Merry Kook-mas pt. 3 - hopekook

BTS ship one shots

Title: Merry Kook-mas Part 3

Ship: Hoseok x Jungkook | Hopekook/Jkook

Type: Fluff

Description: Jungkook and Hoseok are listening to Christmas music when they start dancing together

I'm gonna stop putting in the word count for the Kook-mas series because you already know it's less than 1000 words so... Enjoy!

Jungkook layed over Hoseok, head placed gently on his chest. Their hands intertwinded over Hoseoks lap. The elders head resting lightly on Jungkooks. The soft smell of his shampoo intoxicating Hoseok, making him instinctually relax. Their was something so comforting to Hoseok about feeling the warmth of Jungkooks body pressed against his, only hearing their soft breaths in unision, only smelling the mix of Jungkooks raven coloured hair and Hoseoks warm, welcoming cologne. Looking down he saw one of his hands linked with Jungkooks and the other in a bowl of popcorn. He looked up and smilied softly, feeling content.

Suddenly the room lit only by the television screen, dimmed slightly. Hoseok looked up and saw that the credits were rolling on the movie they had put on a little while ago. It was left with a black screen and white letters passing by just a little too fast to read.

Jungkook sat up, grabbing the remote and aiming it at the TV screen, pressing a button and hearing a small click, the screen and the room went dark. Hoseok felt the couch lift next to him. Jungkook got up of the couch and lit 3 candles sitting on tables around the room. Filling the room with a soft lighting and only the sound of small fires crackling to life. 

Jungkook shuffled over to the wall behind the Christmas tree and turned the lights on the tree on. The colourful bulbs lit up beautifully, making Jungkook grin his big bunny grin. Hoseok smiled back at him sweetly. Then Jungkook walked over and sat back down next to Hoseok.

For a moment they just sat their staring into each others eyes, mesmerized by the other while Hoseok gently Jungkooks hair.

"Why didn't you just turn on the lights in the room instead of just the tree and the candles?" Hoseok said, knowing his answer, just wanting to hear his soothing voice.

"This is prettier. Almost as pretty as..." Jungkook trailed off, looking down. His eyes shot back up and looked into Hoseoks, looking mischevious. "Jin hyung." Jungkook said smiling and giggling a little.

"Yah, you little-" Hoseok said removing the bowl of popcorn from his lap and placing it on the coffee table in front of them. He tackled Jungkook playfully on the couch and kissed his face all over. On his cheeks, forehead, nose and chin, tickling Jungkook. The younger turned red in the face with laughter and gripped his sides tightly. Hoseok laughed and sat up. Jungkook, breathing heavily, followed. 

"You're right, Jin is really pretty. Prettier than you for sure!" Hoseok said teasing his dongsaeng. 

"Hyuuung~!" Jungkook whined playfully, softly punching his hyungs chest.

"Jungkookie!" Hoseok said getting up and turning on the stereo across the room. Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms started playing. "Let's dance!" 

Hoseok strutted across the room towards his boyfriend swaying his hips to the beat and singing along with a grin. Jungkook laughed and stood up linking his hands with Hoseoks, moving slightly to the beat. Hoseok started stepping back and forth towards Jungkook, raising their arms every time they got close and dropping them every time they pulled apart. Jungkook giggled and smiled widely. He loved when he danced alone with Hoseok. It made him feel warm inside. It made him feel loved; wanted; needed; at home. Just letting their bodies sway in sync with each other to the music was something nobody could ever replace. No amount of money, no bride no matter how big, nothing could ever take this away from Jungkook.

They had been dancing and smiling and laughing for almost an hour. Suddenly Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra came on. Hoseok stopped dancing and looked at Jungkook warmly. He bowed slightly and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" Hoseok asked poshly with a large grin.

"You may." Jungkook replied, cursteying and giggling a little, with a grin. He placed his hand gently in Hoseoks and they pulled together, holding each other closely, in a waltz pose. Hoseok leading they slowly turned to the beat of the music and shifted their weight in sync. Jungkook put his head in the crook of Hoseoks neck, they danced smoothly. 

"Hyung?" Jungkook breathed quietly on Hoseoks neck.

"Yeah, Jungkookie?" Hoseok sighed contently. Both of them wished they could stay this way forever. Just holding each other, dancing silently with soft music in the background. Their bodies heat keeping each other warm. Hugged together, forever and all of eternity, Hoseok feeling the soft, even breathes of his boyfriend on his collarbone and Jungkook feeling the weight of Hoseoks arm wrapped around his waist, fitting perfectly on his hips. 

Jungkook looked up, in Hoseoks eyes, wrapping the arm he once held out, hand on Hoseoks, around the elders neck. Now both of Hoseoks arms are around Jungkooks waist, and both of Jungkooks arms are around Hoseoks neck. Them staring intently into each others eyes, a small smile across Hoseoks face.

"I love you." Jungkook said blinking slowly and smiling.

"I love you, too, Kookie." Hoseok said, smiling back softly. Their lips touched gently in a soft, warm, passionate kiss. They both stopped dancing now, but their mouths danced instead. Tongues moving swiftly with each other.

After a minute they broke the kiss and breathed deeply, placing their foreheads together. They both grinned and kissed again, dancing their way towards the bedroom. Giggling and shutting the door behind them, the music still on in the background.

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---