More dumb


"'s something I gotta tell you. I have liked you for a long time. I hope you won't reject this stupid confession", Taehyung shyly told his feelings. Hoseok bursted into laughter. "Huh?" Taehyung was confused. "You know that I don't like you right? Why bother to tell me?" "But...but...please Hoseok, please give me time to prove that I really like you." "Don't let me repeat this. I DON'T LIKE YOU."


The next thing Taehyung knew was Jimin coming and hitting Hoseok with a huge toy hammer. Hoseok collapsed without a word. "HYUNG! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" "Oh come on, chill. It's just a toy hammer. You should be happy I did that for you. He's just a jerk. Wait....why exactly did he collapse? WTF? It's just a toy."


Taehyung sobbed as he realized everything was going wrong. He ran away with tears flooding in his eyes but his path looked infinite. He didn't even know where he was running. He was lost. Then he heard a voice calling, "Taehyung? Taehyuuung...."


"Taehyung, wake up already. Lunch break's almost over", Jimin said and Taehyung realized he was dreaming. He had tears in his eyes which got Jimin worried. "Hey! I thought you were sleeping. Are you crying over him? Don't worry, he doesn't even deserve a diamond like you." "No, hyung. Hahaha... I had a nightmare, just that. But don't say that he doesn't deserve. He's an angel to me. He did nothing bad to me." "Why won't I? He just glares at you for no reason. If he likes you, then he should say it and be brave. Not just glare at you." "No, he won't like me. His glaring can be for another reason.”  “Geesh. You’re so humble yet he’s so mean to you. Fine, he’s an angel.” “Yes he is.” “But a fallen angel, the spawn of satan type”, he whispered so that Taehyung wouldn’t hear it. (Jimin seems to hate Hoseok so much  lol)


That dream changed Taehyung. He didn’t want to tell Hoseok that he liked him. Just a simple dream like that could even change his mind. Jimin was right, he’s so dumb.


“So, do you plan to confess?” was written on a paper passed by Jimin during the class. “I already did”, Taehyung wrote and passed back just to see the strangest face Jimin had made since they had known each other. “What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jimin said out loud as the whole class had their eyes on him. But thank God the teacher was a bit deaf just enough to not hear it. “In my dream”, Tae replied to calm Jimin. “You little brat”, Jimin said as Taehyung giggled. “But I’m not going to. I think it won’t be good. I should keep it.”


Sooo..........I'm planning to start a new story. I can't think of the characters yet because it can't be . Don't worry about this story, I will continue it forever.

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Chapter 15: Ooh! I love the uh ... illustration there :3 and hoseok has no idea poor him xD BUT I IMAGINED THE KISS AAAAHHHHHHHH I LUV THIS FF!!!!!!!!!!
ashkhen #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 13: Awwww Hoseok and Taehyung kissed for awhile.....hahahahaha Hoseok's girlfriend saw them kiss each other and ran away lol.......Finally Hoseok got Taehyung's phone number and going to have a date.
Chapter 14: Ohhhh! I love this <3 ........I'm in a BTS mood after actually getting to see BTS perform last night!!!
babyerika #5
Chapter 14: ummm i think it's hobi's gf??
ashkhen #6
Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Finally they kissed and omg Hoseok made Taehyung to tell him the truth. I'm curious whose mouth was open wide. I get a feeling its Jimin, Suga or Jungkook.
Chapter 14: DAMM.. im lifeless hehe great job author
Chapter 14: UH OH.....I THINK NAMJOON SAW!!!! or it was JIMIN!!!!
ashkhen #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: WHy can't Hoseok not see that Taehyung likes him. Hoseok is misunderstanding everything. Hoseok getting a girlfriend doesn't solve the issue at all and your hurt deep down just like Taehyung. I wonder what Tae will do in the next chapter.