But Why?


"Do I look okay?" Sehun turns around with his arms out. Jongin and Luhan were both sitting on his bed. Jongin looking bored and tired, while Luhan was happily typing on his phone.


"For the thirtieth time today," Jongin said, voice exasperated. "You look fine. Your face is still as handsome as ever and your shirt is the same one from ten minutes ago and your pants are as skinny as ever."


Sehun turned around to look in the mirror again. "Do the skinny jeans make it look like I'm trying too hard? Should I wear dress pants instead?"


Jongin slaps his forehead as Sehun begins to dig through his dresser again. "Jeans are fine. If you're worried about how skinny they are, just wear a different pair."


"Good idea." Sehun pulls out another pair of black jeans, almost identical to the ones he was wearing at the moment. He stripped himself of the jeans and began the struggle to put on the new pair.


Jongin just wants to dig a hole and bury himself in it as he watches Sehun jump around to get the pants on. "You're meeting his best friend. Not his parents. I don't get why you're so worried."


Sehun turns around and points at him with an accusing finger, one hand holding his pants up. "It's not just his friend. It's his ex boyfriend from high school."


Jongin hums as he nods his head in recognition. "It's Chanyeol? So?"


"So?!" Sehun lets go of his pants and they sag slightly. "He hates me at the moment! And he probably, highly likely, still likes Baekhyun! He's competition that has a chance."


"But aren't you dating him? I think Baekhyun's current boyfriend has a lot more say than his ex and current best friend," Jongin said as he waves his hand around.


"He's right," Luhan pops into the conversation, eyes never leaving his screen. "Baekhyun wouldn't be dating you right now if Chanyeol was competition." He glances up at Sehun. "Use your brain for more than stupid formulas and codes."


"Don't best friends have like a magical say when it comes to who to date?" Sehun gestures wildly, but immediately grabs his drooping pants before they can get lower than his .


"When do I ever tell you who to date?" Jongin raises an eyebrow. "I just say if that person's a or not."


"But that still influences my opinion on who to date," Sehun explains. "Your opinion matters to me. Wouldn't it matter if Chanyeol gave a ty opinion on me?"


"Didn't he already?" Luhan and Jongin say simultaneously.


Sehun pouts and finally finishes putting his pants on. "Fine. Don't listen to me then." He rolls his shirt up to his elbows with a frown.


"We're just saying there's nothing to worry about since Baekhyun is still with you despite Chanyeol trashing you," Jongin explains. "You're overthinking things. Just go meet him and be yourself. There's nothing you can do if he doesn't like you."


Sehun sighed and pocketed his wallet. "I guess. But something still doesn't sit right with me."


"You still have that bad feeling?" Jongin asked, amazed. "It hasn't lasted this long before. Has it?"


He shakes his head. "No. It goes away after the problem's figured out. But I guess I didn't figure it out yet." Sehun sighed as he saw forty one percent left on his phone.


This gets Luhan's attention as he finally looks up from his phone. "What are you two talking about?"


"Sehun has like a sixth sense," Jongin tells him. "If something doesn't feel right to him, it's best to not do it. One time he told me not to go to a showcase and I avoided getting puked on by someone who sat in the front row." He smiled at Luhan's disgusted face.


"He's exaggerating," Sehun rolls his eyes.


"Not even! He's like a master at guessing. Correct answers on questions he guessed on, he can even predict the damn weather!" Jongin's eyes widened when an idea popped into his head. "Dude we should buy the lottery!" Jongin exclaimed as he clapped his hands.


Luhan ignored Jongin shaking his shoulder. "Do you know what's making you feel so bad?"


Sehun shakes his head, slightly messing up his gelled hair. He pushed it back to its original position with gentle hands. "I don't know and that's what's freaking me out."


"Do you think it has to do with Chanyeol?" Luhan suggested.


"I've been thinking that," Sehun said as he fixed his collar. "I'll figure it out when I meet him I guess."


"Good luck with that."


"I'll need it."


Sehun leaned down to let Baekhyun fix his hair. "Do I look okay?"


Baekhyun let out a soft chuckle as he brushed away a few stray strand of hair away from Sehun's face. "Don't worry. You look just as handsome as ever."


Sehun smiles as he stands up straight, eyes curving into crescents. "Oh so I'm handsome?"


Baekhyun scoffs as a playful smile creeps up on his face. "No. You're ugly as a donkey."


"I must be one handsome donkey then," Sehun teased and Baekhyun just playfully shoved his shoulder while he rolled his eyes.


A gagging sound comes from behind them and they turn around to see Jongdae and Yixing walk up to them with their hands intertwined. "Gross. Ever heard of getting a room?'


Baekhyun sticks his tongue out Jongdae. "Says you."


"How about the both of you go find a room and I can go eat lunch by myself?" Another voice popped in and all of the attention turned to Chanyeol who stood there with a smile.


Jongdae and Baekhyun both stuck their tongues out at him. The three friends burst out laughing while Yixing and Sehun stood off to the side. Yixing had a fond smile as he watched the three of them talk and goof off. Sehun on the other hand, shifted nervously as he watched Baekhyun happily talk with his abnormally tall friend.


The bad feeling in his stomach is back and it's making him want to puke. He swallows down the feeling with a smile when he makes eye contact with Chanyeol. Chanyeol gives him an unreadable expression and all Sehun wants to do is run. Run far far away and never come back.


Yixing places a hand on his shoulder and Sehun turns to see him looking at him in worry. "You okay? You're looking a little pale."


"I'm fine," Sehun assures him. "Didn't get that much sleep." It's not like he's lying. He couldn't sleep at all last night because of today.


Yixing doesn't look convinced, but drops the subject nonetheless.


Baekhyun watched the interaction between Yixing and Sehun, not enjoying the burning feeling in his stomach. Chanyeol noticed the discomfort on Baekhyun's face as he watched the other two.


His heart feels heavy when he finally suggests that they go and eat.


The five of them sat a table as they all looked over the menu. Yixing sat in between Baekhyun and Jongdae. While Sehun sat across from Baekhyun and next to Chanyeol.


There was tension in the air as they ordered.


The table sat in an awkward silence as they waited, only the sounds of people around them could be heard.


Sehun wanted to get out of there as Chanyeol kept giving him small side glances, that he was sure everyone else could see and wasn't sure as to why he kept doing it. If it was to make him nervous, it sure as hell was working.


Baekhyun wanted to smack Chanyeol for the way he kept looking at Sehun. He wasn't sure if Sehun was noticing it since he seemed to be occupied with his napkin. However he was noticing it and he kicked the leg that he thought to be Chanyeol's, but Sehun jumped up in his seat and looked up to stare at him with wide, questioning eyes.


He gave an him an apologetic look as he glanced over at Chanyeol who now seemed to be openly glaring at Sehun. Sehun gave a small side glance, immediately looking away when he saw Chanyeol's expression.


"One soup of the day?"


Baekhyun and Sehun were never more thankful for a waiter in their lives.


Jongdae couldn't believe what he was seeing as he ate. He was the one who made the seating arrangement, but he never thought it would make the atmosphere this awkward.


A small nudge takes him out of his thoughts and he looks over at Yixing. Jongdae gives him a curious look as he takes another look at the glare Sehun got from Chanyeol. Again. Poor kid is all he can think.


"Can you think of anything to do?" Yixing whispers as he leans over slightly. "It's gotten really awkward..."


"Ask a question? Anything to make Sehun look good to Chanyeol," as Jongdae replied Sehun almost knocked over his glass of water, almost causing a heart attack to everyone at the table. More specifically Jongdae. Less so Chanyeol.


"Good idea," Yixing mutters as he shakes off his hesitation with a smile. "Sehun!" Sehun looked up from his plate with a pleading expression. Yixing and Jongdae really can't help, but feel bad for him. Jongdae's willing to put all the blame on Chanyeol though.


"How'd you get your job at the station? I’m pretty curious and I don't think Baekhyun knows either. Right?" He looks over at Baekhyun with a wide smile that threatened to split his face. "Right?" Baekhyun immediately nods his head at the sight of Yixing's smile.


"Oh uh," Sehun clears his throat as he readjusts his sitting. Chanyeol mutters something under his breath and he stops immediately. Baekhyun gives a small glare to Chanyeol, but Chanyeol looks away when he looks at him.


Jongdae and Yixing cringe at the interactions between the two. Jongdae thinks it's kind of like a mom trying to get her son to play nicely with the other kids at the playground. Yixing just wants it to be over with.


"My uncle offered a paid internship with the station. I just took it and the current news anchor had some health problems so the head person there just kinda ordered me to do the job to me?" Sehun took a shaky sip of water as Chanyeol watched him with judging eyes.


"What do you mean kinda ordered you?" Yixing asked in hopes to direct Sehun's attention away from Chanyeol.


"He said 'do it or I won't pay you.' I'm a broke college kid. I had no choice," Sehun shrugs as if it was nothing.


Chanyeol scoffed. "They couldn't find anyone else to do it? They had to hire some kid?"


"I asked if there was someone else who could do it, but he never said anything," Sehun explained as he pokes at the lump of pasta on his plate. "I don't get why he asked me b-"


"Maybe it was because of your face," Chanyeol joked, interrupting Sehun.


Sehun thinned his lips out and scratches the back of his head. "Um. It kind of actually was because of my face."


A silence came over the table at the somewhat expected revelation. Jongdae accidentally let out a laugh, but held it back when Yixing slapped his arm.


"Wooow," Jongdae snickered once he calmed down. "Quite a narcissist aren't ya Sehun?"


Sehun's cheeks darkened into a light pink as he sputtered out denials. Jongdae smile turned cat like as he watched Sehun panic. He was finding great joy in teasing the youngest.


Chanyeol raised an eyebrow as he watched Sehun take a sip of water to cool himself down from the embarrassment. He looked over at Baekhyun and saw a hint of a smile on his face. His face darkened slightly as he stabbed a piece of broccoli.


"Don't even deny that you don't have a nice face when you've dated twenty people," Chanyeol commented with a shrug. "Your face got you your job. I’m pretty sure you were able to get people in bed with you."


Sehun was about to respond, albeit angrily, but his phone interrupted what he was going to say. He grabbed his phone and excused himself, telling them he had to take the call.


Baekhyun watched him head in the direction of the bathroom before he turned to glare at Chanyeol.


"What the Chanyeol?!" Jongdae and Baekhyun loudly whispered at their friend. Yixing sighed and leaned back to listen, ready to jump in if the situation called for it.


"You don't just say that to someone you just met!" Jongdae exclaimed as he slammed his hands down on the table, garnering attention from other diners. Yixing hastily grabbed his arms and begged him with his eyes to stop. Jongdae exhaled angrily as he plopped back into his seat, crossing his arms with a glare.


"Chanyeol. Please, why are you trying so hard to make him look bad?" Baekhyun asked in a quieter tone than Jongdae. "Can't you just get to know him before assuming things?"


"I stand by my opinion until he gives a valid reason for his dating habits. I am not taking 'I couldn't say no' as answer," Chanyeol crosses his arms as he looks at Baekhyun with a hardened stare. "You shouldn't date someone who's a yes man anyways."


"That it's for me to decide not you Chanyeol!" Baekhyun hissed quietly to try and not bring any more attention to their table. "You can't control my dating life."


"I'm only trying to help you!" Chanyeol explains as if it was obvious.


"You can help me by not dissing my boyfriend you ," Baekhyun stands up and grabs a clueless Sehun who was walking back to the table.


He drags him to the door and just as they were about to leave, Baekhyun turns around to say one last thing. "I'm glad we broke up in highschool. I don't think I could have dealt with that stick up your ."


Sehun stared at Baekhyun in surprise and confusion as he is dragged out by the wrist.


The echo of the bell resonates as the remaining three stay seated at the table.


"Nice goi-" Jongdae stops when he feels a hand on his forearm. He looks over to see Yixing gently shaking his head. Jongdae sighed and looked out the window to think.


Yixing lets Jongdae be with his thoughts for a moment when he turns to look at a downtrodden Chanyeol. His expression softened when he saw how sad Chanyeol looked.


"I'm not taking back what I said Yixing. I'm not wrong," Chanyeol whispered.


"There must have been a better way of putting it Chanyeol. I know you care for Baekhyun, but that was too much. You-"


"Yixing." He looked at Chanyeol in mild surprise for how he interrupted him. "He's not right for Baekhyun."


Jongdae scoffs. "What, you are? Chanyeol. Baekhyun is able to make his own decisions. This isn't high school where he needs your help in making every single decision."


Yixing gives Chanyeol a sad smile. "Please don't be stubborn. Do it for Baekhyun. Go apologize."


Chanyeol shakes his head. "I'm standing with what I think."


Jongdae only shakes his head and leaves the restaurant, saying he needed fresh air.

Yixing is left with a gloomy Chanyeol as he wished that this could have turned out better. But all he can do is try to mend what Baekhyun threw away to defend Sehun.


A/N: Hope ya enjoyed ;)

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975 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
975 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL