Merry Kook-mas Finale - kookiemonster

BTS ship one shots

Alright! This is the Merry Kook-mas finale! It's kookiemonster and it's gonna awesome! I hope you like it! Anyways here we go~

Title: Merry Kook-mas Part 6/Finale

Ship: Namjoon x Jungkook | Kookiemonster

Type: Fluff

Description: Bangtan decided on doing a secret santa and Jungkook gets his crush Namjoon

Bangtan is sitting down in the living room area of their dorm watching Elf on Netflix when Seokjin walks in with a hat in hand. They only one who seems to be into the movie is Taehyung, who is actually into the plot like it's only him and the TV. Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook are all sitting on the floor in front of the TV. Namjoon and Yoongi are sitting on the couch with an empty space between them waiting for Seokjin to sit down. Everyone's eyes are focused on their phones, except for Yoongi eyes are closed and Taehyung who is into the movie. 

"Guys." Seokjin says, trying to get everyones attention. Nobody even flinches. Taehyung, glued to the screen, doesn't even blink. Jungkook doesn't think he's blinked since the movie started. 

"Guys." He says a little louder waving a hand on front of Yoongi's face. Still, no one moves. Seokjin walks over to the TV and turns it off.

"Hyung! I was watching that! How am I supposed to know if Buddy gets the girl in the end?" Taehyung whines loudly. Yoongi wakes up at Taehyungs whining and smacks the back of his head in annoyance. Taehyung yelps and glares at Yoongi.

"He does." Yoongi says sitting up, noticing that Seokjin wants everyones attention. The other boys all look up from their phones and wait patiently for Seokjin to explain why he's holding the black hat from Jimins halloween costume when he went as Charlie Chaplin in his hand.

Seokjin clears his throat and eyes everyone over making sure their paying attention.

"This year we're doing a secret Santa!" Seokjin says excitedly.

"No way, Hyung. Why can't we just be each others gifts?" Yoongi says groaning and laying back.

"Becasue if we agree to not get gifts then some of us are going to get gifts anyways and then when they don't recieve gifts from other members they will be upset. However we can't afford to buy everyone gifts, so instead we are doing a secret Santa." Seokjin said pulling Yoongi back into a sitting position by the ear. Yoongi whines a little at the pain but obeys.

"I put everyone's name in here just reach in and grab a name. If you get your own name put it back in and grab another." Seokjin held out the hat expectantly.

Nobody moved. Seokjin sighed and pushed his hand out a little further. They all realised there was no arguing about it and stood up to get a name. Taehyung reached in first and pulled out a small white slip of paper. Upon unfolding it he grinned micheviously and folded it back up, shoving it in his pocket. Everyone else grabbed their slips and Jungkook was the last one to take a slip. He unfolded it and his eyes widened at the name written on the slip of paper.


Jungkook folded up the paper and looked around at everyone. Thankfully no one noticed his reaction to the name on the slip. Jungkook has had a huge crush on Namjoon for a few months. 

This is my chance Jungkook thought. To get Namjoon hyung to notice me. I will buy him the best gift that he will know I got for him and he'll be so touched he'll fall in love with me and we'll kiss and his arms will fit perfectly around my waist and he'll pull me in closer and our bodies will be touching and he'll slowly move his arms down my waist to my and- 

"Jungkook?" Namjoon said waving a hand in front of the youngers face. Jungkook was quickly knocked out of thought by the man he just had less than approriate thoughts about. His face turned beet red and he looked at the ground sheepishly.

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't catch that, hyung." Jungkook said quietly, secretly hoping that Namjoon couldn't read minds. Namjoon raised a brow at Jungkooks sudden flushed cheeks.

"Are you feeling okay? I asked if you wanted to work on that song for our album this afternoon." Namjoon said slowly, placing a hand on Jungkooks forehead. Jungkook flinched away at the elders touch. Namjoon looked slightly startled and hurt.

"I-I'm fine hyung. Yeah we can work on it." Jungkook said looking down at his hands.

"Are you sure? If you're not feelign well-"

"No, I'm fine. I want to work on it." Jungkook forced a smile. Namjoon furrowed his brows at the very obvious fake smile Jungkook had on but let it slide, seeing he didn't want to talk about it. 

"Alright then. I'll be waiting in the studio. Meet me there when you're ready." Namjoon said carefully and walked out. Jungkook visibly relaxed. He sighed and mentally scolded himself for being so awkward. He didn't even notice Seokjin walk up because he was too busy wishing that the world would just open up and pull him under into the dark void. 

"Kook," Seokjin said hesitantly. Jungkook jumped a little but relaxed when he saw it was just his eldest hyung getting his attention.

"Oh, you scared me hyung. Yeah?" Jungkook replied placing a hand on his chest lightly.

"What was that?" The elder asked with a sligtly concerned look on his face.

"What?" Jungkook was hoping Seokjin didn't notice his awkwardness from all the way across the room. If Seokjin did from that distance, the Namjoon did for sure being right in front of him.

"That. With Joonie. You looked so... uncomfortable. Is there something going on between you two?" He stood with crossed arms, awaiting a reply like a concerned mother.

"I wish" Jungkook muttered under his breathe. What? Did he just say that out loud? He can almost visibly see the grave he's digging himself right now.

"Oh." Seokjins said not fully understanding.

"Oh." Seokjins eyes suddenly widened as he realised what the maknae meant.

"You..." He lowered his voice to a whisper and moved closer to Jungkook. "You like Namjoonie?"

Jungkook groaned. "Hyung! Not so loud..." Jungkook whisper-yelled at him even though it was clear no obe else heard them becasue Jungkook could barely hear him himself.

"Are you gonna tell him?" He pulled the younger aside looking around trying not to draw attention to either of them.

"Yes. No. I don't know, hyung. What do I do?" Jungkook shuffled slightly and looked down at his feet.

"Well, if you like him that much you should tell him."

"What if he doesn't like me back?"

Seokjin sighs.

"Then you have to move on."

Jungkook frowns slightly. He opens his mouth to say something when Hoseok calls over Seokjin. The elder gives him an apologetic look and an encouraging pat on the back and walks away.

What do I do? Jungkook thinks. How do I tell him?


Jungkook walks in the studio and sees Namjoon fiddling around with his headphones. 

"What's up?" Jungkook asks sitting in an office chair next to his elder. He spins around in it a bit and looks at the computer in front of his elder on the desk. He has a music editing software open. It looks liek he has a beat set up he wants to show Jungkook. 

"I think I broke my headphones." Namjoon says, eyebrows furrowed as he turns them every which way and looks at everything. Jungkook smiles softly at his concentrated face. It's so focused and firm. The way his forehead forms lines as he scrunches up his nose and furrows his brows intently. They way he bites his plump, soft bottom lip. Jungkook could almost kiss him. He quickly stomps down those feelings though, as Namjoon sits up and rests his face.

"Well, I'll have to save up and buy some new ones. Maybe those really cool new ones that just came out." Namjoon says placing his broken headphones on the desk in front of him. "I was gonna show you the beat I was working on, but since my headphones broke, we can work on lyrics."

"Alright." Jungkook says rolling his chair in closer to Namjoon and looking over the paper he has in front of him.

"I already have some lines here. See what you think." 

Jungkook read over the lyrics carefully.

If only I had just one day
I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent
If there’s a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes

"Wow, hyung. They're amazing. Really, really amazing. I wish I could write like you." Jungkook said still looking at the paper. No matter how many times Namjoon wrote lyrics he was always impressed. He looked up at his hyung who was already looking at him. His face was only inches from the youngers. Namjoon looked in Jungkooks eyes. He glanced down at his lips before looking back up to meet his gaze. They leaned in slowly. So slow it felt like years. He could feel the elders breath on his lips. Both of them with their eyes half closed, their lips almost brushing.

"Joonie I need your help with-" Seokjin burst in the door without knocking. Jungkook jumped back, startled. He looked up at his hyung in the doorway with surprise. Seokjin shot sorry eyes towards Jungkook.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize this was important." Seokjin said about to leave before Jungkook stood up.

"I-it's not important. We were working on a song. I have to help Taehyung with something anyways. Uh, bye Namjoon hyung." Jungkook siad quickly before nodding at his elder. Namjoon just smiled and nodded back at Jungkook before the maknae bolted out of the room.

We almost kissed! Jungkook thought. We were only a milimetre apart. What would have happened if Jin hyung didn't walk in? Now what do I do?


Bangtan walked around the mall together looking for secret Santa gifts. It had been almost a week since the incident as Jungkook liked to refer to it. Namjoon didn't mention it. Neither did Jungkook. Namjoon acted like it didn't even happen. Jungkook acted like a stuttering schoolgirl in the middle of winter without a coat in front of Namjoon.

So much so that the other members thought Jungkook had developed a stuttering problem. The other members quickly caught pn that was only when Namjoon was around. It was only when Namjoon would get close. Only when Namjoon would talk to him, or even look his way. Then with Seokjin's big mouth it didn't take long for everyone to find out about Jungkook's little crush. It took even less time for them to find out about the incident. But they all went about their business like nothing happened, and nobody knew.

Jungkook noticed a music store and wandered in. He saw a big display case covered in glass. Inside the display case were the new headphones Namjoon mentioned. They were big and went over your ears entirely. They had a silver band on the top that had the reflective surface of a mirror. They were red and had soft cushions were they would sit on your ears. He stared in awe at the beautiful headphones in front of him. Then he decide to take a look at the price tag. 

Oh boy. They're definitely expensive. Like, more than the brand new iPhone he had in his pocket. He internally cursed. 

"They're gorgeous aren't they?" Namjoon appeared behind him. Jungkook jumped and gasped. The elder chuckled at him.

"Yeah, but they sure are expensive." Jungkook replied.

"Oh yeah. It would take me more than a month to scrounge up enough for it. But in the end it would be worth it. It has titanium-coated drivers and in-line control for phone calls and the mic. It would be one hell of a pair of headphones to make music with, that's for sure." Namjoon looked at the headphones like he worshipped them. Jungkook looked at the headphones, then to his hyung, and back at the headphones.

Namjoon sighed. "Well I guess I'll just have to wait. Good things come to those who wait." He smiled and walked off to go look at a mic. Jungkook thought for a second and walked up to the register.

"I want to buy those headphones..."


It was finally Christmas day and Jimin and Taehyung were the first ones to wake up. They were jumping around excitedly and giggling. They woke everyone else up, with a great struggle. Yoongi almost smothered Taehyung in his pillow when they tried to wake him the first time. After a few more tries they eventually got him up and everyone else was already waiting in the living room area. 

"Alright, time for presents!" Seokjin said a little too cheerily for this early in the morning. "Since this is secret santa let's put all our presents in the middle and then we'll search through for our own name."

Everyone went to retrieve their respective gifts to place in a pile in the middle of them. After sorting out the pile in the center everyone sat in silence for a moment. 

"Well who wants their present first?" Seokjin asked smiling. Taehyung raised his hand and reached in the pile, pulling out a big red box with a green bow on top. He grinned from ear to ear with his signature box smile. Ripping the top off the box he pulled out a decent sized, fluffy teddy bear that was the colour of coffee. 

"Oh my gosh it's so cute!" Taehyung squeeled and hugged the teddy bear tightly. 

Jungkook went next. He pulled out a small green box with a red bow about the size of a notebook computer. He opened the box and revealed a big, comfy, black sweater.

"Oh sweet!" Jungkook exclaimed and smiled.

This went on amongst the other members for a little while. Seokjin got a Mario plushie. Yoongi got a neck pillow. Hoseok got a hat that said some random curse word in English. And Jimin got a new white, loose tank top. 

Then the time came around for Namjoon to open his gift. He pulled the last box toward his. It was a box slightly larger than his head. It was red and had big blue bow on it. He slowly took the top off the box and looked down inside. Everyone sat staring at him. His eyes widened. He stayed silent for a moment.

"What did you get, hyung?" Taehyung said curiously. Jungkook was slightly nervous that he saw the confession note first and was embarrassed but then Namjoon looked up at Jungkook and smiled unbelievably wide.

"Did you get me this?" Namjoon asked excitedly. Jungkook stayed silent but his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink gave it away that he did. 

Namjoon lifted the headphones from the store out. They were the exact same as they were in the display case. Except for one fine detail. The silver band on the top of it had RAP MONSTER engraved into it.

"Holy..." Hoseok said staring at the headphones in awe.

"No way, hyung!" Jimin said, eyes as wide as plates.

"Kook..." Namjoon said grinning uncontrollably. "Thank you so much." Namjoon tackled Jungkook in a hug on the floor laughing and smiling. Jungkook was a little surprised but hugged him back and chuckled lightly.

"You're welcome." Jungkook muttered quietly.

"Wait, Joonie, there's something else in the box." Seokjin said. Namjoon looked a little confused and got off of Jungkook, giving him a questioning look. Jungkook realized what he was about to see, the confession letter. Namjoon picked up a small piece of paper from the bx and unfolded it, reading it silently. His eyes widened, for the second time in ten minutes and he looked at Jungkook. Jungkook was convinced that by this time he was becoming a tomato. He was probably red enough to pass for one.

"I have to go to the washroom!" Jungkook practically yelled and scrambled to his feet. He ran off into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. He couldn't lock it because Namjoon broke the lock earlier that week. Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror and willed himself not to cry. The look on Namjoons face made it seem as though he didn't feel the same way, maybe even the opposite. Or at least that's what Jungkook thought. Until he heard a small knock on the door and a voice from the other side say "Hey, can I come in?" It was Namjoon.

Jungkook didn't respond. Namjoon took that as a go ahead to come in. He closed the door behind him and slowly walked over to Jungkook at the sink.

"Hey, what's up?" Namjoon said smiling softly as he stood two steps from Jungkook, who had his eyes fixed on his shoes. Jungkook just stayed silent. The soft crinkle of paper was heard and he saw the elder step closer and start speaking.

"'Hyung, I think you're really cute. I think your writing is amazing and I wish I could write lyrics like that. I know you probably regret what happened in the studio, and I'm sorry for that, but I thought that you needed to know how I feel. I really, really like you. I love the way your hair looks when it's all messed up from sleeping, right after you've woke up. I love the way your face scrunches together when you're concentrating. I love the way you always look so sincere when you smile. I'm probably just getting my hopes up, but you must at least like me if you almost kissed me. I really hope you do. Hyung, I love you.'" Namjoon said. That's the confession letter Jungkook put in the box. He looks up hopefully at Namjoon.

"You're wrong, Kook. I don't regret what happened in the studio. But I don't like you." Namjoon said softly.

This time Jungkook couldn't will himself to stop the tears from falling. He was just rejected. Cold heartedly rejected. He dropped his head and felt the wet drops fall down his cheek. At that moment he wished he could just disappear. Just have a poof of smoke and be gone. Not even that, just be gone. Somewhere, anywhere but here.

Namjoon stepped closer, until their bodies were almost touching, and put his index finger under Jungkooks chin and lifted his head up until he was looking directly in his eyes. Namjoon glanced between his brown, teary eyes.

"I love you, Kook." Namjoon said it almost as a whisper. Then he slowly leaned in, closing his eyes in the process. Slower than in the studio. But this time, he eventually reached Jungkook. Their lips together, gently, softly, perfectly. They fit like puzzle pieces. Their lips moved in sync. Namjoon may be a part of the 'we can't dance' line, but at this moment Jungkook was certain that nobody was better at the dance he was performing with his mouth on the youngers. Jungkooks hands slid up to Namjoons chest and he gripped at the elders shirt. Namjoons arms found their way around Jungkooks waist and pulled him impossibly closer. Namjoon at Jungkooks bottom lip and the younger granted him access, melting into the kiss. Their tongues slowly, softly dancing in their mouths. Jungkooks arms went up around Namjoons neck and he tried to pull them even closer together, as if he wanted them to become one person. Namjoon tilted his head slightly, deepening the kiss. Jungkook wished this could last forever. And he didn't know it, but so did Namjoon.

"Hey Kookie are you okay you've-" Seokjin said opening the door and staring blankly at what he just walked in on. "Oh." 

Jungkook and Namjoon parted, breathing heavily. Namjoon didn't even look at Seokjin. He placed his forehead against Jungkooks gently and chuckled lightly.

"Can I help you?" Namjoon said smiling at Seokjin.

"Why is it always me who walks in on you kissing?" Seokjin called over his shoulder, turning around and walking away, not bothering to close the door. Jungkook and Namjoon laughed out loud. 

Namjoon wiped the dampness from Jungkooks cheeks with his thumb and smiled at him.

"You scared me, hyung. I thought you were going to reject me." Jungkook said sniffling.

"I know, it made it all that much better when I finally told you." Namjoon replied grinning playfully and placing a peck on Jungkooks nose.

Jungkook and Namjoon walked out to the living room area and everyone looked up at them.

"You guys okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah you kind of both left in a hurry." Hoseok said.

"Yeah, we're fine." Namjoon said walking up behind Jungkook and sliding his hands around his waist in awarm back hug. Jungkook comfrotably slumped back into the elder. "Kook, here, just got a scare from his boyfriend." 

Namjoon placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's cheek. The younger blushed at the public display of affection. 

"Who's his boyfriend?" Jimin asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes and Yoongi smacked the back of Jimin's head.

"Namjoon, idiot." Yoongi said chuckling.

"Oh..." They all laughed.

So that was WAY more than 1000 words. More than 3 times that actually. But I figured the finale deserves some special treatment and made it extra long! Anyways I have FINALLY finished the Merry Kook-mas series! Back to not Christmas themed fics! I hope you liked it!

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---