Another day another bad luck,well glad it's not us! But it still hurts!

Classmates or more?



The night last night at helamonies house was something Jungkook could never forget,it kept replaying in his mind as if it was a broken projector replaying the same part over and over again.

To be honest he felt brave and less scared now after what he did last night,he felt that he could freely be around her when ever he wanted. Some students were surely surprised at his change. That incident last night was marked gold and ranked first in his heart,everytime he thought of it he would want to bite hi lip hard down to keep himself calm from fanboying or thinking erted like.

Usually he would have a sulked scorny face when he goes to school not to miss the messy but still hot hair too. Now he would have this huge cheeky smile or grin. He would sometimes hum songs,cheery ones not his scorny dark ones. His hair was now neatly pushed up revealing his forehead. His difference would be spotted even more than someone spotting their mistakes. 

At times he would even come extra early and help the teachers or anyone, smiles were delivered to girls rather than scoffs or ignorings. He litterally changed more than 360 degrees.

All this happened because of one single moment shared between them last night.

*Oh gods I am such a erted idiot! Dame you Hyorin for making me like this, Arrrghhh why!? Why did you have to take a bath right at that time!? Plus why do you have to have such soft lips,You steal my kisses like it is no big deal!! Aish!! Ottokae!? Gods I am going mad!! And it is all because of her!!*

Jungkook was so busy in his thoughts calming and controling land that his eyes failed to notice the hug that was going to tackel him litterally to his death.

"Bro I'm so happy for you!!"

"What the hell Taehyung!? You almost killed me!!" Jungkook shouted(well sort of).

"I know what you did last night you little pice of ert!" Taehyung said with a smirk almost teasingly poking his chest too. Jungkooks eyes wided as marbles as his face showed the question of 'what the fuge!? How!?'

His friend chuckled at his expression and mentioned him to lean in close so he can whisper,obeying Jungkook leaned in.

'I was watching you too always as helamoni told me to.'

At his reply fear rosed though Jungkooks veins.

"You what!?" 

Taehyung gives his a teasing smile and leaves the class making Jungkook confused as a puzzled wool ball.

*Pffttt as if I might tell that little pice of how I was watching them,dame I almost gave my identity out! Hmm I have to get that Hyorin fast* Taehyung thought as he went out a creepy and evil smile plastered on his face.

That evening Jungkook took a quick wash after eating the gopchang his neighbour gave him (he was forever great full for that) and did his homework fast as it was easy.

Then finally relaxed and took out his phone to text his well sort of crush mode right now. The only thing that caught his eye and nearly gave him a heart attack was the message sent by her to him in big bold and capital letters.


Not even bothering to change his clothes he raced out and got into his neighbours car after shouting his reason and drove full speed to the hospital even though it was illegal and cops were chasing him he went to her room only to see a weeping boy who turned out to be her boyfriend.  His name was Kim Hyunshik and was the same age as her but in a different school. Nothing of that mattered to him,the only thing he knew qas his cousin never actually got into fights. 


He went out only to spot a guy or a girl in a hood quickly dissappear around the corner covering his or hers face, he wanted to follow the stranger but the blurr him out,the last thing he saw was a smiling Taehyung.

*What the fuge!?* the thought played in his minde before he out


Hey guys sorry for not updating I was busy as a bee with personal and non personal stuff. Hope you guys understand.  Please do comment and if I have done any mistakes feel free to tell me.

Thank you all who are still reading this!! ( I doubt anyone is oh well ottokae?)




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i updated so tell me what u guys think and i wont be able 2 come online a lot but i will try my best,thanks giys:-)


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Wait doe! THIS IS FINISHED?! Damn, how in the world did you even... WAH?!
Chapter 20: Good job! sorry for commenting late, I didn't come online as you know! -___- I was lazy. but Good job!
Chapter 19: KIND OF GETTING REALLY CONFUSING 0_O but quite interesting. Sorry for commenting late, didn't come on AFF for a while! How are you Senu? Any better?? Still sick? BUT Anyway.......... WTH is happening? X) I have no idea what's going on! LOL, thanks for the update!
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 19: Oh I get it now is shin trying to save they life from jungkook`s mother
stephanfelix #5
Chapter 18: Are you so serious
stephanfelix #6
Chapter 17: Wow what just happened thanks for updating
Chapter 16: Wow ur getting quite good darling! I actually really like this! Good job! And u have improved! That's awesome!
Okay so as u want I will remove co author :D good luck! And btw darling, it's copy RIGHT not write :D hoped it helped. ^^
Chapter 15: lol @her text
Chapter 14: aka me who guessed :D