

Taehyung's pain started to worsen and so was Hoseok's. They were both so hurt. They both spent their spare time thinking of what might cure their broken hearts. It was not easy but Hoseok managed to think of a plan. It wasn't a good one but he thought that the plan would be perfect to forget Taehyung. While on the other hand, Taehyung was there, just hoping that Hoseok would make interaction with him. He was sad as to why Hoseok looked so mad in front of him.


The plan that Hoseok was trying to achieve was, yes, to have a girlfriend. It was really hard for him as he just couldn't come to like girls but he couldn't think of any better plan. He thought he would just be able to like girls.


It wasn't hard for Hoseok to find a girlfriend since he's the attraction of the class. They started dating.


He wanted Taehyung to notice that he had a girlfriend. He wanted him to think that he had a much better life than before. But the reality was too obvious. He had a worse life than before. As he expected, Taehyung started to notice slowly. But what surprised Hoseok was that Taehyung never showed a sad face.


[Short break @ Classroom]

“Taehyung, listen! What are you thinking? You looked like you wanted that action figure so much but when I said I would give it to you, you didn’t even reply. Guess I won’t give you then.”


“No hyung, please. I’ll listen from now on. Please, I want that toy so much but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Please please please?”


“What were you thinking?”




“Is it-”


“No, it’s not him!”


“You just made it clear, you know that?”




“Listen, I know you more than anyone else. Do you ever think you can lie to me?”


“Sorry,” Taehyung looked down with a sad face, “Hyung, help me. I’m in trouble.” His tears started to blur his view.


“Hey,, don’t cry. What the hell. Who the do this to make you come to the stage of crying?”


Taehyung could hold back a bit but his eyes were still blurry. “I tried my best to smile always. I really did. I never missed a chance to laugh and be happy. I tried to stay positive but whenever I see his face, my tears can’t help but fall. He has a girlfriend. He’s happy and I’m here, wanting him so much. I’m sure I can treat him better than she would. But why does she have him? When I think of all these, there can be nothing to block my tears from falling. There has to be something to cure this.”


“I’m sorry I’m bad at comforting but he doesn’t deserve an angel like you. You should forget him because you deserve someone better, way better. ”


“And how am I supposed to find someone better? He’s the real angel to me.”


“Be single, it’s better. C’mon who needs a partner when he has a cute friend to cheer him up?” Jimin said with an aegyo. He didn’t like to do aegyos’ but he would do anything to bring Tae’s smile cause he also thinks that Taehyung, his best buddy is the most beautiful creature ever.


Taehyung finally laughed. He wiped his tears. “You’re right. Who needs a partner when he has a stupid friend to joke around? You just opened my eyes.”


Jimin couldn’t really accept the ‘stupid’ part but he just laughed it away.


Hoseok’s P.O.V:

Why does he look so happy? Well duh! He’s with his dear Namjoon. What else can it be? Am I stupid? This girl is so annoying. She’s bothering me. But I have to fake it. Oh girl, please don’t come closer to me, you’re annoying asf especially when you ask to take selca together.

End of P.O.V


The girl was just a bother for Hoseok. She was very proud that she could date him. Little did she know that she’s really unlucky.


Girl : Hoseok oppa, let’s go out this Wednesday~

Hoseok : I can’t, I’m busy.

Girl : But why are you always busy?

“Because you’re fricking annoying,” Hoseok thought but he couldn’t really say it.

Hoseok : I have lots of schedules for the next coming dance competition. (lies, lies and lies)


Hoseok realized he couldn't find happiness in dating a girl. "But this can be at least better than being jealous all the time ", he thought, "I need to love her, I need to feel this attraction." (Hoseok, you idiot)

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Chapter 15: Ooh! I love the uh ... illustration there :3 and hoseok has no idea poor him xD BUT I IMAGINED THE KISS AAAAHHHHHHHH I LUV THIS FF!!!!!!!!!!
ashkhen #3
Chapter 15: Chapter 13: Awwww Hoseok and Taehyung kissed for awhile.....hahahahaha Hoseok's girlfriend saw them kiss each other and ran away lol.......Finally Hoseok got Taehyung's phone number and going to have a date.
Chapter 14: Ohhhh! I love this <3 ........I'm in a BTS mood after actually getting to see BTS perform last night!!!
babyerika #5
Chapter 14: ummm i think it's hobi's gf??
ashkhen #6
Chapter 14: Chapter 12: Finally they kissed and omg Hoseok made Taehyung to tell him the truth. I'm curious whose mouth was open wide. I get a feeling its Jimin, Suga or Jungkook.
Chapter 14: DAMM.. im lifeless hehe great job author
Chapter 14: UH OH.....I THINK NAMJOON SAW!!!! or it was JIMIN!!!!
ashkhen #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: WHy can't Hoseok not see that Taehyung likes him. Hoseok is misunderstanding everything. Hoseok getting a girlfriend doesn't solve the issue at all and your hurt deep down just like Taehyung. I wonder what Tae will do in the next chapter.