

[Short Break @ Cafeteria]

"Hoseok! Drink your coke or I'll finish it before you can even lay a hand on it. Why do I see too many people like you, spacing out? I mean look at those people like Namjoon, Taehyung-" Yoongi was cut off by the shocking look on Hoseok whose eyes grew bigger like they were about burst just before giving a not-so-playful glare at Yoongi.

A questioning look followed Yoongi as he didn't know what the hell happened to the Hoseok he knew.

"Um... what? What's with that look? Did I just offend you?"

"Ye- I mean no.."

"You dreaming?"


"Wake up."

"I'm wide awake!" (if you read this and not sing it, you're lifeless)

"Then stop acting weird."

"Why would you just call me weird?"

"Look at your weird face and ask the same question."

"At least I'm handsome."

"You're making no sense. Just let me go to the class and sleep."


"Whateves," Suga casually said and without any other word, he rose from his seat and went out of the cafeteria. (Cause he doesn't give a F, Swaggie lifeu)

"Pathetic, maybe his mom never lets him sleep," Hoseok remarked and he also went out to breathe some fresh air on the roof. But on his way, he met someone unexpectedly.

Taehyung's P.O.V:

"Hyung....can you please, please, please draw that turtle(Suga) you drew last time?" I pleaded.

"No, I'm not that stupid to draw a stupid turtle(Suga) for you to make fun of it again," Jimin declined.

"Fine," I said and headed out of the class.

I went out, just to see the person I've been avoiding for so long. He gave me the looks that were hard to resist. His defined brow explained how serious he was when he saw me. I really didn't understand all those things that were happening. What exactly did he expect from me?

"Hey!" he talked? Did he? Was it just my imagination?

"I said, 'Hey'!"

He really did? Why did he talk so informally? I'll not be polite either.


"Why are you like this?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Just tell me. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?" he said it again with a higher tone.

What is wrong with this guy? Should've known he's stupid from the start. I really don't get what he's saying.

"Just...ughh...what do you mean?"

He pulled me on my arm and led me till we reached the locker where  no one was there. I'm really surprised why no one was there. Ohh....I remember, most of them had went to watch the basketball game between the juniors and seniors during breaks.

Why do I have remember just now? I should've gone to watch it. Anyway, why did he lead me here? I'm kinda scared but well, the sad truth is....I like it.

"Tell me you like me too."

Is this a prank?

"Why are you- WHAT THE ?!?"

"I'm serious."

He can't be.

"WHAT are you talking about?" I really was clueless but couldn't even look at him in the eyes. He was dead serious.

"I like you, tell me you like me too."

"But why..wh......" I was speechless. I really wanted him to be serious but I had a slight thinking that he was joking and fooling around.

"I'm waiting."

"Why? Why did you say this after all those cold stares and ignoring me? You never talk to me. You kept glaring at me as if I did something wrong to yo-" I kept quiet realizing the last sentence was somehow correct.

"Yes, you did something wrong to me, you kissed Namjoon but I'll forgive you if you tell me that you like me too."

"Why are you talking like you own me?"

"Well, aren't you?"

I didn't wanna say 'no' and I didn't wanna let him go. So, I said something I know should've said earlier.

"From the start, I have always noticed you. You always stand out among everyone. But you were starting to build a wall between us. I didn't know what to do ever since that time when you saw with Namjoon. I didn't kiss him, he did. But even after all those, I still like you. I-"

I was cut off by a sweet, passionate kiss. It wasn't hard but good enough make both of us red. I like it, no, I love it. No matter how hard I tried to resist, I couldn't. His lips were hypnotizing me to want more. I wanted more.

My tears just came out not because I was sad but because I was able to say something I had been keeping for so long.

As I opened my eyes, I saw a person with mouth wide open.


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Chapter 15: Ooh! I love the uh ... illustration there :3 and hoseok has no idea poor him xD BUT I IMAGINED THE KISS AAAAHHHHHHHH I LUV THIS FF!!!!!!!!!!
ashkhen #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 13: Awwww Hoseok and Taehyung kissed for awhile.....hahahahaha Hoseok's girlfriend saw them kiss each other and ran away lol.......Finally Hoseok got Taehyung's phone number and going to have a date.
Chapter 14: Ohhhh! I love this <3 ........I'm in a BTS mood after actually getting to see BTS perform last night!!!
babyerika #5
Chapter 14: ummm i think it's hobi's gf??
ashkhen #6
Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Finally they kissed and omg Hoseok made Taehyung to tell him the truth. I'm curious whose mouth was open wide. I get a feeling its Jimin, Suga or Jungkook.
Chapter 14: DAMM.. im lifeless hehe great job author
Chapter 14: UH OH.....I THINK NAMJOON SAW!!!! or it was JIMIN!!!!
ashkhen #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: WHy can't Hoseok not see that Taehyung likes him. Hoseok is misunderstanding everything. Hoseok getting a girlfriend doesn't solve the issue at all and your hurt deep down just like Taehyung. I wonder what Tae will do in the next chapter.