What Will It Take?


Sehun would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy when Baekhyun had cut off communication with Chanyeol. Who could blame him? Chanyeol was just someone he didn’t like. He didn’t hate him, but he didn’t necessarily like him either.

His dating history is a touchy subject and he had the nerve to step all over it like it was nothing. Doesn’t give him any brownie points at all. Chanyeol even had the nerve to bring it up in front of Baekhyun, Yixing, and Jongdae. Having it be said again to Baekhyun was bad enough, but nowmore of Baekhyun’s friends had to find out like that, it irked him.


However, it’s been around two weeks since the disastrous lunch and Baekhyun’s being weird again. It wasn’t noticeable a week ago, but Sehun’s been noticing Baekhyun spacing off again. He keeps looking at his phone as if he was expecting a call or text, but gets disappointed each time he checks and sees no new messages on his screen.

Sehun knows he’s waiting for Chanyeol to say something, hoping it’ll be an apology. But it doesn’t seem to coming any time soon. He wants to ask Baekhyun about it, although Baekhyun’s been avoiding the topic of Chanyeol at all cost.

Even Jongdae and Yixing can’t get Chanyeol to talk to Baekhyun. Apparently they’ve been trying to get Chanyeol to say something, but he’s being just as stubborn as Baekhyun. And Sehun thought he was stubborn. If his five year crush had anything to say anything about his stubbornness.

The two were at Baekhyun's apartment at much insistence from Sehun. Sehun made sure to say that there was no underlying motive besides saving money because his broke college student bank account is going even more bankrupt. Despite Baekhyun's protests of not letting Sehun pay for their food, he still paid. Now Baekhyun has to cook a decent lunch so they'll stop eating out and save Sehun's dying wallet.

"What's for lunch?" Sehun poked his head into the kitchen from the living room with a smile. His smile disappeared when he saw Baekhyun's blank face as he stirred whatever was in the pan. Sehun thinks it's fried rice, but that's not his concern at the moment.


He quietly passed over to where he was, standing next to him in silence as he watched him stir around the food. "Hyung?" No response. "Baekhyun hyung?" Nothing. "...Baekhyun." He said his name no louder than a whisper, surprisingly he didn't even a glance towards him. Typically the response he got when he didn't address him as hyung would get him an embarrassed reaction. Out of the both of them really.


He didn't like the spacey Baekhyun. Sehun wanted the loud and dorky hyung he was used to being around.


Sehun leaned against the counter next to the stove and watched the languid movements of Baekhyun. "Hyung," he tried again.


This time Baekhyun looked up at him in surprise. "Oh. Sehun," he looked toward the doorway to the kitchen and back at him. "When did you get in here? I thought I told you stay in the living room," Baekhyun pointed the wooden spoon at him as he gave him a stern look.


"I've been in here for a few minutes. I just wanted to see if you needed any help," he pushed down the wooden spoon and shut off the fire. "If you go any longer I think the rice would have burnt and we would have to go out. Which would defeat the entire purpose of coming here."


Baekhyun stared blankly into the steaming rice and slowly nodded. "Yeah you're right!" He smiled returning to his happy persona. "Now, now. Go to the living room so I can serve you."


He began to push Sehun out, Sehun let himself be pushed out. But a question that's been bugging him, made him protest the movement.


"Hyung?" He planted his feet into the floor and Baekhyun stopped pushing him. A hum of acknowledgement came from him and Sehun continued with his question. "Shouldn't you make up with Chanyeol?"


The hands on his back flinched slightly and dug into his shirt slightly. "Why should I?"


Sehun turned around to face him and took away the spoon he still had in his hand, placing it in the counter next to him. "Hyung, you've been acting weird since I met him at the restaurant. I know he said some stuff that was out of line, but shouldn’t you guys stop ignoring each other?"


"I don't need someone who's going to diss my own boyfriend!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he stomped his foot.


Sehun gently cupped his face and tilted his face up to look at him in the eyes. Baekhyun's cheeks turned slightly pink at the contact, Sehun ignored the squeeze in his chest when he felt the softness of his cheeks.


"I know he said some things about me. But Baekhyun, he is your best friend. Don't give him up just because of me."


Baekhyun bit down on his bottom lip. He grabbed Sehun's hands and took them off of his cheeks. "I don't care. Nobody is allowed to say bad things about you and get away with it!"


"Hyung," Sehun grabbed his hands and kept a gentle, but firm grip on him. "You haven't been acting like yourself ever since you stopped talking to him. I know you care for me, but you care for him too."


"No I don't!" Baekhyun screamed out, tearing his hands out from Sehun's grip.




"You're wrong. I don't care about him or his opinion!"


"Then why do you keep looking at your phone like you're expecting him to call?!" Sehun snapped. "I know you don't like him that way, but the way you're acting is like you're hoping for something. I don't know if it's cause you want to be with him-"


"I don't want to be with him! I want to be with you!" Baekhyun interrupted.


"Then why won't you act like it?!" At this point the two of them were screaming at each other, food long forgotten and Sehun wanted to know why he's so wound up about Chanyeol.


"I-I..." Baekhyun's argument died on his tongue as his lips quivered, looking like he was going to burst into tears any moment.


Sehun felt his stomach twist with guilt as he saw Baekhyun's hands tug at the bottom of his shirt. "I'm sorry."


Baekhyun looks up at him with glistening eyes. "What?"


"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm also sorry for butting into the issue about Chanyeol," Sehun feels his throat closing up on him and now he's the one who feels like crying. "But. I'm not taking back what I said about you." He almost wants to throw up at how similar he sounds to Chanyeol. "Please Baekhyun. I just want you to go back to normal. Chanyeol is also part of what makes you, you and I acknowledge it. He might not like me. Might never like me, but I don't want you to cut him off because he said one or two bad things about me."


Baekhyun resolutely shakes his head and Sehun wants to punch something. "I'm perfectly fine without Chanyeol."




"No Sehun. I'm not forgiving him for what he said about you." Sehun just wants to shake some sense into Baekhyun, but he holds back to listen to what he had to say. "If Chanyeol wants to be my friend again, then he has to apologize. Not to me, but to you."  


"Just talk to hi-"


The way Baekhyun looks at him, makes him stop talking and drop his argument. He sighs in defeat as his shoulders slump.


"Good." Baekhyun picks up the wooden spoon on the counter and begins to reheat the now cold rice. "Wait for me in the living room."


Sehun bounces up and down on his feet, itching to say more. But he doesn't. Instead he hangs his head and drags his feet as he goes to the living room.


Sehun's not done with this.


It's only one day later when he stands in front of a door that had the numbers '361' with an intimidating small white doorbell on the side. The paper with the address in his hand is crumpled into a ball as he balled up his hands into fists. The crumpled paper uncomfortably dug into his palm as he stood there staring into the grains of the wood.


Sehun raised a knuckle to knock, but only managed to softly tap the wood. He groaned as he tugged at his hair and jumped around the hall.


He kneeled down with his fists tightening around locks of brown hair. "You got this Sehun. This is for Baekhyun. It's going to help everyone. Help Baekhyun. Help whatever is going on between you and Chanyeol. It'll be alright. The worst he can do is kick you out. No biggie. You'll just have to come back again. And maybe again. Possibly camp out in this hallway if it still doesn’t work..."


He hangs his head after the small encouragement speech to himself. "Who am I kidding..."


A cough brings him back to reality. He turns around to find Chanyeol holding a paper bag filled to the brim with groceries and spinning his keys around his finger.


"How'd you find out where I lived?"


Sehun stared at him, looking stupid with his jaw hanging low and his hands protectively hanging around his head. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and stopped spinning his keys to unlock his door.


"Answer me," Chanyeol pushed his door open and held it open with his foot. "Or you're not coming inside."


The younger's eyes widened and stood up properly, raising the hand that held the crumpled paper. "Uh Jongdae hyung gave it to me..."


Chanyeol's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly. He sighed and walked into his apartment, leaving the door open behind him.


Sehun took a hesitant step toward the door, but strengthened his resolve as he forced a step over the threshold.


He heard cabinets open and close as he took slow steps into the unfamiliar home. The front door creaked as it closed shut behind him. Sehun fidgeted in the entryway of the apartment, not knowing what to do. He finally takes off his shoes and places it neatly next to the wall.

“Sit in the living room,” a voice calls out from within the apartment. Chanyeol appears and leans against the wall at the end of the hallway. From the small distance, Sehun can see him judging his every move. “We’ll talk there.”

With a nod, he hangs his head to walk past Chanyeol without looking him in the eye and into the living room.

Sehun took a seat on the couch while Chanyeol sat in the chair across from him. The silence in the room was making Sehun uncomfortable. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was amused at how Sehun would fidget every once in awhile.

“Talk. Why are you here?” Chanyeol crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. “I’m sure you didn’t come here for small talk.”

Sehun clenched his fists on his knees as he willed himself to calm down just enough to speak rationally to Chanyeol. “I want to know why you’re so against me and Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol shrugs a shoulder and leans back. “Simple. You’re the kind of person he shouldn’t be associating with. Nothing good ever comes from dating a playboy.”

“I’m not…” The words die off as Sehun takes a deep breath. He scratches the back of his head as he formulates his thoughts to create a response. “I’m not really a playboy. I just. Dated around for awhile. I guess you can say.” Sehun internally cringed at his word choice. He doesn’t even know what he was trying to say at this point.

“Isn’t that the definition of a playboy?” Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at the response.


His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he thought of a response. Chanyeol didn't seem wrong in his assumption. Sehun just didn't want to agree with his opinion. Even though the point of him coming here was to pacify the situation that's been bugging everyone, not disagree with everything Chanyeol says.


"Wouldn't a playboy break everyone's heart though?" Sehun questioned.


"You're telling me you didn't break people's hearts?" Chanyeol looked at him as if he was stupid. "I find that hard to believe."


"Aha," Sehun pointed a finger at him. "I didn't break everyone's heart."


"And that's any better?"


Sehun buried his face into his hands as he made a high pitched whine. He felt like this was going nowhere with the constant rebuttals to each other. Progress is needed and it's not happening.


Chanyeol watched with close eyes as Sehun dragged his hands down his face. "I have a question for you."


"Yes?" Sehun felt a little too eager to receive a question from him.


"Why did you date so many people?"


Sehun's eagerness immediately deflated when he remembers the reason as to why his dating history went to .


He didn't want to answer this. That answer is a little bit too personal for him to share. The only ones who know it are Jongin and Jongin's dogs. Honestly, he would love to keep it his way.


Unfortunately the situation at hand is not helping.


The silence he received from Sehun was not something Chanyeol was expecting. What he was expecting was a long winded answer with bull imbedded into it. Although the silence is not helping with the image of the poor boy.


A long sigh broke the silence. "Look. Chanyeol hyung I’m not here to talk about my dating history. I'm only here because of Baekhyun hyung. He's been acting weird ever since you two fought over whatever. He's been spacey, quiet, and just not the same. He misses you. I can tell. I don't know if you miss him or not, but Baekhyun sure as hell does and I don't want him to be acting the way he is anymore."


Chanyeol took in this information with a straight face, making Sehun's hands become wet with sweat as he waited for an answer.


Minutes passed when  Chanyeol finally let out a defeated sigh. "Why the hell are you so mature?"


Sehun blinked. "Excuse me?"


"I miss Baekhyun too. As a friend, don't get me wrong here," Chanyeol explained with a wave of his hand.


Sehun's eyebrows rose at the confession. "You don't like him?"


He nodded his head as he leaned back in his chair. "It looked like I did right?" A small smirk appeared on his face as Sehun stared with an expressionless face.


"But why..."


Chanyeol shrugs a shoulder. "Partially because I don't like you. The other part was to see how react. You still haven't passed either test."


"I-It was a test?" Sehun stuttered out. "W-Why?!"


"You sure have a lot of questions don't you?" Chanyeol looked at him disdainfully. He rubbed his temples and leaned his head back. "It was to see if you're good enough. Plus I still don't like you."


Sehun bit on his bottom lip as he took in this information. He wiped his hands on his knees before speaking. "Are you going to make up with Baekhyun now?"


"Course. I still don't approve of you however." With that said, Chanyeol stood up and made a move to go to the kitchen.


Sehun scrambled after him, almost falling onto his face when he tripped over nothing. Chanyeol stopped when Sehun grabbed his arm.


"What do you want now?" Chanyeol gave him an uninterested look.


The grip on his arm tightened slightly as Sehun thought for a second. "What can I do to make you like me?"


Chanyeol wanted to say 'Nothing!' But the look in Sehun’s eyes made him hesitate. He didn't like the kid. He doesn't want to like him. Yet, he's still hesitating on telling him off.


"Please!" Sehun begged. "Truth be told, I don't really like you either, but it's for Baekhyun hyung and I really don't want to make him any sadder than he already is."


They stood in silence, Sehun's grip on his arm still apparent when Chanyeol let's out a sigh, giving up. "Fine. But we'll be doing this somewhere else."


He forced Sehun's hand off of his arm and went to grab his keys from the kitchen. Chanyeol already slipped his shoes on while Sehun is still tying up his laces.


Chanyeol's about ready to leave him behind when Sehun stands up next to him, looking like he wants to say something. "What is it?"


Sehun swallows down his nervousness and tugs at his jacket sleeve. "Where are we going?"


Chanyeol thinks for a second.

"Baekhyun's place.


A/N: Bit later than I wanted originally, but it's out! Thank you all for all the comments (damn fifty nine), subscriptions (wow fifty four), and upvotes (twelve!!!!)!!!!!!! Like wow. Didn't expect this many to read this story of mine. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!

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976 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
976 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL