone looks up from their food curiously.

"Yoongi and I are going out." Jin says and squeezes Yoongi's hand tightly.

"Nice dude. I figured you would get there. Told you he liked Jin, Jungkookie." Namjoon said and smiled.

"And you were right. Congrats." Jungkook said. Everyone else just smiled and said cool. Jin's hand loosened. He was less tense knowing his friends were cool with his relationship.

"Jin hyung what happened to your neck? Are you hurt?" Taehyung asked innocently. Jin touched his neck and went slightly pink.

"Oh, uh nothing." Jin said shoving food in his mouth hoping to avoid further embarrassment. 

"So are you guys going to dance together at prom?" Taehyung asks.

"No way. You all know I can't dance. I'll be there with him but I will not dance. I at dancing." Jin said immediately.

"I don't know you danced pretty well last night under the sheets." Yoongi stated and smirked. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung all choked on their food and widened their eyes. Namjoon just noted how fast that happened and Hoseok gave him a congratulatory high five. Jin turned bright red and lightly shoved Yoongi indicating he embarrased him. Yoongi laughed hard.

"Yah! You little!" Jin said turning so red Yoongi was sure that he would become a tomato. Yoongi laughed even harder.


School ended and they all began walking to Jin's truck when Yoongi noticed someone he recognized at the corner of his eye. He turned to look at them and it was his mother and his father. He instantly got angry and stopped and held Jin's hand, who hadn't noticed yet and was still laughing with everyone else. Suddenyl  Jin felt himself being stopped by the wrist and looked back at Yongi. Everyone else stopped at looked at him too.

"Hey, Yoongi what's wrong?" Jin asked taking Yoongi's hand in his and looking concerned. It was long enough after school theat nobody was around and they didn't have to worry about skinship and people noticing.

"My parents are over there." Yoongi said tilting his head towards the figures about 20 metres away. Jin looked over and frowned. He looked back at Yoongi.

"You want me to wait here for you?" He asked. Yoongi nodded and let go of Jin's hand. He began heading towards his parents. When he reached them he gave them both sharp glares.

"What?" He asked sharply.

"Yoongi, we love you. If you agree not to date any boys we'll let you come home with us." His mother said.

"You clearly don't love me if you can't accept me for who I am. I'm not making that deal." Yoongi said about to turn around and leave when his father started yelling.

"Yah! You ungrateful little bastard! We just offered you to come home and you said no?" His father yelled.

"I'm not gonna come home home with two s who don't even care about my happiness!" Yoongi yelled back.

"Of course we care! That's why we are trying to make you normal again!"

"I am normal you're just an ignorant !" Yoongi's father slapped him across the face. Yoongi looked down and growled before looking back up.

"You know what? Go yourselves. I don't care what happens to you two. You're not my parents anymore." Yoongi said seriously and flipped around and began stomping back to Jin and the rest when he all of a sudden felt an intense pain in his gut. It was really, really bad and he couldn't help but crumple over on the ground in pain, gripping his stomach.

"Ah!" Yoongi screeched. His mother and Jin simultaneously called his name. Yoongi's father held his wife back from running over to help him but Jin came sprinting followed by the rest of them.

"Oh my god, Yoongi what's wrong?" Jin said frantically, bending down over him inspecting him for damage.

"Stomach." Was all Yoongi could manage. He was in too much pain to say anything else by this point. It felt like something was stabbing him from the inside out and from the outside in. He felt like his insides were being ripped apart. He kept screeching in pain as Jin lifted him up and put him in the back of the truck. They drove him as fast as they could to a hospital. Yoongi out halfway there from pain. He was in and out of consiousness for a while and all he remembers is hearing 'emergency surgery' and seeing a hospital nurse rolling him away from Jin.


Yoongi slowly blinked his eyes open. He looked around sluggishly, only moving his eyes at first because he can't really move anything else immediately. He's in a hospital room. Judging by the view he has of the ceiling and a sliver of the pale blue green wall, he's the patient. In the bed. He blinks slowly and begins moving his head around a bit. He can hear the beeping of the heatrt monitor. He sees that to his right is a window. Out the window he sees it's night. He fully blinks open his eyes and he squints a little from the flourescent light being so bright. He feels a tube going through his nose and gets worried. But then he feels a soft hand holding his left. It warms him. He feels safe from the familiar heat on his wrist and hand. He turns to look and he sees Jin. He fell asleep next to Yoonig in a chair holding his head with his head resting on the bed next to Yoongi's waist. Yoongi smiles faintly trying to sit up a little. He groans in pain and his movement startles Jin enough to wake him up.

"Oh my gosh Yoongi, you're awake. Hey don't try to sit up you just got out of surgery a couple hours ago. Are you okay?" Jin asks softly cupping Yoongi's face with his hand. Yoongi raises his hand to touch Jin's on his face.

"Hey. Yeah I'm fine." Yoongi says in a raspy, strained voice. "What happened?"

"Your appendix burst. They had to take you in for emergency surgery. You'll be fine but you'll be in pain for a while. So no fighting with anyone." 

"And no for a while." Namjoon adds walking in the room with the others, them giggling behind him. Yoongi decides to humor him.

"Awe damn, really? And I was really looking forward to see how much weight this bed can handle." Yoongi smirks and laughs. Even laughing hurts so he hold his stomach. Jin turns bright red.

"Yah! Don't promote their inappropriate humor. And no jokes either. If you laugh too soon you'll rip out your stitches." Jin says petting Yoongi's hair. 

"I blame this on your parents." Jungkook says walking up to the edge of the bed.

"Jungkook don't-" Jin starts but Yoongi cuts him off.

"Me too, kid. But they aren't my parents anymore." Yoongi says sighing.

Jin holds his hand tighter and they sit in silence for a while, while Yoongi drifts slowly back to sleep.

He wakes up the next morning to see that Jin is talking to a doctor at the doorway. Yoongi notices that the tube is no longer in his nose. When he finishes talking to the doctor Jin looks over and smiles making his way to the bed.

"The doctor said your recovery is going excellent and you can be discharged tomorrow afternoon." Jin says sweetly, smiling.

"Awesome. What about the tube that was in my nose? Where did that go? Why did they take it out?" Yoongi asks sitting up slightly with a little less pain, although some is still there.

"Don't sit up. Rest. The tube was to remove and air or stomach fluids you swallowed. You weren't allowed to eat or drink with it in but you can now since your bowels are working properly."

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I took the day off from school to watch over you. Everyone else is in school and they are gonna grab my missed work. I'll go tomorrow but I'll leave when you get discharged. My mom will be picking you up and bringing you back to our house."

"I don't need you to watch me that's what doctors are for. You need to go to school though. I'll be fine."

"No you won't. You'll get sad and lonely so I'm staying. You can't stop me." Jin pouts cutely and Yoongi's heart melts at it.Yoongi sighs and gives in and Jin places a chaste and playful kiss on his mouth. 

"Now stop worrying about me. Your appendix burst, not mine." Jin says chuckling. "I have to use the washroom I'll be right back." Jin heads out and Yoongi sits back and starts to think of lyrics he could write based on the situation. Suddenly someone knocks on his door and it opens slightly. Yoongi looks over to see who it could be, assuming it's Jin who forgot his phone or something when he notices a familiar female face and scowls. It's his mother.

"Yoongi. I know yo don't want to see me. But I have to tell you something. And I want you to listen, even though I don't deserve a second of your attention." His mother says walking in and closing the door behind her. Yoongi doesn't say anything, doesn't even look at her. Just sits waiting for her to leave. But he's intrigued so he listens to her speak but doesn't let her know he's listening.

"I came to offer you one more time to never date a boy and come home," Yoongi scoffs at this but lets her continue. "So I waited until I saw that you were alone to try and talk to you. I waited for hours and hours and I finally realized that I probably wouldn't get to see you alone. The only one who stayed with you through the entire surgery and waited over night for you even while you were sleeping, was Seokjin. I sat back and thought about how much he must truly care about you to wait like this for you and watch over you the whole time. The only person who I know would do that for someone, is someone who is truly in love. Even when he left your side he looked worried that you wouldn't be okay, but he still looked happy to see you well while he was there."

Yoongi just layed there and smile softly at his mothers words about the actions his boyfriend took. 

"Anyways," She continued. "My point with all this is that I realized that you can lve someone no matter what gender you are. And I want to tell you, that I support you. No matter who you choose to date." Yoongi was shocked. His mother had an actual change of heart.

"Are you serious?" Yoongi asked looking at his mother suspiciously.

"I am. I'm completely serious. I haven't got your father to turn around yet, but I'm working on it. I love you, Yoongi. I'm your mother and I will always love you. I support what ever you do in your life."

"I love you too, mom." She came over to his bedside and sat down. She reached for his hand and held it tightly squeezing a little. She smiled at him.

"I'll let you stay at Seokjin's house until I can assure you're father agrees. I promise, if he can't accept you, I'll make sure he at least doesn't interfere with your life."

"Yoongi the washrooms here are absolutely disg-" Jin comes bursting through the door and sees the two together. He glares at her. He stays silent and waits for her to leave. She gets up and places a kiss to Yoongi's forehead, and leaves without a word. Jin storms over to Yoongi's side.

"What was she doing here?" Jin says angrily.

"She was waiting to talk ot me alone." Yoongi say simply.

"Well what did she say? Did she offer you to go home without ever dating guys again or say something mean to you about it being unnatural?" 

"She originally came with the intent of asking me to come home and never date guys again."

"Did you tell her off?"

"No. She told me that she supports me. She said she was going to ask me to not date boys, but when she saw how much you loved me, she changed her mind. She supports me and she's going to try to get my dad to support me, too." Jin is silent. His face is blank, then he raises an eyebrow in question.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes." Jin grinned widely at this. He hugged Yoongi tightly and Yoongi smiled despite the uncomfort form the squeeze on his wounds. Then Jin frowned.

"Does this mean I don't get to sleep cuddled into you anymore?" He asked pouting.

"I still get to stay at your house until my dad agrees. But when he does I go back. And then you can still come and see me and I can see you. But I imagine we probably won't be allowed to do anything intimate when anyone is around." Yoongi responds smiling and blushing lightly. Jin smiles and holds his hand.


Yoongi stood in the kitchen pacing back and forth nervously. He was ecstatic when he was sitting at the dinner table and his father asked to meet his boyfriend. But he didn't realize how nervous he would get.

Yoongi was sitting eating when his mother asked about his date he had earlier that day with Jin. It had been 3 weeks since his dad finally accepted that Yoongi is dating a boy and he no longer seemed uncomfortable when Jin's name came up.

"Oh it was great, mom. He met me at the mall and we had ice cream, saw a movie and then walked around the park next to the mall. One time when no one was around, he even got to kiss me." Yoongi said smiling slightly.

"You know, that's not right." His father said aloud. Yoongi got uncomfortable and his mother tensed. "Two people should be allowed to love each other regardless of gender and be able to show it in public." Yoongi smiled widely and his mother visibly relaxed. His father finally accepted him.

"Speaking of which, Yoongi. I was thinking, we should have your boyfriend over for dinner next week. How about thursday? I would like to meet Seokjin and make sure you have a good guy who treats you properly." His father said nodding in Yoongi's direction and taking another bite of food.

"Oh sure I'll ask him tomorrow in school!" Yoongi said excitedly.

Now here he is. Waiting for his boyfriend to show up for dinner. He should be here any minute. Yoongi is nervous, but excited. The door bell rings and he knows it's Jin. He sits down and his mother answers the door. Jin walks in following his mother to the kitchen and places a chast kiss on Yoongi's lips before seating himself next to Yoongi and greeting his parents.

"Hello Seokjin. I believe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Yoongi's dad." His father reached out to shake Jin's hand. Jin grabbed his hand and bowed. "Quite a grip you got there boy, I like that."

"Thank you. It's very nice to finally meet you." Jin says sitting down. 

"So," Yoongi father started, taking a bite of the food on his plate. "What do your parents do?"

"My mother is a piano teacher and my father owns KimchiKim cookware company." Jin says eating as well.

"Oh really? Do you know business well?"

"Yes. Do you?"

"Yes I do. Have you seen the stocks lately? Their doing terribly." Jin and Yoongi's father talked business all night and at one point when his father was talking Yoongi linked their fingers under table and squeezed lightly, silently saying 'he likes you' and Jin squeezed back. They laughed and enjoyed their dinner. They were impressed with Jin's ability to eat well and his knowledge on business. By the end of the night when they all stood up to leave the table Yoongi's father was well acquainted with Jin.

"I think you're good for my son. I support this relationship." Yoongi's father said smiling widely and looking between them patting Jins back.

"Thank you, sir." Jin bowed and his father walked off.

"You two are very cute together. You're a good match." His mother said shaking Jin's hand and bowing. Jin thanked her and she walked off. Yoongi showed Jin to the door.

"They like you!" Yoongi exclaimed when they reached the door. Jin stood with his back to the door and his hands in Yoongi's. Jin smiled and placed a lingering, gentle kiss on Yoongi's lips. They said their goodbyes and Jin left the house.

Yoongi thanks the heavens that everything worked out. He also thanks them for giving him Jin. The best boyfriend a boy could ever ask for. He goes to bed that night with a smile on his face, thinking of Jin. He looks at his bed side table and sees the jumping Mario attached to his keys and feels safe.

I love you, Kim Seokjin. 

I love you Min Yoongi.

Thank you soooo much for reading! It took me like 24 hours to write this. I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for the  not really butI just really wanted to include some in recent writings and it fit here. Again thanks so much for reading!

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---