I hate you! - jikook

BTS ship one shots

Before I start writing I wanna say that this is my first time writing stuff like this. I actually didn't used to like fanfics and then I started reading them... and now here I am. So I'm really sorry if this is bad! I'm trying to further my writing skills and hopefully improve with your feedback so please letme know if I could have done anything better. Thanks for reading and let's get started!


Oh one more thing- I will try not to include swear words, but I swear in real life so I might accidentally slip one in here and there so just be warned incase you don't like swearing-sorry!


Title: I hate you!

Ship: Jimin x Jungkook | Jikook

Type: Fluff; Angst; Half-

Description: Jimin and Jungkook hate each other with a burning passion... but why?

Word count: 3k+

The dorm was dead silent as Yoongi slept peacefully on the couch in the living room next to Namjoon who was watching him sleep. Jin sitting in the kitchen sipping on tea and reading a magazine. Skimming over an article about the revealing outfits of a girl group in their most recent comeback. Only reading the article to look at the picture of the pink dresses. Not paying attention to the group itself, or even the article, just the colour of the dress.

Hoseok and Taehyung come charging in out of breath and doubled over, disturbing the silence, waking Yoongi and startling Namjoon slightly as all three pairs of eyes dart towards them concerned.

"Jin! Jin! Oh my god, Jin they're in another fight and it's bad this time!" Hoseok yelled holding his ribs and gasping for desperately needed air. Him and Taehyung had just run up 3 flights of stairs in panic at the speed of light.

"Again? Didn't you try to stop them?" Jin asked shoving on some shoes to head out.

"I did but I got hit trying to tear them apart!" Taehyung replied covering his right eye with his hand, and doing a bad job becasue Jin could clearly see the bruise starting to form on his cheek bone. He frowned.

"Namjoon, get the first aid kit and an ice pack for Taehyung. I'll go get the idiots." He slammed the door behind him, heading toward the distant sounds of thumps and yelling. He ran down the stairs, tripping on the last few steps and nearly falling flat on his face. When he stumbled out of the building he found two boys rolling over and punching each other relentlessly.

Jimin on top of Jungkook throwing his fist in his cheek at full force. Jungkook dodged it and Jimin's knuckles landed on the concrete hard.

"Ah!" Jimin yelped before being swiftly taken over by Jungkook. Flipping them over so Jungkook was now on top and throwing punches without hesitation. 

They have fought since debut, but never got physical. Jin thought to himself. Why now?

In one swift motion Jin yanked Jungkook off Jimin, throwing him into the wall of the building.

"What in the world is wrong with you two?!" Jin screamed at them both.

"He started it! He called me an elf!" Jimin yelled, more at Jungkook then Jin, throwing him a cold glare.

"He threw the first punch!" Jungkook called back, trying to throw him under the bus.

"I honestly don't care! You're coming inside right now, before you draw in a crowd!" Jin yelled grabbing both of them by the back of their collars. It was too late for that now however, people were gathered around snapping pictures and recording videos of the idols in a heated fist-fight. He threw them in the building and called security over.

"Get anyone with a phone, camera or tablet. I don't want the public knowing about this." Jin said, laying a hand on the shoulder of one of the guards outside their building. The guard nodded.


The door slamming open dramtically made Taehyung jump, banging into Namjoon's hand which was gently holding an ice pack to his face. He let out a small whine from the pain of the impact.

Jin stumbling in and tossed the boys in. Jimin and Jungkook nearly falling over at the force in which Jin pushed them in.

"I don't give a damn who started this or why. You will both receive punishment for this. You will, never, ever do that in public again. This stupid little feud you two have is strictly kept behind cameras. Do you want to get kicked out of Bangtan?!" Jin screamed, red in the face with anger.

"I can't help it, Jimin's too much of a-" Jungkook got cut off before he could finish.

"Shut. The Hell. Up. After I've treated your wounds I'm locking in your room together for the entire night and you're gonna sort out whatever problems you have among yourselves! By tomorrow morning you better be at least aquaintanes or I'll take it upon myself to show you both what a real punch feels like!" 

The both sighed and kept quiet knowing Jin was at his limit by now. They shot each other death glares and walked off in different directions. Jimin sat down where Taehyung previously sat in front of Namjoon, where Jin was now seated comfortably grabbing alcohol and gauze. Jin poured alcohol on the gauze and began wiping at the bleeding cut on Jimin's hand from punching concrete.

"Ow! That hurts!" Jimin yelped flinching at the sting.

"Well maybe if you weren't acting like children outside I wouldn't have to be doing this right now."Jin growled at him. Jimin sighed and looked down at his red hand which now had bandages on it.

"What's with you two? Ever since we debuted you have been at each others throat every chance you get." Yoongi said sitting handing more gauze to Jin as he started working on the cuts on his face. 

Jimin carefully looked around at Jungkook who was pouting on the floor in the corner, waiting with a scowl on his face for his turn to be treated. Playing with his phone anxiously.

"It happened right before we debuted..." Jimin began, replaying the week everything went downhill in his and Jungkooks relationship for the hundredth time.


Jungkook and Jimin were the only ones left in the practice room and it was getting late. They were practicing their introduction dance and Jimin stayed behind to help Jungkook perfect a move he was struggling with.

"Kookie, I think we should head back now." Jimin called while grabbing his jacket. He walked over and slung his arm over Jungkooks shoulders. Jungkook just nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead. 

Jungkook walked over and grabbed a water bottle, pouring the liquid down his throat. He scuttled over to Jimin and hugged around his neck loosely tucking his head perfectly into Jimins neck. 

"Jimin, I'm tired." He said sleepily looking up at his hyungs face. Jimin just chuckled and let his hands naturally fall on Jungkooks thin wiast. Jungkook was so short and thin that he fit perfectly in Jimins embrace.

Jimin smiled looking into his dark, brown eyes. Jungkook glanced down at Jimin's wide, smiling lips and quickly back up to his small, dark cresents formed from his award-winning smile. Suddenly every thought left his head and Jungkook leaned in slowly, his eyelids fluttering shut. They were mere milimetres apart, both of their eyes shut. Jungkook could feel Jimin's breath on his lips. Their lips just about to touch when Jungkook thinks about what he's doing. His eyes widened and he pulls back with alarming force. His cheeks turning a deep crimson before he grabs his bag and bolts out of the room, not looking back.

Jimin is left standing, confused and a little hurt. Still stunned by what happened he empty-mindedly wandered over to his bag, grabbed it and walked out of the room. 

What... what just happened? Did he almost kiss me? Did I almost kiss back? Jimin thought, staring blankly ahead as he walked through the dark and cold streets back to his dorm. I only know one thing for sure... I didn't want him to stop.


The next 3 days Jungkook avoided Jimin like the plague. His mind constantly cluttered with scenarios and regret and hope. Finally when they had finished eating one day Jimin caught Jungkook before he could run away and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him into one of the bedrooms.

"Jungkook, you've been avoiding me. Why?" Jimin asked, genuinely curious. He didn't think much of the near kiss. He thought that maybe they were going to start dating. He did think Jungkook was rather cute. 

"I-" Jungkook started, before trailing off. Looking down at his hands and fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 

"Kookie," Jimin inched closer, reaching for Jungkooks hand, grabbing it gently and holding it. "You can tell me."

Jungkook looked at his hand in Jimins and snatched it away. His face turned pink.

"Just... stay away from me..." He said softly before turning around and walking out, not looking back.


"The proceeding 2 days he started yelling at me eveytime he saw me. Eventually I got annoyed and gave up, started fighting back." Jimin said looking down. "He's a really big brat and I can't stand to be around him now. Who thinks it's okay to play around with someones feelings like that?"

Jin gave Yoongi a look like they knew something Jimin didn't and Jimin stood up and walked to his and Jungkooks shared room.

"Jungkook, you're up." Jin called to the boy slouching in the corner with a frown. He stood up, walked over and sat down in front of his hyung with an annoyed look on his face.

"What did Jimin say? Did he say I started it?" Jungkook asked crossing his arms in front of his chest. Jin looked an Yoongi and sighed.

"Something like that..." He replied wiping blood away from Jungkooks mouth. Jungkook had a busted lip and bruises.

"Well I didn't." He said flinching from the pain, but not making sound at it. Jin just ignored him and finished patching him up.


The two boys finally got settled in the room for the night, after a long and annoying lecture from Jin about not hearing any fighting throughout the night and never to fight like that again, at least not in public. Although every half hour someone had to come in and tear them apart before the did more damage to each other, and the room. Finally it was 12:00 am and Jin came in for the last time that night to check on them.

"I swear to whoever watches over us, if you wake me up with fighting, I'm gonna skin you both and serve it as bacon tomorrow morning." Jin said narrowing his eyes at them. They both just grumbled and Jin left. Jungkook stood up and grabbed some pajama pants and a loose T-shirt.

"I'm gonna get in my pajamas and catch some sleep before practice tomorrow. You should slip into something more comfortable, too. Like a coma." Jungkook said with a smirk.

"I hope, one day, you choke on the crap that you talk." Jimin snapped back, practically burning holes in Jungkook with his death stare.

"Keep wishing, self-centered, unemployed elf."

"Shut up you smelly bag of trash."

Jungkook dropped the clothes in his hands and turned towards Jimin.

"What's your problem with me, sewer rat?" Jungkook asked throwing his hand in the air for emphasis.

"My problem? You mean, your problem! Ever since that time in the practice room when you tried to kiss me you've been unbearable!" Jimin spat back, standing up and taking a step towards Jungkook.

"Don't ever bring that up again!" Jungkook shot sharply, like he hit a sensitive spot.

"Why? Don't like to be reminded of when you played with my heart like the scum you are?"

"You know what? I'm done with you! I didn't play with your heart you over-dramatic baby. I had stuff going on at that time too."

"Like what? What could be troubling Mr. Oh-so-self-Important?"

"I'm not gonna talk about this now. I'm going to sleep."

"Oh no you're not! We have to sort this out before tomorrow or Jin is gonna kill us!"

"He wasn't serious, idiot. He'll probably just yell at us again. You should be used to it, all you ever do is yell at me for no reason." Jungkook muttered.

"At least I'm making an effort to fix this, unlike you! And excuse me? No reason?" Jimin said, chuckling a little. "You let me think we were gonna be something, and then you just stomped on me like you were squashing a bug!"

"I was embarrassed and thought you didn't like me! You didn't even try to do anything that showed any interest back."

"Yes I did! I held your hand and dragged you into a room and you just told me to stay away!"

"I was confused and 15! I had a crush on a guy, and I'm a guy! I didn't know what to think and I needed guidance, but it's not like you tried to help."

"I can't read you mind, Jungkook. You need to ask for help if you want it, idiot!" Jimin yelled taking a step closer.

"I hate you!" He yelled, suddenly slamming Jungkook back against the wall.

"What the fu-" Jungkook tried to argue back, but he was interrupted by something hitting his mouth. It was Jimin's mouth.

He smashed their lips together in an angry, desperate kiss. Jungkook didn't kiss back immediately, he was shocked at what his enemy of 2 years was suddenly doing.

He has so many questions. What's going on? What does this mean? Should he even be doing this?

His eyes wide and his whole body frozen for a split-second, before losing control and kissing back. His eyes shutting tight and his mouth opening allowing Jimin entrance. Their tongues fought for dominance inside his mouth for a minute before breaking the kiss so Jimin could practically rip off Jungkooks shirt. Jimins eyes travelling over Jungkooks exposed skin for a few seconds, admiring him, he hadn't noticed that Jungkook had bulked up, and grown quite a bit in the two years since their debut. He had to admit, he was impressed by how much Jungkook had changed, he got so hot in almost no time. Jungkooks eyes looked in Jimins, seeing his now dark, hooded brown orbs filed with lust made Jungkooks stomach fill with heat, fast. Jimin crashed back into his lips violently.

Their mouths moving in sync with each other like a dance while Jimins hands run all over Jungkooks toned, soft body. Jungkook ed Jimin's shirt and dropped it to the floor at an alarming speed. Jimin picked up Jungkook and held him on his hips against the wall, pinning his hands behind his head and intertwining their fingers. He softly ran his hands down Jungkooks arms and sides at a painfully slow pace until he reached his hips. Lifting him off the wall and carrying him over to the bed, stumbling in the process, they landed hard on the bed, Jimin on top of Jungkook.

They broke the kiss, gasping for air Jimin started kissing down Jungkooks cheek and jaw. He nibbled and kissed Jungkooks neck and bit playfully at the skin, causing a moan to escape his lips. , and biting at the sweet spot behind Jungkooks ear caused Jungkooks eyes to roll back in his head, letting out not-so-quiet moans. The youngers hands instinctively roaming up to Jimins blonde locks and tangling in it, pulling lightly, causing Jimin to groan into Jungkooks neck. With the way Jimin was making him feel all questions left Jungkooks mind, all thoughts, everything. He was blank now, completely controlled by his hormones. He didn't care about anything anymore, it was just him and Jimin in the moment.


Jungkook woke up to a bright sun shining its rays on his eyes. He felt his chest heavier than normal and opened his eyes, squinting at the sun. He looked down at an arm sprawled across his chest, holding him tightly in a warm, comforting embrace. His legs were tangled in the still sleeping Jimins. His head on the olders chest, rising and dropping slowly with each breath the older took. His breath ruffling Jungkooks hair every exhale. He suddenly remembered what happened last night. They were fighting and suddenly they were on the bed, and...

Oh god... Jungkook thought. We slept together!

Jungkook was anxious at what might happen when Jimin awoke but he couldn't bring himself to get up. He was held tightly in the grasp of the elder and he felt... oddly safe. Content. 

Jimins eyes fluttered lightly open as he softly woke up. He looked down at Jungkook and gave a small, tired smile. Then he realized they were both , skin on skin and the events of last night flooded back to his head. His eyes widened in horror. His skin turning a soft pink in embarrassment. But he didn't move. He was comfortable, and no matter how awkward and strange the situation he was in happened to be, he felt like it was... right.

"Jimin..." Jungkook muttered softly looking up at his hyung with tired, but loving eyes. 

"Yeah, Kookie?" Jimin replied without hesitating. He hasn't called him that since the incident two years ago, but it felt natural in the moment.

"I... I'm sorry. I was wrong and I was confused and I shouldn't have gotten angry a-and... I'm sorry." Jungkook managed to say after a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, too. You were young and I should have been more patient and understanding." Jimin sighed, laying his head back on the pillow.

The was another moment of silence. 

"Kookie?" Jimin said looking down again.

"Yeah?" Jungkook responded immediately.

"I love you."

Jungkook smiled and placed a soft kiss on Jimins cheek. "I love you, too." Jimin placed a gentle kiss on Jungkooks messy, raven coloured locks.

"Now we really need to shower." Jimin said chuckling and dragging Jungkook out of bed.


Jungkook and Jimin walked out of the bedroom with Jimins arm hanging from Jungkooks shoulders and Jugnkooks arm around Jimins waist. Jimin stopped them in the hallway.

"You forgot to put on make-up. The members are gonna notice the hickeys on your neck." Jimin said in a slight whisper. Jungkook just smiled his bunny smile.

"I don't care. I want them to notice." Jungkook said smiling into a light kiss he placed on Jimins soft lips. They walked out to the kitchen with big grins on their faces. Everyone was already sitting down eating and they took their seats next to each other and began eating quietly. Jin and Yoongi looked at Jungkooks purple spotted neck and eyed each other.

"Uh.. so," Jin said, clearing his throat. "What, uh... what happened last night?"

"We sorted it out." Jimin said flatly, sipping his orange juice.

"Yeah awful loudly, Jungkook." Namjoon quietly remarked smiling and chuckling lightly. Jungkook turned cherry red.

"Namjoon!" Jin yelled and smacked Namjoon lightly. Namjoon just laughed.

"No it's fine, I'm sure everyone noticed his neck by now." Jimin said grinning. Jungkook turned more red, if it was even possible. 

"Awe, Kookie, you're the one who said you wanted them to notice. Getting embarrassed now?" Jimin said cutely putting an arm around Jungkook.

"Jimin!" Jungkook aegyo whined while smiling and placing a soft kiss on Jimins lips.

"Ugh, get a room!" Taehyung called from the other side of the table.

"Yah! You want another black eye?" Jimin said holding up a fist. Everyone laughed and Yoongi smiled. Finally... Yoongi thought. Now they can be happy, again.

Sorry if that was long, and boring, I stayed up until 5;30 am writing this. I hope you like it!

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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD THE KISS IM---