To The Devil's Room Or More Like Hell

Classmates or more?

Hyorins P. O. V

What did he do? Oh well , good luck Jungkook. May you return back hopefully  I thought as Jungkook stepped out.

I was going to read the text book again when something caught my eye. 

What's this? I thought as I took the paper that was kept at the corner on top of my desk.

What the-? Oh yeah I was paying attention! What - My thoughts were suddenly stoped.

"Kim Hyorin, you're wanted at the priciples office." Mr. Jongmin said not even daring to take his eyes away from the file he was currently looking at.

But what did I do?? I thought because of course I didn't want to ask Mr. Jongmin that and get in to more trouble.

I got up and took slow steps to the door.

I could feel the never ending eyes looking at me now with the same looks they gave to Jungkook who left before.

I came out and took a deep breath.

You can do this Hyorin  I cheered to myself as I closed the door after i stepped out.

After going down that really, really long flight of stairs I finally came to the main hall.

I walked around a bit and came near the to the doom demension( that's what I call it tho ).

Just four steps away, go.Come on Hyorin!! another voice said inside my head.

Nodding to myself I slowly opened the door that was marked 'THE PRINCIPLE'

What the heck!?! I thought as I was really confused to see two laughing men.


Jungkooks P. O. V

Is this my lucky day or something?  I thought as I laughed along with the principle.

Guess what,  after scolding me for sometime the principle suddenly started to tell me about his childhood. I was like- What the hell??

Anyway while we both were laughing our heads off the door suddenly pushed open.

In stepped my arch enemy.

What was her name again?.... Oh right it was Hyorin something right? I thought as she came in and sat on the chair next to me.

"Now Miss. Hyorin will you please explain why you were passing love notes to Mr. Jungkook here?" The principle asked.

I looked at her and sure enough just as I hoped her expression was like-w... What did you...j ..just...say???


Hyorins P. O. V

Did I hear him correctly?? Oh yes,yes I did. He asked me did I pass LOVE NOTES to this annoying jerk here!!!! Ha!! As it I would ever do that!!! What's wrong with this devil today!?! He's freaking calm!!! Also happy??  Thoughts suddenly shot into my brain.

"No-n-no that's a misunderstanding. Well what actually happend was,well I got a love note from someone else. So I  was trying to throw it to the dustbin that was right next to him.But it landed on his desk instead." I lied.

The priciple nodded his head.

"Okay. So now since you're innocent like Jungkook here, off you too go then." He said and gave us both a FREAKING SMILE!!!

What is wrong with him today!!??!! I thought as I nodded and exited the room without caring to see if he came out with me too.

I ran back to class because I didn't want to walk with HIM!!!


A/N: Please comment and tell me what you think  guys!!!

I really love reading them!!! 


A/N chapter was edited :)

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i updated so tell me what u guys think and i wont be able 2 come online a lot but i will try my best,thanks giys:-)


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Wait doe! THIS IS FINISHED?! Damn, how in the world did you even... WAH?!
Chapter 20: Good job! sorry for commenting late, I didn't come online as you know! -___- I was lazy. but Good job!
Chapter 19: KIND OF GETTING REALLY CONFUSING 0_O but quite interesting. Sorry for commenting late, didn't come on AFF for a while! How are you Senu? Any better?? Still sick? BUT Anyway.......... WTH is happening? X) I have no idea what's going on! LOL, thanks for the update!
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 19: Oh I get it now is shin trying to save they life from jungkook`s mother
stephanfelix #5
Chapter 18: Are you so serious
stephanfelix #6
Chapter 17: Wow what just happened thanks for updating
Chapter 16: Wow ur getting quite good darling! I actually really like this! Good job! And u have improved! That's awesome!
Okay so as u want I will remove co author :D good luck! And btw darling, it's copy RIGHT not write :D hoped it helped. ^^
Chapter 15: lol @her text
Chapter 14: aka me who guessed :D