Tell her today before it is too late okay? :)

Classmates or more?


"Should we tell Suga and Jimin?" Namjoon asked as he slowly turned and faced Jin who was currently searching J-hopes number to tell him about their sneeky spy plan.

"Hmm no." Jin said and turned to face him and leaned to the tower like pole.

"Why?" Namjoon asked,confused by the fact why Jin said not to tell.

"Aish you dummy! remember last time we played a trick on Kookie and Jimin gave us up? So~ he's the reason."Jin said in a matter-of-factly way.

"Ohh~ but we can Suga right? He won't tell cause he probably will forget it by a day." Namjoon asked.

"Yeah.Oh what is she doing here?" Jin said as he suddely got alerted that his gaze was now like a devil.

"Who are you talking about? Oh her,dang it! why the hell is she everywhere we go?" Namjoon said in disguted voice.

Far on the right side to the sleepy pair Gayoung was walking while listening to music and an ice-cream cone.

"Ooh~ I wish she was a guy so I can beat her up,seriously that woman is a life ruiner! " Jin said as he made a face at the walking devil.

"Then it won't match the story dummy." Namjoon said in a are-you-that-dumb-way.

They both slowly came out of their hiding place and walked to the sleeping pair slowly trying not to get noticed by Gayoung as much as they can.

Meanwhile Hyorin was having the worst dream ever.

Why? because Jeon Jungkook was in it.

/the dream/

"Hyorin-ah,I want to say something to you." Jungkook said as they sat in the soft grass to look at the sunset.

"What is it?" Hyorin asked not even looking at him.

"Don't panick or do any sort of dumb thing related to that okay?" Jungkook said in a advise givving like voice.

"Umm~o~kay." Hyorin said,this time finally looking at him.

Jungkook took a deep breath,let it out.

He turned to her full,took her hand.

Is he going to say it? The three three word thing? Hyorin thought,just then for no mere reason her heart to beat a bit fast.

"Kim Hyorin I wanted to say that .....You look really,awfully grumpy and ugly." Jungkook said and smiled.

"WHAT THE HELL KOOKIE!!??!!" Hyorin brust out  while Jungkook was doubled up in laughter.

"No that's not the real thing.I ....." 

The sounds were starting to go down and Hyorin couldn't hear the last part which Jungkook was going to say.

She woke up slowly and tried to lift her head but could not.

What the- Hyorin thought.She was surprised to see the male next to her peacefully sleeping away.

Right I forgot I fell asleep along with him.Dang he looks so~ cute when He's snoring.Wait what? Hyorins thoughts were disturbed when she saw that they were holding hands.

Holy fuge nuts!!! don't tell me we were holding are hands while we were sleeping.Omma~ what the heck is happening!?! us.

Hyorin dragged her hand in a fast way which only woke up the sleeping beauty next to her.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you up." Hyorin said as Jungkook shook his head to get the sleepyness away.

"Hmm? Oh! no,it's okay.How long have we been like this? Sleeping?" Jungkook asked while he rubbed his eyes.

He is super cute!! kyaa~ Hyorin thought.

Not hearing a answere Jungkook looked to his left only to see Hyorin staring at him with a weird ,creepy(acorrding to him) smile.

"Woah!!" He burst out creeped by her smile.

Hyorin snapped out of her pool of thoughts and shook her head.

"Uh you two done with the love talks cause we need to go."

Both Hyorin and Jungkook flinced at hearing that voice.

"Jin Hyung!?! You were listening and watching this whole time!?!" Jungkook asked as he hastily got up.

"Well~ not just me,Namjoon heared the love talk too." Jin said rubbing the back of his neck.

"First of all it was not a love talk hyung! " Jungkook said.

"Whatever,we gotta go life ruiner is here." Jin said as he turned around to go.

Life ruiner!?! could they be talking about Gayoung?? Hyorin thought as she slowly got up.

"Life ruiner? Who is that?" She asked.

"Gayoung,who else?" Namjoon said.

"I guess it tho." Hyorin mumbled.


"Hmm so my guess was correct.I knew they would be here.Poor Jin and Namjoon,they saw me a lot later.Now I only need to make some posters using these pictures.Oh well." Gayoung mumbled to her self in a cold voice.

She took out her phone and dialed a number.

Still the same annoying ringtone huh?  Gayoung thought.

After a long annoying wait of the ringging the call was finally picked up/

"Hello?" The other line caller asked.

"Yo it's me Gayoung,I need a favour think you can do it?" She asked.

"Sure,anything to you Gayoung,so tell me what do have to do?" The cold male voice asked.

"Lee Jungmin you know my cousin bro Jeon Jungkook right?" Gayoung asked twilling one of the long curles on the end of her hair.

"Yeah,the one who looks grumpy at times?" Jungmin asked.

"Yeah him." Gayoung said in a matter-of-factly voice.

As you might have guessed Gayoung told Jungmin her plan.

After a long conversation she ended the call.

"Jeon Jungkook,Kim Hyorin.You guys better be ready for this." Gayoung thought smugly.


"Phew at least it over,man I'll never watch this thing again! It litterrally made my soul jump out of my body!! " Jimin said as soon as the movie was over.

"Thanks to you all I heard was'AHH SAVE ME OMMA!!!" and "NO NO NO~ LEAVE THE WOMAN ALONE~!!!" seesh your like the best movie partner ever." Suga said his voice filled with sarcasam.

Jimin pouted.

"Aish Jimin seriously? This is not the place for aegyo!" Suga said.

Before Jimin could do or say anything Suga left the thearter.

"Hyung don't leave me alone~!!!!! " Jimin shouted as he Suga go out the door.

Making weird sounds and cursing both suga and the ghost from the movie he ran while hugging himself .

"Ugh,now I'll have to deal with this annoying"Don't leave me alone~!!!!" thing forever!!." Suga said as he quickened his walk.

"Hyunnnng~!!! Waaait~~~!!!!!" Jimin yelled.

"Holy peanuts save me!!! " Suga said.

"Oi Suga! hurry up we got to go,life ruiner is here,where the heck is Jimin?" Taehyung said.

Suga ran to him.

"Where were you this whole time!?! " Suga asked in a almost-about-to-yell voice.

"The movie was boring so I went to the jumpy car ride." Taehyung said and gave him a geeky ,wide smile.

"Isn't that for 6 year olds?" Suga asked.

Taehyung nodded,before Suga could ask anymore questions Jimin came running hugging himself and panting too.

"Hyung I thught I told you to wait!! " Jimin whines like a four year old.

"Oh shut that crap up! it is annoying when you whine!" Suga said.

"Aww don't be mad at him!,poor thing has gooebumps even!!" Taehyung said.

"Wht the hell am I stuck with you pabos?" Suga mumbled as they headed to the others.



"So here are your chlothes and here is your hairband." Jungkook said as he handing her the stuff she forgot to take..

"Thanks,so guess I'll be going now then,bye?" Hyorin said.

To her most shocking surpise Jungkook hugged her.

"Goodbye,be careful when your going okay?" Jungkook said in father-care-sound like voice.

"O-okay.See you!" Hyorin said and ran as soon as he let her go.

"I SAID BE CAREFUL!! SO THAT MEANS WALK ,NOT RUN KIM HYORIN!!!" She heared Jungkook shout at her.

Not even replying she slowed her speed and started walking.

She looked back and saw a small figure waving at her.

She waved back.

Jeon Jungkook you really are confusing me,why do I keep thinking that by the way? heh weird me.Hyorin thought.

A sile lit up her face and she did not even know it.


Jungkook plopped on to his bed and started to rethink everymoment he and Hyorin had.

This is bad~ maybe I'm the first male to start liking a girl so fast,but what to do!?! He thought and smashed a pillow on his face.

"Yonsue are you making me like her because you were just like her? If so thaqnk you." He said to himself,but pictured Yonsue in his mind.

"I guessed I should do what Jin hyung told me,before someone else takes Hyorin." Jungkook said as he remembered what his hyung told him back in the park.

/flahback people,flashback :)/

"Hyung why did you call me over here?" Jungkook asked.

"You like her huh?" Jin asked not even daring to answere the dongsengs question.

"What? oh! umm...Yean I do." Jungkook said taking his time.

"Then tell her before it's too late." Jin said.

"What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asked confused if he ment guys,or the witch.

"Gayoung,that's what I mean,befor she does something tell her." Jin said.

"But hyung,do you think she will accept it? " Jungkook asked.

He liked talking life problems with Jin because believe it or not,Jin has experienced them,not all but some.

"I'm sure she will." Jin said in a positive voice.

"How are you sure?" Jungkook asked.

"Didn't you see her looking at you with a lovly gaze?" Jin asked.

"" Jungkook said akwardly.

"Why dumbo when you were rolling your eyes,she was looking at you with a loving gaze!!! " Jin said in I-can-not-believe-your-this-dumb tone.

"O~ you mean the cree~py smiling face? That's called a love gaze!?! " Jungkook asked surprised.

"Obviously dummy!!" Jin said.

 Their talk continued for a very long time back there for your information.

"Okay then,I'm gonna do it!! Here goes my roasted jumbo fuge nuts!!" Jungkook said and took his phone.

He got Hyorins number that day when the Ikuto guy called.

Actually the call eneded lond time ago back that day.

Jungkook was actally taking her phonenumber then,and Hyorin did not even notice,pretty smart and cool huh?

With saying that Jungkook messaged her,saying-


He didn't know why he used capslock,but he didn't mind.

To his surprise she replyed.












(sorry if your not ;P)



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i updated so tell me what u guys think and i wont be able 2 come online a lot but i will try my best,thanks giys:-)


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Wait doe! THIS IS FINISHED?! Damn, how in the world did you even... WAH?!
Chapter 20: Good job! sorry for commenting late, I didn't come online as you know! -___- I was lazy. but Good job!
Chapter 19: KIND OF GETTING REALLY CONFUSING 0_O but quite interesting. Sorry for commenting late, didn't come on AFF for a while! How are you Senu? Any better?? Still sick? BUT Anyway.......... WTH is happening? X) I have no idea what's going on! LOL, thanks for the update!
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 19: Oh I get it now is shin trying to save they life from jungkook`s mother
stephanfelix #5
Chapter 18: Are you so serious
stephanfelix #6
Chapter 17: Wow what just happened thanks for updating
Chapter 16: Wow ur getting quite good darling! I actually really like this! Good job! And u have improved! That's awesome!
Okay so as u want I will remove co author :D good luck! And btw darling, it's copy RIGHT not write :D hoped it helped. ^^
Chapter 15: lol @her text
Chapter 14: aka me who guessed :D