Merry Kook-mas pt. 5 - jikook

BTS ship one shots

Before I do anything I'm really sorry I was so busy over Christmas but I will be be typing up the final part of this series right after I upload this and uploading it as soon as it's finished so I am going to definitely get these in by the 27th and then we can go back to random drabbles I come up with and things that are a lot little longer than these short for the series. But anyways lets get into this

Title: Merry Kook-mas Part 5

Ship: Jimin x Jungkook | Jikook

Type: Fluff

Description: Taehyung takes Jimin caroling to the houses on his street and they run into Jimins school crush and Taehyungs neighbor Jungkook and they get invited in for hot chocolate becasue it's cold

"...and a happy new year!" Taehyung and Jimin sing cheerfully to the old lady standing in the doorway. The lady grins widely and holds out a plate of sugar cookies in various Christmas shapes, such as trees, circles for bulbs, stars and little snowmen. They each grab a cookie and she thanks them and closes the door.

"Tae, can we go back to your house now? It's freezing." Jimin says shivering and swallowing the last bit of cookie he shoved into his mouth. Taehyung had the brilliant idea to go caroling on the coldest night so far this winter. So he dragged Jimin out by the ear wrapped up in a scarf, mittens and earmuffs with only his thick sweater to cover the rest of his body and his arms. Taehyung had even less on but somehow the over-excited Christmas spirit warmed him and he didn't feel the piercing cold each time the wind blew. 

"Nope! We've still got one more house left! Besides, I think you'll think the residents." Taehyung said wiggling his eyebrows and walking up to the steps of the last house on his block. Jimin gave him a questioning look but Taehyung just grinned and knocked. Jimin quickly scuttled up next to Taehyung and waited patiently for the next middle aged couple to walk to open the door and smile as two highschoolers sang Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer with fake smiles on. But instead of a middle aged couple opening the door, a tall, lean boy wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. He flicked his charcoal hair out of his eyes and furrowed his brows at Taehyung.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" The boy asked. Jimin looked up at the boys face and his eyes widened. 

Jeon Jungkook.

What the actual hell, Taehyung? Jimin thought. Jungkook is the boy Jimin has been crushing on since he first transferred to their school a couple months ago. He has such a mysterious vibe to him. So dark, distant and y. Why didn't Taehyung tell him that tall, dark and handsome lived on his street? I'm gonna kill him... Jimin thought slightly pinching Taehyungs arm.

"Kookie! Me and Jiminie are caroling!" Taehyung said flashing a big boxy smile. 

"It's, like, the coldest night so far this winter and you thought that was a good idea?" Jungkook said eyeing Taehyung up and down.

"Yeah..." Taehyung lightly rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly at his shoes. Jungkook looked nervously behind him and back at Jimin.

"You, uh... you guys want to come in for a drink? I have hot chocolate. No offense but Jimin looks like he's starting a motor." He chuckled lightly standing back, opening the door slightly wider. Taehyung looked at Jimin like he needed permission, giving him puppy dog eyes. Jimin could never say no to his puppy dog eyes.

He sighed. "Alright, fine. We can go in for a little while. Are you sure your parents won't be mad that you brought in two strangers?" Jimin rolling his eyes at Taehyung and looking seriously at Jungkook.

"My parents aren't home right now. They went to a Christmas party and they won't be back for a couple hours." He said blushing lightly. They stood there in awkward silence for a moment before Taehyung spoek up.

"Well I'm freezing my off out here so let's go get our hot chocolate! Oh and you better have little marshmallows!" Taehyung called walking into Jungkooks house like he owned the place.

They got settled on the couch in the living room adn Jungkook went into the kitchen to prepare their drinks.

"You litte-" Jimin whispered angrily at Taehyung. "You know I have a huge crush on him!"

Taehyung giggled. "That's exactly why I waited to go to his house last." Jimin pulled his hat and mittens off and started to unravel his scarf form his neck.

"How do you even know him?"

"He's in my math class. He actually sits next to me. He's, like, a genius, bro. He's like at least a year younger than us but he skipped a grade becasue he's so smart." Jungkook came back out with three cups of hot cocoa with two little marshmallows in each. He handed one to Taehyung and one to Jimin. His fingers brushed against Jimins when he handed the cup over and they both blushed and looked away.

"Movie?" Jungkook said grabbing the remote and sitting next to Jimin. They both hummed lightly in response and Jungkook some random Christmas movie he found on Netflix. He scooted slightly closer to Jimin and Jimins cheeks turned bright pink when Jungkook looked into his eyes and smiled. 

The movie and instead of paying close attention they made sarcastic remarks and comments every minute or so, causing everyone to laugh up a storm. 

After the movie ended they finished their now cold cocoa, they got up to leave and Jungkook showed them out.

"Hey it was nice meeting you, Jimin. We should do this again." Jungkook said smiling a big bunny smile. Jimin smiled back.

"Yeah for sure!" He said a little too excitedly, but he didn't mind and neither did Jungkook seem to. They said their goodbyes and Taehyung and Jimin started to walk down the walkway. They reached the end before they heard Jungkook call "wait!" and run up to them.

"You forgot your scarf." Jungkook said wrapping the fabric around the back of Jimins neck. 

"Oh, thanks." Jimin said blushing lightly.

"You also forgot this" Jungkook said and pulled Jimin in until their lips were pressed together. Jimins eyes widened in surprise, but he soon closed them, melting into the kiss slightly. It ended all too quickly with a blushing Jungkook parting from a flustered Jimin. Jungkook smiled and waved at Taehyung, eyes wide in shock and ran back into his house. 

"Did he just-" Taehyung started.

"Yup..." Jimin cut him off. After a moment of staring at each other they both broke into wide grins and a fit of giggles as they walked back to Taehyung house. Somehow, it wasn't so cold anymore for Jimin.

Sorry for that really cheesy last line there XD thanks for reading. I'm gonna eat and then I'm gonna wirte and upload the last part to this series which is kookiemonster! Hope you like it!

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---