Merry Kook-mas pt. 1 - vkook

BTS ship one shots

Since it's coming cose to Christmas I will do 6 chapters seperately of all the Jungkook ships! So for example I will do this chapter on vkook, the next on jinkook, then jkook, etc. and it will probably be one very short scenario less than a thousand words each. I'm calling these chapters Merry Kook-mas and this is part 1. I will do other scenario and one shots in between them if I can think of any and I hope you enjoy!


Title: Merry Kook-mas Part 1

Ship: Taehyung(V) x Jungkook | Vkook/Taekook

Type: Fluff

Description: Jungkook and Taehyung are decorating the tree for this Christmas

Word Count: 800+

Taehyung giggled as he watched Jungkook try to untangle himself from the Christmas lights. He had the lights wrapped around his neck three times, his waist twice, both his wrists, and one of his feet. He started this evening trying to untangle the lights so they could put it on the tree. Taehyung had just finished getting the garland on the tree and he decided to check on his boyfriend, only to see him struggle with the colourful bulbs. 

"Do you need some help, Kookie?" Taehyung chuckled, reaching for the mess of wires and bulbs wrapped around Jungkooks neck. Slowly unwinding the string of lights from his neck and waist.

"Oh, thanks, hyung..." Jungkook replied turning slightly red. He was embarrassed to be making a fool out of himself in front of the love of his life, but to see he was only giggling at the walking Christmas tree that was Jungkook he felt a little relief. 

After about 20 minutes of them both unwrapping, unwinding, tangling again and then unwinding one last time they finally managed to get the lights off of Jungkook, and onto the tree. Both of them stopping and taking a step back to admire how beautiful the lights were. They made the tree instantly stand out.

Wow... Jungkook thought. It's absolutely gorgeous... The colourful lights reflecting off of the bulbs that dangled delicately from the tree branches. Shiny bulbs making mirror images of the lights surrounding it. Matte bulbs making a blur of red, blue, pink, yellow, green and white. Glittery bulbs sparkling in multiple colours, resembling the stars at night. But no matter how beautiful Jungkook thought the tree was, Taehyung thought there was something even more beautiful. In that moment, the way the light reflected off his wide, glistening, dark brown eyes as Jungkook stared in awe at the Christmas tree took Taehyungs breath away. The way his lips parted slightly, with a slight curl tugging at the corner of his mouth. How engulfed and passionate he looked while he admired something so simple that came around every year. Everything about him, to Taehyung, was absolutely... perfect.

Jungkook grinned and ran into the bedroom, snapping Taehyung back to reality. For a minute he was confused. Where did Jungkook run off to? 

Then almost like he read his mind Jungkook came running back out with multiple boxes covered in paper that had festive designs on it. Some had snowmen, some reindeer, and some elves. There were 7 boxes in total.

"Hyung! I got the gifts to go under the tree!" Jungkook said excitedly, placing them neatly under the tree in what appeared to be no specific way. I huge grin came across his face and he smiled his bunny smile right at Taehyung.

Taehyung giggled and smiled back his boxy grin. He pulled Jungkook into a warm embrace. Holding him there tightly, arms s around his waist comfortably, Jungkooks arms slung around the back of Taehyungs neck, stuffing his face into the crook of the elders neck. Taehyung wanted this moment to last forever. Just standing peacefully, holding each other in a welcoming show of affection, feeling the soft tickle of Jungkooks calm, steady breaths on his collarbone as they stayed snuggling in a standing position. The only thing he could see was the raven black of the youngers hair. The only thing he could smell was his calming shampoo and warm yet light cologne. The only thing he could hear was both of their calm breaths as they inhale and exhales in harmony.

The hug broke all too soon when Jungkook pulled slightly away so he was no longer locked in the embrace of his hyung yet still very close, still holding on to each other. Taehyung looked confused when a clever grin came across Jungkooks face.

"Hyung?" Jungkook said, in almost a whisper.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed in response, staring into Jungkooks eyes, the light of the tree still reflecting on the edge of his pupils.

"Mistletoe." Jungkook said grinning even wider. Taehyung looked up and saw that abve them was, in fact, a mistletoe. Looking at the younger, Taehyung smiled widely and placed a long, gentle kiss on Jungkooks lips. Jungkook kissed back passionately, moving his lips in a swift dance with the olders.

Smiling widely into the kiss before breaking away for air, Taehyung looked seriously into Jungkooks eyes.

"Kookie?" He asked cutely.

"Yes, hyung?" Jungkook replied sweetly.

"I love you." 

"I love you too, Tae."

Thanks so much for reading! I will make other chapters for other Jungkook shipd very soon so please look forward to it! Have a nice day!


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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---