Kyungsoo - Fluff

Exo Oneshots
"Ughh!!" You cried out in frustration, slamming the gameboy down beside you with a soft thud. "I can't believe I died again!" 
Kyungsoo chuckled, watching you groan in annoyance and scold yourself for being so careless and missing that last move. He found it absolutely adorable how your bottom lip had unconsciously jutted out, so you were pouting when you glanced up to shoot him a death glare. "Stop laughing at me, Kyung!"
This only caused him to smile at you, silently wondering how it was even possible for you to look so cute while being angry.
You continued to sulk, and eventually a pair of arms s around your waist and the next thing you knew, Kyungsoo had already pulled you forward until you were in his embrace with your head positioned perfectly at the crook of his neck. Kyungsoo let out another light chuckle when he felt your body tense slightly from the sudden contact then relax alittle.
As you inhaled the auroma of Kyungsoo's shampoo, you couldn't help but realise how good it felt to be in his arms. Sure, the two of you had only started going out about three months ago, but already you felt so secure and protected whenever you were with him.
After moments had passed and you pulled away from the hug, Kyungsoo grinned at you, but you could tell something was bothering him from the way his smile didn't reach his eyes like it always would. You frowned slightly, before leaning forward so that your face was only a few centimetres away from his.
"What's wrong, Kyung?" You questioned, tilting your head to examine his features.
However, Kyungsoo didn't reply. Instead, he gently brought his hands up to cup your face before kissing you cautiously- It was almost as if he was scared.
At first, you were of course completely taken aback and unsure how to react. This was your first kiss! And you had always imagined it would be nothing short of perfect. Finally, you let yourself relax, and you found that your lips moved in sync with Kyungsoo's without any trouble. The kiss really was flawless- and just how everyone else had described it to be; like fireworks and sparks exploding.
When Kyungsoo had released his grip on you to get some air, you couldn't help but notice his face was flushed bright pink. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled softly, avoiding any eye contact with you.
You were confused, what exactly was he apologising for? Just as you were about to ask, Kyungsoo began to speak again, his words catching you off gaurd.
"I-I wasn't sure if i should have done that," He admitted shyly, "But you j-just looked so... so.. k-kissable and I couldnt help it..."
Your eyes widened when Kyungsoo's speech struck you with realization- He was nervous about kissing you! A small smile tugged at your lips as you watched him play with his own fingers so he wouldn't have to look up at you.
"Kyungsoo," You whispered, immediately causing him to raise his head to stare at you, awaiting your responce. "You're too cute." You commented before wraping your arms around his neck, making him blush like crazy. "I love you."
This time, it was Kyungsoo's turn to be shocked when you locked lips with his. However, it only took a few short seconds for him to have his hands on your waist as he kissed you back gently.
"I love you too."
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coolgirls202 #1
Chapter 2: So cute>_<