Kryber Shipper

Seoul National Academy Scandal

Amber's POV



I ran out to D.O and when I reached him he handed me a lot of tissue napkin. God! He seriously did it. I despair to that thought. 


"Hey, Amber I didn't know you knew Krystal Jung." He said to me straight forward. 


I was having a diffucult on holding the bags of tissue but I still manage to scratched my nape. A behavior of mine when actually dont know what first to say to anyone. 


"Uhm. Hehe I dont know her actually D.O" I told him as we are walking parallel to each other heading again to our respective rooms. 


He stopped his tracks and I also did as I take a glance on him. He has this unbelievable expression on his cute face. 


"You've got to be kidding me." He scoffed at me and shook his head.


 I sighed. " I'm not. I just met a liitle girl in the park last time and she is having a difficulties reaching her balloon..."


"Wait! Im talking to Krystal Jung not a little girl." 


"Nyay! Let me finish okay?"


"Haha sorry go continue please."


"As I said the little girl having difficulties so I reached it for her..."


"Oh such a good samaritan then hahaha" D.O said and I just ignore him and continue of what am I saying.


"Yes, yes I know right. Then Krystal was shouting to her niece, I did'nt know the little girl was her niece and that is how we met but we did'nt introduce to each othery that time seem they are in hurry or something." I shrugged after I said it.


I looked at D.O and seeing he is satisfied of what I have said. I smiled.


"Hey D.O?"




"By any chance, do you know my roommate? Since we are neighbors right?"

"Uhh. I think hmmm. Jackson?"


"I doubt that then." I said and scratched the top of my head


"Hahaha sorry Amber I'm not sure because I am not good at names actually." He said and gave me a peace sign.


"Neh, Its okay."



After of few steps we are now in the front door of my room and we said our farewell to each other. I fished my key, opening the knob slowly and letting my head first thinking there is someone but nothing to be seen so I finally let myself in and closed behind the door.


I notice my shoe laces were disarrange so I bend and tie it neatly. I rise up but someone barged in and bumped into me. 


I groaned for the impact of my body and the floor. It surely hurts.


"Oh so sorry! I did'nt notice you. You okay?" I heard him saying.


Ughh! 'What do you think?' I said silently to myself. I'm pissed off but I will let it once since its my first time to meet my roommate.


"Yeah I think I'm fine." I said as I rise again and dust out the dirt on my shirt.


"Mianhe! Mianhe!" He said continuously and I looked at him. He is actually bowing ninety degrees as he saying sorry to me. 


" Aww. Its really okay uhm Jackson?" I said with doubt.


He stopped of what his doing and looked at me.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" He laughed loudly with his hands on his stomach and constanly his hand slaps his knees. 


I think my eyebrows narrowed. "Uhh sorry?"



This time his voice lowered now and got my attention. "Sorry, that was hilarious really." He said and chuckled.



"I am not Jackson as you anticipating. I am the diva here, Kim Kibum but just call me Key. Sorry again of my behaviour recently. Man that was good joke.I think we can be good roomies." He winked at me and tapped my right shoulder.


I laughed awkwardly and scratching the back of my head.


"Yes we could, I am Amber from L.A" I bowed at him.


"Wow your name is unique for a boy. Well, we could have Keyber then. Weeee sounds more cute right?" I looked at him confusely but nodded anyway. 


"Oh was it you in the hall recently? That ice princess to be her date?" He said and looked closely to my face.


Now I know. He is undeniable, the diva. 


"Huh? Ice princess?" 


"Yes, Krystal Jung."


"Oh yeah it was me." I said and lowered my head. This is too way embarassing.

Sure Krystal is popular to this academy. Aish why did myself get into?


"Ouch. So its Kryber then. " He said. I looked at him and he looked sad. 



"Hahaha you are funny too." 


"Yaaaa. You hurt my feelings but its okay. You guys look good together." I smiled and blushed at the same time. 


I think I've gain a shipper already. And it was Kryber shipper. Cute.













Twejj's note:

Sorry it was short story but its a meaningful update for me.

I had read the issues but seriously? You guys are quiting? but Im telling you this. I am Kryber fan and always be. Good day guys! For me Kryber is always sailing NEVER sank. Got it? :P

Im busy with my school stuff but I will try to update long next time. See ya around. And those angst stories is sad ofcourse lol. Kidding~ Guys dont be awful at the issue. Stay calm and be a Kryber fan okay? *wink* *wink*

Outta here now. Mowninggggg~ F I G H T I N G 

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Im also hurt about the news, Im not dumb. I feel the other authors too. Its hard to find and fight an inspiration of kryber now. Hope you guys understand :)


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nancylau0301 #1
Chapter 8: Author, any chance of continuing this story? Thanks.
AmberK #2
Chapter 8: When you will updated this story???/
Chapter 8: Fighting!!!
CaesarC #4
Chapter 8: thankyou.........thanks for not giving up on tis fic....
terrrrrrrrree #5
Chapter 8: Once a kryber fan always a kryber fan
BluePilox #6
Chapter 8: Chapther 8: yeaaaaaah........ I like an author like you..... Thank you...... I will wait for your update
Sina_neiyz #7
Chapter 8: Yeahh... that's i want to hear from an author.... thank u... never let it sank... next plsssss
GEoRuth #8
Chapter 8: Yeah. Always and forever. Will be waiting for the next one.
Chapter 7: Great job authornim. U certainly deserve a upvote from this reader named slho901. Dun worry. Study hard and we will wait patiently for uuuuuuuuuu..... :)
nanny00 #10
Auww..cnt wait for the next update