

I want to thank all my readers and subscribers and especially my upvoters because I didn't even expect this much of you. I'm serious. I didn't even think I would have anyone to comment because my chapters are very short and lame. But thank's my biggest support. If I could, I would give out converse highs but I can't, sorry.


Hoseok's P.O.V

"Why? Taehyung, why? Why did you do this to me just after you gave me hopes? You knew that I like you.... Wait, he won't even know it... Stupid me! I should've told him that I liked him. I should've taken the courage and tell him that he was the one I had been dreaming of even if it meant keeping a little awkwardness between us. Now it's all too late. Guess I'll spend the rest of my life with regrets," I'm always loud when I panic. 


I could finally calm myself down after running and ending up in the boy's restroom. I washed my face for better refreshness. But then, I couldn't really forget the image of the kissing scene that was stuck in my head. Which kept a question in my mind,"So, the reason why Taehyung is biual is because of Namjoon, huh? How lame of me to think that it was because of me. Damn, it ." A little drop of tears came down. I didn't even know why. No, I should just admit the truth — "I'm damn hurt and mentally crushed."


"Why did I even love, knowing I would only end up unwanted?" more questions started to threaten my mind. But honestly, I didn't expect it. I didn't think that my silly hopes and cute dreams could crush in a matter of seconds.


Broken hearted, I went back to the class when I heard the bell ring. Everything seemed to change. Everyone seemed to be so happy while I sat there, as sad as I had ever been.


"Hey, what's poppin? MY GOD!!! what happened??!?" Yoongi said as he noticed my red eyed. Yoongi was a very close friend of mine. He knew everything about me like my habits, my favourites and yeah, he knew that I had a playful behavior. "Nothing," I lied and I'm sure he knew it. But I couldn't bring him into my problems. He knew I was having a hard time so, instead of asking further questions, he pat lightly on my back for comfort and went to his seat.


Classes were as usual but unlike other days, I didn't throw my pen backwards and pretend it was falling accidentally and pick it up just to turn back to see him. I didn't even have the feelings of butterflies in my stomach like I used to. I didn't get even a faint of amusement when our Physics teacher cracked a joke. In other words, I was jealous, angry and full of hatred. I started hating Namjoon. But most of all, I started hating Taehyung. 


"Why do I always have to be so possessive when he's not even mine. But I guess my anger is because of Taehyung being all sweet and nice to me while he is secretly dating some other guy. Thanks to him, now I can't even sleep. Taehyung! ing Namjoon!"

End of P.O.V

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Chapter 15: Ooh! I love the uh ... illustration there :3 and hoseok has no idea poor him xD BUT I IMAGINED THE KISS AAAAHHHHHHHH I LUV THIS FF!!!!!!!!!!
ashkhen #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 13: Awwww Hoseok and Taehyung kissed for awhile.....hahahahaha Hoseok's girlfriend saw them kiss each other and ran away lol.......Finally Hoseok got Taehyung's phone number and going to have a date.
Chapter 14: Ohhhh! I love this <3 ........I'm in a BTS mood after actually getting to see BTS perform last night!!!
babyerika #5
Chapter 14: ummm i think it's hobi's gf??
ashkhen #6
Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Finally they kissed and omg Hoseok made Taehyung to tell him the truth. I'm curious whose mouth was open wide. I get a feeling its Jimin, Suga or Jungkook.
Chapter 14: DAMM.. im lifeless hehe great job author
Chapter 14: UH OH.....I THINK NAMJOON SAW!!!! or it was JIMIN!!!!
ashkhen #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: WHy can't Hoseok not see that Taehyung likes him. Hoseok is misunderstanding everything. Hoseok getting a girlfriend doesn't solve the issue at all and your hurt deep down just like Taehyung. I wonder what Tae will do in the next chapter.