Kind Jeon Jungkook!?!

Classmates or more?


"you should probably go.Your mom and dad will be worried."Hyorin said as she tied her apron around her waist.

Not hearing an answer from him Hyorin worriedly turned around to see a sad looking Jungkook.

Did I say something wrong!?! Hyorin thought as she took a step close to him.

"What's wrong?"She asked as she shook his arm a bit.

Shaking his head after he woke up from his sad flash back he turned to Hyorin.

"I live alone,my mom and dad live in another country." He said is a sad voice.

Jungkook...he omg Hyorin thought with symphathy.

"I'm sorry I didn't know.Guess your life is a bit simmilar to mine."Hyorin said and let out a long sigh.

Simmilar to hers?what is she talking about? Jungkook thought confused.

"Um... what do you mean by that?"Jungkook asked.

"I'll tell you later because I'm gonna be late for work.Guess I'll do homework at late night."Hyorin said.

I can't believe I'm doing this,but it's a good thing though Jungkook thought as he bit his lip while looking a Hyorin.

"Look since I live alone I don't mind going home alone at night,so I'll do your homework too.Come on give them.You go work and don't get distracted cause my handsomeness okay?" Jungkook said as he took her bag from her.

"No it's okay after all you got that other girls one too.Also your not handsome mister,your .... confusing."Hyorin said.

confusing huh? wait!! she said I'M NOT HANDSOME!!! WHY THIS LITTLE-ugh nevermind Jungkook thought.

"Um let go of my bag Jungkook."Hyorin said as she struggled to pull the bag away from his hand which was holding on to it with a iorn like grip.

"Look I hate repeating.So be a good girl for once and let me do this.Don't worry I won't write wrong answeres.Go now your gonna be late if you don't.Also I'll be able to do my cousins one too.Now go shoo." He said and pushed Her a bit.

Surprised by Jungkooks suddeden kindness she obeyed because there was no way she'll be able to finish that much homework in late night,she'll fall asleep for sure before she could even take out the books.

"Thank you Jungkook,you saved me from getting ditension tomorrow.Say I'll give you a free hot chocolate and some cookies for a reward."Hyorin said as she went to work.

Guess he's not a bad person after all.Wait!! get that freaky thought out of your head.Focus woman focus!! Hyorin chanted to her self.

Meanwhile Jungkook for no reason started to take out Hyorins books first.He chuckled a bit when he saw her notebook that had doodles everywhere.He turned pages and his eyes stoped on one thing.


Hmm I kill you how come? her notebook's cute thought,just like her.WTH IS WRONG WITH ME!!!???!!! I SAID CUTE TO A GRUMPY WOMAN LIKE HER!!! well she is not really grumpy though.AISH!! 

Jungkook kept her notebook back and opened her History writing book

woah her handwriting is perfect,wait mines also good! He thought and began writing the answeres.

wonder if they didn't have anything intresting that civil war.Who ever gave this idea that we should learn something boring like this must be bonkers  He thought and continued writing.There was not a lot difference in thier handwriting so hopefully no one will be able to notice.

While Jungkook was rotting his mind with civil war Hyorin was making his hot-chocolate.

Hope this taste good She thought and closed the machine after it was done pouring the milk.

She took the chocolate chip cookies and slow walked to Jungkook.

Aww he looks like he is having a hard time there.No wonder even I hate civil war! She thought as she kept the tray.

Upon hearing the sound Jungkook looked up.Seeing the delisious treat in front of him he beamed.

she worked hard I guess because the hot-chocolate smells wonderfull and the cookies are perfect too He thought.

"Thank you Hyorin." He said and gave her a smile.

"Enjoy and oh if it's too hard leave it okay? I'll do it then."Hyorin said and gave him a light smile'

She looks cute.AISH !!! Jungkook thought.

"No it's okay and I will enjoy it." He said and went back to writing again.

"Okay then."Hyorin said and went.

Jungkook took a sip from the hot-chocolate and smiled

just what I thought,wonderful


After all the customers were gone the time was 11:30 p.m!!!!

Hyorin came back after cleaning the last table.

"Woah that was a long day to you!" Jungkook said as she came and sat down next to him.

"There are usually more customers.I end up in 12 too." Hyorin said and yawned a bit.

Jungkook chuckeled seeing her cuteness.

"Guess what I finished all three." He said in a proud voice.

Shocked Hyorins body jolted up.

"What!?! Are you even human??" She asked surprised.

Jungkook smiled and nodded ,seeing Hyorins wide eyes he chuckeled again.

"Guess we have to go it's pretty late.Thanks again for doing my homework.I owe you alot now."Hyorin said.

"I was able to do all that because of that wonderful hot-chocolate and cookies.It was really good,not kidding!" Jungkook said.

"Really!?! was it that good!?! Thank you for that too.Now we really have to go or we'll be late for school tomorrow." Hyorin said and got up.

Sighing he got up too.

"Hey give me my bag."Hyorin said as she reached for it,but Jungkook pulled it behinde his back and shooked his head and said.

"I saw you working like hell,so you must be really exsausted.Let me carry this." 

Sighing she gave up and together they went out of he shop.

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i updated so tell me what u guys think and i wont be able 2 come online a lot but i will try my best,thanks giys:-)


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Wait doe! THIS IS FINISHED?! Damn, how in the world did you even... WAH?!
Chapter 20: Good job! sorry for commenting late, I didn't come online as you know! -___- I was lazy. but Good job!
Chapter 19: KIND OF GETTING REALLY CONFUSING 0_O but quite interesting. Sorry for commenting late, didn't come on AFF for a while! How are you Senu? Any better?? Still sick? BUT Anyway.......... WTH is happening? X) I have no idea what's going on! LOL, thanks for the update!
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 19: Oh I get it now is shin trying to save they life from jungkook`s mother
stephanfelix #5
Chapter 18: Are you so serious
stephanfelix #6
Chapter 17: Wow what just happened thanks for updating
Chapter 16: Wow ur getting quite good darling! I actually really like this! Good job! And u have improved! That's awesome!
Okay so as u want I will remove co author :D good luck! And btw darling, it's copy RIGHT not write :D hoped it helped. ^^
Chapter 15: lol @her text
Chapter 14: aka me who guessed :D