trip to the convinience store.

my lovely playboy hyung♥
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Jungkook didn't know when he fell for his hyung.  Maybe it was the late practise sessions they did before debute, maybe it was the singing competitions they did.... or maybe how his hyung knew when the younger was sad. Maybe when his hyung bought him stuff to cheer him up all the time...maybe it was his hyung's special treatment to jungkook always loving him and saying stuff like  you're so make it hard for me to live...  


At first jungkook didnt know what he did to be treated so lovingly? Even his own brother didn't do stuff that his hyung did for him. He resisted because it was kinda creepy at first. (Yeah he was in denail phase..) but then, all the little things that his hyung did for him fluttered his heart. That and yes...jimin was kinda attractive, talented and yeah....he had the voice of an angel too.


Slowly and gradually his hyungs apearance just kept getting better and better for jungkook. The way his eyes looked pretty with eyeliner, the way his small nose would crinkle up cutely whenever he was laughing, whenever he cracked jokes like...yeah park jimin. I'm the visual and the one with most aegyo.. .his hyung was really humble and down to earth so thats how jungkook could guess that his hyung was just joking to just lift the mood up bu

t for jungkook, it really was how he thought it to be. most handsome and most cute in my eyes hyung...



The choreography of no more dream had a part In it too. 'The useless part'  as jungkook liked to call it by. That part where he had to hold his hyung when they had to walk or rather run on the members backs, and junkook had to hold him. He really hated ( liked ) that part.and you know why.  Even though it was really tiring, his hyung gave him shoulder massages. Yes shoulder massages. you're really strong jungkook-ah, good work...


Who wouldn't fall for someone who treated  them like that. That's what jungkook said to himself all the time.


The only thing that bothered him was that his hyung. Aka park jimin. Treated almost all of his hyungs like that. Suga hyung, hobie hyung, v hyung..every one.


Why jimin, why?




Jungkook POV


Here I was, just minding my own business. When all of a sudden, I heard some talking "so you guys want these stuff right? " I immediately knew whose voice was that. It was jimin. 


I came out of my room to look what was going on with my jiminie when I saw him ,standing taking notes in a paper for what everyone wants...I came and stood behind jimin to look at what he was writing...unfortunately me, standing behind jimin scared the daylights out of him. He flinshed.


"Ahh junkook-ah, you surprised me. Is there anything you want?" jimin looked at junkook now calmly.


"uhmm...I want a coke!" jimin nodded writing it down. I felt kinda bad for my hyung.he has to go all alone and get everyones snacks. Someone sshould go with him. He always does stuff like that for everyone.



"Hyung, can i come with you too?...i need to buy some...uhh..stuff...that i need."  Crap. I'm always so bad at lying. But this takes the cake. Maybe I should go hit my head couple of times on that wall over there.


"Ahh sure junkook-ah glad to he

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Chapter 18: Hold da horseoks dis story done? Wait wut?
Minxoreki #2
Chapter 18: chapter 18 : awww its too cute. i can imagine how cute it is >///<
Chapter 18: the story is done? or will be there is next chapter?
Chapter 18: thumps up!!!! :)))
karen667 #5
Chapter 18: Fluffy Jikook *-* and they pouted a lot /n\ the last part was really liked it *gives you a thumps up*
Chapter 18: This piece of cake is utterly cute!!!! Omg!!! It is beautiful to fall in love with a right human~ SWEET!!!!!!
mxv0109 #7
Chapter 18: ahh chincha they're ganna be the cause of my death
Chapter 18: awwww, jiminie is too cute
CammiCammi #9
Chapter 18: Aww yes that was goood >_< omooo Jimin is so adorable I can't D'x Daddy Kookie omfg
minahbaby #10
Chapter 18: yeeeess finally! this wasn't weird or too cheesy at all i loved it it was just perfectly fluffy ^^ and you've rly become better at writing srsly