

"Tell him." "Tell him what?" "That you like him." "But how did you come to know?" "Are you stupid?" "No."
"You just told me everything, didn't you?" "Oops! Wait, you asked me about Hoseok before I told you. You stalked me or whatth
"Hell no, I'm not a stalker. It was simple. That time you told me that you were biual, I suspected that it was Hoseok. You were always acting strange when he's around you.I asked you how he treats you, thinking you would ask back why I had asked you such a question. But instead, you poured out your mind. So, proved. You like Hoseok, and a lot."
"Ahaha", Taehyung laughed nervously, "I thought I was quite good at hiding it. How smart of you." "I'm not smart, you're just dumb." "I'm dumb?" "And careless", Jimin added. They started to playfully tease each other.

"Hey, wanna know how Jungkook and I started to date?" "Sure."
Jimin then snatched Taehyung's wrist, held it as he went closer to Taehyung. He made a deep stare and said, "I did this, and then kissed him." "Liar." They both laughed. Taehyung surely knew that Jimin would be too shy to do that.
"Anyway, how did you tell him that you like him?" "It wasn't me who confessed, it was Jungkook. He told me that he has been liking me since last year but he was shy to tell it before. I told him that I like him too." "Waaah! Jinja? How could you even hide it?"
"It's easy because I'm not as dumb as you." "Stop with that joke already, please. Then what happened next?""We...."
"You?" "Kissed." "I still think it's strange. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "I was scared that you would tell me to have a girlfriend and not a boyfriend. But since i found out that we were same, I thought it would be good to tell the truth."

Taehyung was jealous, very jealous that they had a perfect relationship. He wished Hoseok would also do that to him. But it couldn't happen until the 'hate' ends.

Hoseok's P.O.V:
Yum....my favourite type of lunch. Huh? Is that him? Why do I always have to see him? The other day I saw him kissing Namjoon and now, Jimin's his target. He really is something. Why are their faces so close to each other?
No, why should I care? I don't like him. He's a stranger to me now.
End of P.O.V

Hoseok was full of jealousy. On the other side, Taehyung was trying to tell him that he likes him. Things were really starting to mess up.


I combined some of the chapters and all the comments are messed up so, sorry about that OTL

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Chapter 15: Ooh! I love the uh ... illustration there :3 and hoseok has no idea poor him xD BUT I IMAGINED THE KISS AAAAHHHHHHHH I LUV THIS FF!!!!!!!!!!
ashkhen #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 13: Awwww Hoseok and Taehyung kissed for awhile.....hahahahaha Hoseok's girlfriend saw them kiss each other and ran away lol.......Finally Hoseok got Taehyung's phone number and going to have a date.
Chapter 14: Ohhhh! I love this <3 ........I'm in a BTS mood after actually getting to see BTS perform last night!!!
babyerika #5
Chapter 14: ummm i think it's hobi's gf??
ashkhen #6
Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Finally they kissed and omg Hoseok made Taehyung to tell him the truth. I'm curious whose mouth was open wide. I get a feeling its Jimin, Suga or Jungkook.
Chapter 14: DAMM.. im lifeless hehe great job author
Chapter 14: UH OH.....I THINK NAMJOON SAW!!!! or it was JIMIN!!!!
ashkhen #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: WHy can't Hoseok not see that Taehyung likes him. Hoseok is misunderstanding everything. Hoseok getting a girlfriend doesn't solve the issue at all and your hurt deep down just like Taehyung. I wonder what Tae will do in the next chapter.