Seriously chingu? confession? wow

Classmates or more?




Hyorin came to school way early as in way~ early.

She couldn't sleep peacefully last night thanks to Mr.Confusing me as hell.

Grumping she went to the class that was way~ upstairs that it could've reached hevan.

That confusing pabo didn't let me sleep peacefully. I'm gonna kill him for sure.She thought as she entered the class room eyes closed for a bit of sleepyness.

"Good morning Miss.Grumpy face." 

The familliar voice and the bratty greeting made Hyorins sleepyness go away in a fraction of seconde.

"What are you doing here!?!" She asked the boy which was Jungkook by the way that was using four tables to make a not so comfy but can manage bed.

"Aish! are you that dump? I'm here to learn,what else can I do?" He asked her as she came and sat next to him.

":Yeah ,yeah I know,but what are you doing so early?" She asked as she pulled open the curtains.

"Nothing just came.Why are you so early by the way?" Jungkook asked as he got off his table bed and went and stood beside her.

"Oh my alarm rang too early." Hyorin lied.

"Huh? that's an akward thing to say.Whatever guess that's true though." Jungkook said and began to move the desks back to the correct places they belonged to.

Pabo he bileved it Hyorin thought as she smiled a bit looking at the busy Jungkook.


(oh wait forgot to say that the History teacher was absent so yehet the handwritting thing wasn't caught)

Jungkook was making his way to the cafitiria when his friend Taehyun blocked his path.

"You never guessed what happened in the singing club!! We got a new member! and it's someone you know!" He said to Jungkook in a excited voice.

"Someone I know? Who could it be?" He mumered.

"Come on man it's that girl, who was she? Hyorin right her,the girl you told me about last night.The one that gave you cookies for free and confusing you,her,she's the new member!" Taehyun said in a way to fast voice of excitment.

"Dude I know when you just say Hyorin,what is she doing there though,she's the only girl right?" Jungkook asked his friend.

"Hold on let me see.There's Jin hyung,pabo Jimin and me then you and her.Wait your right she's the only girl there is!" Taehyun said after counting his fingers.

Bet she didn't knew,this is gonna be fun though,in someway Jungkook thought.

Just as they were about to go Namjoon came running to them.

"Guess what that girl she's in the rapping club and dance.God she's so~ talented.Bet she's the only girl that raps in our school."He said after panting for a while.

What the hell!?! rap ??? you freaking kidding me??? Hyorin just what are you woman? Jungkook thought as he went without saying bye to his friends.

"What's with him? He has been acting a bit weird lately." Namjoon asked Taehyun as he nodded to Jungkook who was long gone.

"Beats me,come on lets go I'm starving~" Taehyun said and dragged the confused Namjoon along with him.


Meanwhile Hyorin was coming back from who-knows-where when her friend Hara  pulled her to a corner harshly.

"Ow Hara that hurts woman!!" Hyorin said to her friend.

"You''ll never guess what happened." Hara said in a squeale like voice.

"What?" Hyorin asked a bit annoyed as she rubbed her arm.

"J-hope confessed to me!!!!!" Hara blabered out loud.

"WHAT!!!???!!! CONGRATS!!!" Hyorin said and squashed her friend in to a bear hug.

"Hyorin...I...can't.....bre...ath." Hara said as she struggled to get off her over joyed friened.

"Oh shoot sorry."Hyorin said as she broke away.

"So when did he do it?" She continued to ask Hara to grt more details.

"Last night on the phone." She said.

Hyorin caught a shade of light pink on Haras cheek and smirked.

Hyorin knew that J-hope had a crush in Hara,it was sort of obvious because ever scince the day J-hope knew that Hara was a friened of Hyorin he keppt begging her to give him Haras number.Also he acted weird around her sometimes though.

"Hope you two have an awesome life in the future,make lots of children too." Hyorin said

"YAH!!!! don't say stuff like that it's making me....blush." Hara said

"HA HA HA HAAA" Hyorin brust out laughing while looking at Hara.

"YA~!!! stop it!!" Hara said as she lightly slaped Hyorins arm.

"Okay ,okay sorry." She said after recovering from her hard laugh.

"By the way I gotta go,J-hope told me to come eat lunch with him,see ya later!~" Hara said and ran off.

"Wait!! am I suppose to eat alone?" She yelled/asked Hara

But she was long gone.

Sighing she slowly walked to the cafitiria.

Guess I'm gonna eat alone today.Ah well love-dovey people need their time alone right? so I might as well bare it.Hyorin thought.

Actually the thing was Jungkook was passing by and he heared some of the conversation,

.Upon hearing Hyorins voice he sort of wanted to listen a bit more,so as you might have gussed he eavesdropped.

"So that's why he was acting giddy and weird today in dancing." Jungkook mumbled to himself.

Then when he saw Hyorins friend leave he smirked for no reason.

I love my brain for giving me this kind of ideas He thought and sort of fast walked to Hyorin.

"Yo!" He said as he caught up to her.

"What the-You!!,you scared me to death pabo!" Hyorin said.

"Wanna come and eat lunch with me?" Jungkook asked ignoring her.

"What do-" Before Hyorin could even finish what she was about to say Jungkook grabbed her handand dragged her to the table he sat along with the other boys.

"Don't say "no" because I'm gonna drag you even if you say that." He said.

ooh I hate him a lot!! Hyorin thought as she got dragged.




so tell me what you think by commenting below(I love reading them!!!)

Also yay~ Hoppie oppa he confessed to Hara

oh wait! Tell me if you guys wanna know a bit about their relationship too

I'll side add them.

So what do you think will happen in the lunch table hmm?

How will the other members react?

So if you wanna know stay tuned~

Comment too please~!!!

till the next time~ 

xo xo ~

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i updated so tell me what u guys think and i wont be able 2 come online a lot but i will try my best,thanks giys:-)


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Wait doe! THIS IS FINISHED?! Damn, how in the world did you even... WAH?!
Chapter 20: Good job! sorry for commenting late, I didn't come online as you know! -___- I was lazy. but Good job!
Chapter 19: KIND OF GETTING REALLY CONFUSING 0_O but quite interesting. Sorry for commenting late, didn't come on AFF for a while! How are you Senu? Any better?? Still sick? BUT Anyway.......... WTH is happening? X) I have no idea what's going on! LOL, thanks for the update!
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 19: Oh I get it now is shin trying to save they life from jungkook`s mother
stephanfelix #5
Chapter 18: Are you so serious
stephanfelix #6
Chapter 17: Wow what just happened thanks for updating
Chapter 16: Wow ur getting quite good darling! I actually really like this! Good job! And u have improved! That's awesome!
Okay so as u want I will remove co author :D good luck! And btw darling, it's copy RIGHT not write :D hoped it helped. ^^
Chapter 15: lol @her text
Chapter 14: aka me who guessed :D