Chapter Two

Seoul National Academy Scandal


I am now here in the front door of my dad's office. I inhaled deeply first and tried to knock twice on the door. I heard him approval and finally let myself in. I looked at my dad and he is talking to someone in his phone.


"Yes, yes. I'll be there. What time of the meeting again? Oh yes, yes. --- " I heard him saying not totally eavesdropping. I let him finish his call and I patiently waiting, sitting on the front chair of his huge table and I can see the scattering files on his desk. I start fidgeting on my seat, repeating in my head that I memorize my line to him earlier. Sweats starts to form on my forehead when I heard that my dad's conversation on his phone ended. I am now fanning myself even though the aircon is highly on. 


"Are you okay Amber? You looked pale." I heard him saying to me. I looked at my dad and swallowed my remaining saliva on my lump throat.


"Y-Yes dad?" I mentally facepalmed on my answer. 


His eyebrows scrunched up and he just shooked his head.


"Hmm. Okay? why did you came here? You want something? A car ? new cellphone? What? Tell me so I will buy it immediately." He smiled to me warmly. I felt relieved of what he said and I smiled to him widely. I scratched my itchy nape and totally forgot what the line that I memorized earlier. Sigh.


"Uhh. Uhhmm. Actually dad I have a request from you." I said slowly to him and start fidgeting again in my seat.


"Okay Amber, just straight to the point." He said and patiently waiting to me.


" Actuallyiwanttotransfertoanotherschooldad" I said in rush.


"What? Say it slowly Amber hahaha" My dad chuckled knowing that I am nervous explaining to him.


I inhaled and exhaled deeply before saying it again.


" I want to transfer to another school, dad" I finally said it and looked to my dad's expression. He has this expressionless face. May be he is thinking first.


"Okay? where are you going to transfer? " He said calmly. My eyes twinkle to his answer but I dont want him to know that I will be enrolling on All Boys School.


"Somewhere in Seoul dad! Uhh. I forgot the name of school he-he" I said and scratched my right eyebrow.


He staired me intently first and tapped his fingers in his desk. May be he is thinking deeply to my request. Then he clasped his hands and said, " Okay. I understand. Hmm. do you need my help though?" His voice have a tint of loneliness.


I shrugged it off and looked away, I fidget my hands. I dont want this conversation go anywhere. " No dad. I'm perfectly fine. " I said and looked again to him with a faint smile.


"O-Oh are you sure Amber? Uh. okay just tell me what your needs okay? " He said.


" By the way dad, where is mom? " I said realizing I should tell her too.


" Ehem. She is busy now. Sorry Amber. I will just tell her later, dont worry. So when is you're flight?"


"Tomorrow dad, before sunrise come. And Oh can I use our private plane? The head of school want my documents immediately and it is also in the rule of school. Sorry" I said with lowering my head. I know its too sudden to leave but I have to.


"T-Tomorrow morning? Its too sudden Amber. You packed your things already?" He said.


I nodded not looking at him. "Yes dad, before I came here." I said to him.



"O-Okay. I will just tell our butler that you will use the private plane. Do you need an apartment Amber? I will rent you there."


My heart touched whe he said that. He still cares me. I thought to myself and I smiled to that.


"No dad. There is a dorm inside their campus I will just rent there and Victoria unnie will help me though if I have a problem in Seoul." I looked at him again and showed my toothy grin.


He stood from his seat and hugged me tightly. I am surprised to his action but I immediately hugged him back.


"You already grow up A-Amber." His voice is already cracked and I chuckled to that.


"Dad, I want to be independent that's why." I said and broke the hug.


"I will miss you kiddo. We will miss you.Take care okay?" He said and flicked my forehead.


"I can handle myself dad! Im a black belter remember?" I said and grinned widely to him.


"Oh yes I forgot! Okay go sleep kiddo! You should wake early for tomorrow." He said and he messed my short black hair.


"Thank you dad for everything." I said to him and hugged him for the last time and walked out of his room.




Mr. Liu's POV


After Amber walked out of my room, I immediately call Dae.


"Dae, Amber needs the private plane. Please tell our pilot to be ready okay?"


"Yes sir, that's all master?." Dae said.



"And oh before I forgot, please hire a secret bodyguard from Seoul. She needs that and tell me immediately where school she will going to enroll. Do you get that?" I said to him.


"Yes master! I will tell him later." He said and I hung up the call.






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Im also hurt about the news, Im not dumb. I feel the other authors too. Its hard to find and fight an inspiration of kryber now. Hope you guys understand :)


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nancylau0301 #1
Chapter 8: Author, any chance of continuing this story? Thanks.
AmberK #2
Chapter 8: When you will updated this story???/
Chapter 8: Fighting!!!
CaesarC #4
Chapter 8: thankyou.........thanks for not giving up on tis fic....
terrrrrrrrree #5
Chapter 8: Once a kryber fan always a kryber fan
BluePilox #6
Chapter 8: Chapther 8: yeaaaaaah........ I like an author like you..... Thank you...... I will wait for your update
Sina_neiyz #7
Chapter 8: Yeahh... that's i want to hear from an author.... thank u... never let it sank... next plsssss
GEoRuth #8
Chapter 8: Yeah. Always and forever. Will be waiting for the next one.
Chapter 7: Great job authornim. U certainly deserve a upvote from this reader named slho901. Dun worry. Study hard and we will wait patiently for uuuuuuuuuu..... :)
nanny00 #10
Auww..cnt wait for the next update