Merry Kook-mas pt. 4 - sugakookie

BTS ship one shots

Okaaaaaay before I start, I just want to say I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry for not writing for a while. I have been so busy with school and Christmas but I am certan I will finish the Merry Kook-mas series by Christmas day! I only have left to write sugakookie, kookie monster and jikook and this chapter is sugakookie! So let's get into this then, shall we?


Title: Merry Kook-mas Part 4

Ship: Yoongi x Jungkook | Sugakookie

Type: Fluff

Description: Jungkook and Yoongi are volunteering at an orphanage to dress up as Santa and his elf

"Ugh, why did you agree to us doing this in the first place?" Yoongi groaned as Jungkook buttoned up his shirt around his fat suit. 

"Because," Jungkook replied, still focusing on the buttons. "It's a nice thing to do and I think you'll get along well with the kids." Jungkook finished buttoning up his husbands red and white shirt. "Plus I thought you would look cute wearing a Santa suit, and what do you know? I was right!" Jungkook said giggling and placing a gentle kiss on the elders nose. 

Jungkook had walked past an orphanage earlier that week and saw a sign that said 'SANTAS WANTED'. He decided to check what this was all about and went in to ask questions. 


"How may I help you?" The nice lady said to Jungkook upon entering.

"What is that sign in the window about?" Jungkook pointed his thumb back towards the window.

"Oh!" The lady sat up, excited to see someone finally interested. "Every year we ask volunteers to dress up as Santa Claus and his elves to read to the children and entertain them on Christmas day. A lot of children get left behind, and on the holidays it's hard for them to see the bright side. Nobody seems to want to volunteer this year, you're the first one to come in asking about it. Would you like to volunteer?"

How in the world could Jungkook say no to that? But Jungkook isn't meant to be a Santa, maybe an elf but...


He knows exactly who the perfect Santa will be.


Eventually he had signed up him and Yoongi to be Santa and an elf. Yoongi was, of course hesitant, to say the least, but he soon came to realize there is no backing out of this now. And here they were, Dressing Yoongi up as Santa while Jungkook was already settled in his elf costume, looking absolutely adorable if Yoongi does say so himself. He's wearing red tights and a long-ish green jacket thant hangs to about his knees and has points at the bottom and is belted at his waist. His collar has red points sticking out, and the same thing on the end of his sleeves. His shoes had red points at the top as well, and the ends where the toes were curled up in a point. A green, cone-shaped hat hanging off his head. Smiling his big bunny smile at Yoongi, he couldn't help but smile back at the younger boy. 

Yoongi in his traditional Santa suit. Red pants with white fluff and the bottom of the pant legs. Red jacket lined on the edges with more white fluff, belted at the waist. Black boots and red gloves. And of course, the signature red Santa hat with a white fluffy rim and a ball hanging frm the top. To top it all off, Jungkook had gotten a white, fake beard to go on Yoongi's face. With them all suited up, Yoongi turned to look in the full body mirror at himself in the Santa costume. Jungkook walked up behind him and tried to wrap his arms arond his waist. He cold barely get his hand around but he hooked them together at the front and layed his chin on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Do we have to do this?" Yoongi said, sulking.

"Yes, we do. It's Christmas day, hyung. If we cancel who's gonna go in? Nobody is going to take their Christmas to make a bunch of kids who didn't get adopted this year happy." Jungkook said sighing and dropping his hands off the elders waist, turning Yoongi to face him.

"But why do we have to go on our Christmas?" Yoongi asked wrapping his arms around the elf's waist pulling him in closer. Jungkook instinctively put his arms around Yoongi's neck and looked into his eyes. 

"Yoongi, honey, we're married. We have had lot's of Christmas' together, and we have lot's more to come. What's just this one? Those kids have to be alone on Christmas." Jungkook replied, placing his forehead against the elders, still looking into his eyes. Yoongi sighed.

"You're right. Making these kids happy is more important than us having a comfortable Chistmas alone."

"That's the spirit! Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll grow to like one of the kids and we can take him home." Jungkook giggled. Yoongi just scoffed.

"I highly doubt that. You know I don't like kids, Kookie."

"Worth a shot." Jungkook shrugged and placed a soft kiss on Yoongi's lips. They stayed for a mometn just lingering in the kiss.

"Let's go, Santa. the kids are waiting!" Jungkook said, pulling apart first. 


"Alright kids! Settle down, we've got a special surprise this year for you. We called the north pole, and Santa and his favourite elf are here!" A woman called, settling a small group of children between the ages of 5 and 9. They all cheered and smiled as Yoongi and Jungkook walked out. Yoongi sat down on a chair and Jungkook stood next to him. Yoongi smiled at Jungkook and deepend his voice as he asked the kids if they wanted to hear a story. They all yelled yes and Yoongi began reading.


After reading for a while, Yoongi and Jungkook interacted with each individual kid and entertained the children for a few hours. One kid Yoongi hadn't talked with yet wearing hulk pajamas came up to him.

"Hello, what's your name?" Yoongi asked, still in his Santa voice.

"Jimin. Park Jimin." He said.

A few more hours passed and Yoongi and Jungkook were leaving. Once they got outside Jungkook stopped and looked at Yoongi.

"See now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked grinning.

"It was fun, One kid caught my attention actually, Jimin." Yoongi replied.

"Do you want to adopt him?" Jungkook said laughing lightly, clearly as a joke. But he stopped laughing whn Yoongi didn't laugh with him. He looked deep in thought, like he was actually considering it.

"Yeah." Yoongi said, a soft smile slowly sliding across his face. "Yeah, I do."

Hellooo! So it's just slightly over 1000 words and it actually took me a while to write beacsue I don't really know how to write sugakookie well. Anyways, I was thinking of starting a long fanfic, that will be chaptered and have a big plot and everything. I might might include in that one. MAYBE. Anyways, it will be a while until I get that going becasue I need to think a direction, and a plot and all that stuff, but I'm just thinking of it now. What do you think? Alright, see you! Happy holidays! I celebrate Christmas and I don't know much abot other religious holidays around this time, so I'm sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas! It's mainly a commercial holiday now anyways, so I hope I'm not offending anyone! 

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---